Thursday, April 27, 2006

Don't Sit With Your Laptop On The Floor For Ten Hours

So, after class ended yesterday at two, I made it back to my hall but ended up plopping down into Aubrey and Laura's room, because it's only three doors in, instead of three from the end like mine. "I feel like making a movie," I said, "I'll be right back, I'm getting my camera."

So I did.

I brought my cute duck, the Sacred, the cactus carving, and a tin of mints. Because they're all around the duck's size, and he's the one thing I most want to make a stop-action movie with. So I made one of him just rolling around in a circle, but it was jumpy and really not so great.

Then I pulled out the cherry coke bottle and the apple from lunch (because my backpack never made it to my room) and lined everyone up. Then they danced.

But there are no narrative qualities in these 12-second animations. There is no plot, no purpose.

Then I see the two oranges in the room. Plus my a stack of some plastic necklaces of Laura's........

Fifteen minutes later I've filmed it all. Fifteen minutes after that I've got it imported into my comp. Half an hour or so of editing and I have 40 seconds of completed movie. Then they haul us off to dinner. After that, I edit the fifteen minutes of footage down to a minute and 14 seconds. Not even the minute and a half I predicted. I spend the next while adding sound effects. Laura goes away to hang out with some people. Aubrey goes away to class.

Two hours later, when she comes back, I'm still sitting in the middle of their room, but by now I've polished the sounds and animation, and struggled through Nero's DVD menu set-up, and am watching the progress bars as I burn a DVD of the new movie and some old ones sitting on my comp.

35 minutes remaining, it said when it started. It took 51.

So after all of this, it's 5 to 12, because Courtney said if I finished it by then, she'd see it. By the time I finish carting all my junk out of Aubrey and Laura's room, I have spent ten hours in there.

The moral of this story is that if you sit/hang out on the ground for 10 hours, you WILL be very sore the next day. Or, at least you will if you're me.

The second moral isn't a moral, it's a link to the finished movie on YouTube:
The Orange Supremacy

In other news, I took my Chem final today, and I think I did alright. No more Chem ever! It's crazy that next week is finals and then it's summer. @@

Next year, I will be taking: Film and Video Production (heeee), Mass Communication, Creative Writing: Stage and Screen, Japanese, and Church History to 1517. Also, we did get a mod (A7, closest to campus, facing the baseball field), for people who know what that means. For everyone else, the mods are a big group of "temporary housing" built way back when for married couples, and now they're sophomore-only. They're like little houses. And, as my brother says: "the mods are very nice in their own quaint, run-down way." Yeah, me and my roommates scored.

Well, that's all for this week, I hope you all enjoy your new moon tonight.
Happy Thursday!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Jazzy Spring Thursday

Happy Jazzy Thursday and Happy Spring Thursday! Today is so special that I'm wearing my Thursday tie AND my brand new Thursday shorts! Because that's just the kind of Thursday this is.

Jazzy because when we were eating lunch outside, the jazz band was randomly playing along the walkway, and that was very exciting. Jazz = love. Also, I was randomly downloading music from Cowboy Bebop the other day, and I came across a few gems of jazz pieces that were entirely new to me, and they make me happy.

We were sitting outside to eat because it is undeniably spring now. It's seriously as hot as Ventura gets in the middle of summer. Which is just lovely. So, it was a perfect chance to debut the Thursday shorts. (Also because I discovered the Thursday pants were dirty) They're brown (of course) and from the Gap, which in my mind is an over-priced rival to Old Navy (where the other Thursday clothes come from), but it's ok because Gap Inc. owns Old Navy. So they're more like cousins that don't speak to each other.

So, Chem lecture didn't start until 12:30 today, which made for some good extra sleeping and time for lunch before class. Then, lab which usually starts at one ended up starting after 1:30, with us waiting around outside the room for twenty minutes while she ran some stuff off. Waiting around on the third story balcony in the sun! For twenty minutes! And it was our last lab ever, so it was extraordinarily exciting. We titrated. But it didn't work the first time, so we were the last group in there. But, still, it's over now!

And then I hung out in a friends' room for a loooooong time and now I'm writing this, and now they want to go eat, so I'm off, too! Hope you had a great day, too!!


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Spring Break is like summer, only short

Happy Thursday!

I bought Thursday shorts today, in anticipation of coming summer. Now all I need are some cute Thursday shoes. We looked, but there was just too many small children throwing balls around. It was incomprehensible. Shopping takes a lot out of ya.

So this week I'm at home! No work! Sleeping and baking!

Oh, so on Tuesday I tried making the rice maker Japan #2, right? I totally broke the rice maker. Yep, it's dead. So. I'm going to have to hold of on recommending the recipe, unless you know what you're doing. At least that day I made some rolls, and those were pretty good. Didn't taste like much, but at least they looked like a bread product.

And the funny story involving sleeping is from last night/this morning, where I was Sydney Bristow. Yeah. And I was thieving. In my dorm's laundry room. And then Lauren whatsherface comes up, and suspects me, 'cause really, I'm not being a very good thief. It was pretty weird. Especially since I haven't seen Alias in like half a year. No idea where that came from.

So on Easter I'm going to eat twelve chocolate bunnies, I swear it. I'm really looking forward to it. Because, you know, that's when Lent is over. It's a good day, for a lot of other reasons, though. ^^

Oh, oh, I've been meaning to include the word of the day, as provided by, but I forgot and already deleted that mail this morning. Because it's 5:30 now, and it's as bright as noon time. It's absolutely crazy, this time change. And it's all hot and nice today, when the internet said that it would be raining and cloudy this week. Take that, Internet! Real life, 1, Internet, 0!!

No, I'm sorry, Internet, I was only joking. You know I love you.

Anywho, it's seriously time for my nap. Or, for my dose of Kingdom Hearts 2. Because I got it now! And it's totally rocking. Thanks Mom and Dad! And, in my very own style of playing KH, I've got the PS2 plugged in through the VCR, so I can record gameplay at will. So the opening, I got that. Cool cut scenes, I got those. 2 hours of just the Roxas opening part, I got that, too. Although, I don't got that part where Pooh Bear stops in time and then freaks out. That part scared me in it's awesome sudden blueness, and I'm sad I wasn't recording. (What also scared me every time were those statue Heartless that busted out of nowhere. I jumped. Every time.) I also want to recommend KH as a new exercise, 'cause some of those timed battles really get the heart rate up. No joke. Overall, I say go get the first game if you haven't, and, if you have, definitely get this one. But, if you've played the first, then you don't need my encouragement.

Huh. I just looked over and my laundry bag/holder thing is all broken. Well. I never liked that thing, anyway.

Hahah, guys, I'm in my own room, and I'm using my desk! Can you imagine that? My laptop, on my desk! That like, never happens. It's because I haven't been here, and my desk is pretty much empty. Just so you know.

Nyaa, I'm off, now. I'll stop rambling. I promise.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sleeping in till 1 on a Thursday~

Happy Thursday! The one before break! For me and for some of you!

My chem prof had a baby last week, so we had a subber type guy, and today just no class at all. Which is fine by me, because all I got out of the class was that CatAyans are negative Ayans. Which, as I now realize, is not even true. But that's what I got out of the class.

Ok, so today is sunny and almost warm! Which I'm particularly happy for, because in this last week we've had 17 different kinds of rain. Including hail, I'm told. And this school was not built for rain! Well, the other campus, with its adjoined buildings, at least tries. But you should see the lack of appropriate drain placement. I thought it was common sense to put drains at the lowest spot of an area, but apparently someone out there knows better than me. But I got to look really snazzy, with my big jacket over my backpack, and two hoods and a hat.

Um, last Saturday was this hall even called "Est-fest" where only the girls of the hall could come. And my RA signed up my DDR as an event, so I had to go ^^;; But I'm getting pretty good at Heavy! Especially when no one else in the room even knows to press X to select the song. ("Select and then Start!" this one girl kept telling everyone, but she is WRONG.) But then I had a bum leg for a few days.

And how about that daylight savings time, eh? Me and my roomie ended up staying up till 3 because of that. There's been a resurgence in the telling of the Pelican riddle, and she was asking questions instead of sleeping.

Ahah, and speaking of not sleeping! On Tuesday, I had a big ol' nap right from after lunch to dinner, and then later in the evening had two mugfulls of tea. So, I'm staying up till 1, anyway, just talking. So then I try to go to bed, and I end up just laying there for a full hour. So it's 2. I grab my computer and go out into the little kitchen area in the hall, and hang out for an hour and a half. So, 3:30. Then I'm starting to feel a little tired, so I head back to bed. It's still after 4 for sure before I actually fall asleep. And hooray, it's now Wednesday, so I have to get up at 7. Which I do, and on 3- hours of sleep, I'm *fine*. Like, not even dozing off at all anywhere. The weirdest thing.

So this last night I got 12 hours ^^

12 is also the number of pages of papers I have yet to write. So, instead of rambling here, I'm actually going to get to work.

But I'll be home for break tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

What is up with the code of this blog? Why is the sidebar all the way at the bottom? Why is every post on the same page--isn't that what the archive is for? Dunno, I probably broke it when I was setting it up--I went in and made all the important text red, to match the Thursday brown which the template already was. Yeah, I probably broke it.