Thursday, December 28, 2006

So Sick, So Sad

Happy Thursday! Last one of 2006. So, to recap, here's a little look back on each blog-post this year:

Old Thursdays never die; they just get reconfigured. ("I got the black lung because of the Industrial Revolution!!"). Now you can make fresh bread in YOUR rice maker!! ...The only thing that comes to mind is lemmings. 3. I don't really have a third order of business, so I'll skip right to the poem. And I was all, "Is this joking me??" Which is fine by me, because all I got out of the class was that CatAyans are negative Ayans.

Now all I need are some cute Thursday shoes. We titrated. I brought my cute duck, the Sacred, the cactus carving, and a tin of mints. Because there is no fire, just somebody who needs to be killed by a ninja very soon. Hooray for mangy mangy mango! Then we tried to go to Arby's, but it was too dangerous. Water bottle at Ghiradelli Square: $2.50. I don't have to cater to you, invisible people. Oh, and I got hired by Vons, still waiting for the drug test to come back so I can come to work. Don't hit the Pixie Stix too hard, guys. I look forward to killing you soon! No Thanks.

oh my goodness you guys there's only 15 minutes left of thursday and I almost COMPLETELY forgot to write this so i'll do something quick and let you know how the ax went tomorrow ok? Ummmm, so, Lobsters. What a silly muffin he was. Hahah, Got it memorized? Every thing was so PINK in 93. But all the day before that, I got to wear my new Thursday shirt and tie, and I felt really snazzy. One day he was nyaoing around, and then, he nyaoed no more. Also, I almost put my hand in a spider later.

I will never again place your delicate fruits at the top with gentle care,
and I will never again ask if you want your watermelon in a bag.

ME: I stole it. And...put it into the sun. In search of the one chord which will make brown actually emit from the guitar. Still learning how to read, really. So, I have three minutes to write this before running off to screenwriting followed by Japanese followed by re-shoots for our movie followed by actually figuring out what I'm going to say in that presentation tomorrow followed by a few hours of editing the movie. Spent a class period behind a studio camera today--have I mentioned how much my major rocks?

Kinda like everytime I see Pellaffle, the alien donut penguin I drew. I'm hoping my self-dicipline will actually increase, so that next sememster I can devote myself to Homework!Fridays. Behold! The new face of Planism! I'm hungry, but this toothpick I'm chewing on doesn't really help much. But I think the pieces are falling into place--not just for this immediate weekend, but for all the work that stalked me in the night and just so suddenly pounced.

Hahahah, the keypads can shoot lazers, too. I've decided that I want to watch more shows with techno in the background. I ripped both the CR ad and the Daniel Craig article from PEOPLE and taped him to my wall (next to Evangeline Lilly, Josh Holloway, and Matt Damon). We're going to Colorado to see my bro and his cute little family. Iron Chef makes me really hungry.

What a fun year this was.

Right now I'm in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as I've mentioned, typing away on Ainsley's cute little desktop. Grr, fullsized keyboard and mouse?! Gimme a laptop anyday.

It's crazy snowing. I got sick durning the night, so I stayed home and slept while everyone went out amongst the snow. Crazies. I took pictures of the snow (dude, this is the first time I've ever seen snow falling) but I'll have to wait till I get home to get them off the camera.

Still don't like planes, but it was only two hours so it wasn't *that* bad...

Well, guess I'll see you next year!


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Blackjack Thursday!

Happy Blackjack Thursday! It was a really good day! Wearing my tie and everything (under my sweatshirt!) Only two hours left to report on it!

Been outta school for a week! Got all my grades back: A, A-, B, A, B-. No C in Church History for me! B in writing class 'cause I didn't get my play done. Dunno what that A- is for...I definitely even did extra credit in that class. =/

Done a lot of hanging out with friends, a sort of reunion since we've all been away to school. Poor Jennifer doesn't even live in Ventura anymore. So sad.

Finally got started on my Christmas shopping...coulda started earlier.

Saw Casino Royale again on Monday. Yay. Still good, people, still good. It's plot strenghts actually weaken everytime I think too hard about it, and yet I'm still in love.

Today was full of sleeping, and listening to music, and eating at Mamaya (soooo good), and some shopping aaaaaand. Then some more shopping with Carolyn in the nights. And then an hour and a half Iron Chef with all my favorite people. And Scrubs is old but funny. And soon it will be very, very sad.

Whats else, whats else. I need to cook more. I bought foods to cook, but I need to get around to it. Iron Chef makes me really hungry.

Well, I guess that's it, hm. Gotta get some Blackjack in in the next hour. Geez. The pressure.


Thursday, December 14, 2006


I'd like to say it's finally over, but it's not. Not quite.

Finals are over! Class is over! Just gotta spit out 14 pages of a play by tomorrow noon. Not really looking forward to that. Spent Sunday-Tuesday writing the movie, 10 pages a day. Sorta sick of writing.

So, Happy Thursday! Happy Lull Thursday. Ok, so you know how "special" Thursdays get sorta titles? I suppose you'd call Lull Thursday a special one, just 'cause it has a name. Funny thing is, it's just the lull between special Thursdays--Casino Royale last week and Blackjack next week. So I guess it's really just a block of special Thursdays. But that's good. I'm contributing to the holiday season. Especially looking forward to Blackjack Thursday (being a "real" one, and 'cause it's the oldest/most highly respected of special Thursdays) because it'll be the last one of 2006.

2007. Two thousand seven. It's two thousand seven.

Mm, just remembered that the Office is on tonight. For an hour. Who's excited! And then Scrubs and then 30 Rock, which I saw for the first time last week. And it was pretty spectacular. Good thing Grey's is a rerun again. Or else I wouldn't get the tv.

I'm sleepy. I'm really excited for the break. We're going to Colorado to see my bro and his cute little family. Not for the whole break. And I'm going to see all my friends again! 'Cause we all been away to school. Gonna see Casino Royale like three times. Gonna not do school. Not think about school. Still gotta get presents for pretty much everyone. Requests?

I can't think of what else exciting happened this week. That writing just took over my life, and it's all I can remember. 30 pages in 3 days, shoot. I don't have a very good relationship with deadlines.

Hehee, Gretchen is calling me! See you soooooooon!


Thursday, December 07, 2006

You Know My Name

It's Bond, James Bond.

Happy Casino Royale Thursday!

Last Saturday, me and my film friend Megan went to see Casino Royale. Over break, when asked if I was going to see it, I scoffed, under the excuse of "I don't really like James Bond." This is still true. Know why?

Casino Royale isn't a Bond movie. It's an EXCELLENT movie.

I can see why die-hard Bond fans might object: no gadgets, no sleeping around, no cheesy quips, and Daniel Craig. These be the same factors that make my opinion of it so solidly positive.

There's also some pretty flat out amazing chases/fights/stunts. And several heartbreakingly sweet moments. And, on occasion, it's pretty funny. Most of this humor I must attribute solely to Daniel Craig, because sometimes he just does this little grin when you least expect it, and it's priceless.

Faults (for I am a cinema major; not a blind fanatic) lie in the plot--even seeing it again, some things just DON'T add up. They follow, but not expressly. The fact that there's only one American means a lot of accents, and some of these people are not the best enunciators (including Daniel Craig himself). There's also this awkward sequence--awkward not in content, but context. I was sitting there saying, why is this happening? But, nothing awkward registered the second time through--it's something that's necessary, and after I knew why, it didn't bother me.

The effects this movie has had on me: I've listened to the theme song (You Know My Name by Chris Cornell, it's awesome by itself, and it fits the movie so perfectly and the credits sequence itself is awe inspiring) about 500 times. Probably more. I up and learned Texas Hold 'Em. I skipped my first class all semester to see it again yesterday. I ripped both the CR ad and the Daniel Craig article from PEOPLE and taped him to my wall (next to Evangeline Lilly, Josh Holloway, and Matt Damon).

So when roomie Alex says Happy Thursday to me today, it wasn't a stretch to find a reason to name this Casino Royale Thursday. She actually came up with it--she asked why I didn't wear my Thursday tie anymore, and I said it was only for special occasions, and she said Like Blackjack Thursday? And I said, Yeah, there's one in two weeks - there should be a Texas Hold 'Em Thursday. And then I glanced at the calendar and realized it was the 7th (i.e., 007) and freaked out and was going to say Happy Texas Hold 'Em Thursday when she said Happy Casino Royale Thursday!! I debated, and went with the film title because it implies both Texas Hold 'Em AND Bond, thus tying the game to the date.

So: 2nd - Planist Thursday
7th - Casino Royale Thursday
21st/date adds to 21 - Blackjack Thursday

Are the concrete special Thursdays.

Also I'd like to say that the cheap theater's matinee price is $3.50, so I've seen it twice for cheaper than some of you saw it the first time.

Other than that, class is over! Gotta study for finals and finish writing my movie/play, and that's it! That's so crazy. And looks like I'm going to finish off my meal plan--I only have 6 meals and like $15 left. Tomorrow is Christmas chapel, which is fun and games, and the final for dumb-class. Arrrr, yay. It's been a good semester.

See you all 'round Christmastime!!
