Thursday, January 25, 2007

Not the Happiest Thursday

But still a Happy Thursday. I mean, c'mon, if it was the Happiest Thursday EVAR, what would you do with yourself on the rest of 'em? Knowing that none would ever reach this level of awesomeness? So Happy Thursday!

Sunny, high 70s. Nice. Well. Not sunny anymore, it's night. And, got a little breezy. Actually, I don't know, it was starting to get breezy when I came home from class, but then I took a nap so I really have no idea what the world is like.

I really do like that we can feel the revving of people's engines in the street through the floor of our house.

I just taught Brianna how to say 6:01 (rokuji ippun). Also today we re-learned the days of the week, and I realized that Mokuyoubi (Thursday) is written with the kanji for "tree," and trees are brown. Although, just yesterday I was looking at some trees and realizing that trees actually aren't brown, but more of a mottled gray. Some were white, and those looked really cool. Mokuyoubi was already cool, since the Go Club mascot was the little cow Moku.

My Jesus class professor is totally awesome. I said his name was Tim Robbins in a comment last week or so, but I don't know why 'cause his name is Mike. He was telling us about different forms of studying...the gospels, I guess, the parables, right? We were on Source Criticism, and then suddenly he was telling us about how he's got epilepsy, and then we were learning about how epilepsy felt like, and then it was about his college, and then about this one professor that he loved (who looked like an egg and paced back and forth in front of the class), and then about his roommate Mike who fell asleep in that class....and on and on and it was hilarious and very interesting and had absolutely no relevance to Source Criticism.

Roommmate Alex is going out to teach old people yatzee. Apparently she has to do it every week. Hahahaha, old people.

This week was too full of the Office. I was introduced to a site that has like every episode of everything, and I went there to catch up on those episodes I missed, right? Ended up watching every episode ever made in two sittings. SO. I'm super-obsessed. Like, I only talk about it to people, and re-watch episodes at the drop of a hat, and write about it in homework assignments. It spurred me to write three separate pieces of fanfiction (one in script form) and to buy a sitcom writing book from the internet. It definitely rekindled the "I wanna write for TV!!" feeling that had become a little dormant. It's also great because in the media class I'll be writing a paper on how it messes with reality (or something), and in my Film & Lit class I used Michael Scott as an example for a comedy concept. I want to show off my fanfics, can I?

Mixed Berry
The first I did, just a little short thing on Jim's attraction to Pam. If you've seen even just the first ep, you'll understand it.

One Is the Loneliest Number
K, you can't read this one unless you know how season 2 ends. 'Cause, like, for spoilers and stuff. I think this one is slightly better. It's longer, and way angsty. Jim-centric.

Hooray Jim. It's on tonight, but it's not new. New next week!!!! YAY.

Ok, well, I gotta run to food-area before it closes or my roommate drags me away.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nihongo ga daisuki desu!

Mokuyoubi Omedetou! Happy Thursday from the land of the rising sun! I really really like Japanese, and also learning Japanese. Wish I could just speak it and stuff. But learning is fun, too. Actually, it's probably just the review that's so fun, since I know it, and then I sound all smart and the teacher says, "oh, Sakura-chan knows a lot, too." ^^

Also today I found two pennies!! That's a feat, since APU students seem to keep a tight grip on their change (and who can blame them). One I had to dig out of the mud, but the other was just lightly coated in red dirt from the baseball field. And I would say that I was happy to find them in part to earn back what I lost at poker night last night, but everyone had "homework" so I didn't get the chance to either win or lose.

I'm sleepy and hungry, but sleeping is for nighttime and eating is for after I'm done with this. garrr...

Classes continue to be good. The weekend is plenty time to do all the reading for the week, so it turns out I don't actually have to *do* anything after class. There's like, no homework this time around. Well. For Japanese I have to write five sentences introducing myself, with one negative sentence. Here, I'll do it now:

Boku no namae wa Sakura desu. Kariforunia-shu Bentura kara kimashita. APU no gakusei desu. Yonensei ja arimasen. Senkou wa eiga desu.

My name is Sakura. I come from Ventura, California. I'm a student at APU. I'm not a senior. My major is film.

Fun stuff.

Clay class would probably be my second favorite class. 'Cause it's fun, and not *easy,* but I'm sorta starting to get a hang of it, and it'll be useful if I ever do. I'm probably gonna go in over the weekend, catch up on some projects and practice. My mug and first bowl are going to be fired soon, as soon as the shelf on which they were put is filled with enough stuff to fire all at once.

Once-a-week boring media class is...ok. This second week wasn't so bad because we were talking about real stuff as opposed to the syllabus. Also watched this funky documentary on this media theorist, which had fun music and made you go "?????????????!!" all the time. Like "Shhh. Keep your voice down in the library. It's not a hockey rink." Yeah, it's a good documentary.

Film & Lit is funnish. Reading, reading the Odyssey all the time. And about movies. So, can't go wrong.

Jesus class is equally as interesting. Moderate reading. Well, whole books of the Bible at once sort of reading. And he's great, he's totally crazy, in an intensely demure way. You can't help but pay attention.

What else? Is there one more? Oh, no. Hahah.

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww....they're watching Princess Diaries 2.....Ew. And they seem adverse to my making fun of it. Sadday. But later I'll be going over to Megan's to watch the Office. So I don't miss it again. >< 'Cause I somehow managed to miss it two weeks straight. Did I say that last week? No, I don't think so, I don't think it had happened yet. But I caught up, thanks to the internet.

Raaaaaaaaaaa, now I'm totally hungry, so I'mma run away and eat.

Also, do you like the new layout? It's a new year, so what the heck. New slogan, too. It's all so much fun.

Happy Thursday! It is the last day of the week nowadays!


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Rainy Dayz School

Happy Thursday! I just finished my first week of second semester! It'd been in the 80s alll week until today, which is dark and cold and windy, and walking home I might have smelled rain. Also, today I woke up untired, and it was bizarre.

So now I've been through all my classes at least once, and most twice. They're all long and longer classes, though, which is pretty intense. But I do get Homework!Fridays, and this week I get a Four Day Fun Weekend.


CERAMICS 1:05-3:50 MW
Ceramics at first scared me, 'cause she expects us to put a lot of extra time into things, and she's going to be grading partially on skill. But, having spent six hours playing with clay, I can see that I'm going to like it a lot. First we made some stamps (out of clay, to make designs in clay) but those weren't dry enough to be fired in time for us to use them the mug I made has stars on it instead of the Planism guy. It looks pretty good. Also made a bowl, and started on a sort of other thing that's like two bowls put together to make a hollow shape. Dunno what I'm going to do with that. Next week we're going to be introduced to the potter's wheel. The only sad thing is that I had to buy a kit and extra tools because the lab fee only covers the clay, basically. But I can make as much stuff as I want, basically at any time I want, if there's not a class in there. I'll make you all pretty things.

Or, Media Theory and Crit, as the prof likes to think of it. I'm not excited about this class, because it's small and hideously long, and so far pretty boring. But Megan Moorhouse is my class buddy, and that only helps because Wednesday is also poker night, and I win change.


My Tuesday/Thursdays are the same time schedule as last semester, but no 8 AM lab on Thurs. This class I was looking forward to, but the prof is...a little bland. He's very proffy. But he's also intriguing at the same time so I dunno. Megan is also my class buddy here. Today we had a quiz....on the syllabus. But it turns out it didn't matter, so whatever. It looks like we're going to learn a lot, but it's based on our simply reading/responding to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Well. I guess that's the only way to teach about Jesus. Hm. It should be good.

FILM & LITERATURE 1:05-2:30 TR LAB 7:30-10:30 M
Sorta was looking forward to/intimidated by this class, and by now I see that it'll be good. The lab, there, is just for "screenings" of movies, of which we'll only see about six, so it's not every week. The prof is youngish and fun, and she's a little techy. I'd forgotten that it was an ENGL class and not a CBA or COMM class. The result of this is that it's not a "film" class or a "literature" class--she's taking us through some literature, some film, showing how both work and how they relate to each other, and especially how comedic theory works in both. Right now we're reading the Odyssey, which is a comedy because it's not a tragedy.

JAPANESE 2 2:45-4:10 TR
Same time. New teacher, new building. The other two classes today are on West, but they're the only ones. So I have to jet from film&lit back over here to Japanese, but the trip home from there is quite the walk in the park. The new prof is Michelle Yoko Lin. She's Japanese, grew up in China, studied in Japan, studied in LA where she met her Chinese husband, and ended up here. Her accent is harder than Shikata-sensei's, but she's certainly fluent. And she's actually a college-age teacher (Shikata-sensei had only taught English to kids before) and is currently teaching Chinese at Mount Sac as well. So I think it's easier to learn from her. And she's younger, too, so easier to relate to. Apparently we went too fast last semester, and are a chapter ahead, so she's going to take it slower and have more review so we don't run out of things to learn. I like that idea.

So I just end up having cramped evenings. But I'll have Homework!Friday, so I think it'll balance out. It seems that I won't have a lot of homework, just for reading. Reading in everything. And everyone wants 10 page papers and presentations. Grrrrrr. I'd rather have homework.

It's been a long week, for only four days. On Tuesday I was already ready for it to be over. I seriously thought it was Friday or something. But now it's Thursday! And I get to watch TV without worry! And anytime now I'll head out to yummy dinner! And I have the bottom bunk now, and that's excellent! And Alex is trying to relight the pilot light in our heater so yay!

The crazies are singing about gray squirrels, so I must run away. In fear.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

At The End of the Day, You're the One in the Driver's Seat

Happy Thursday! That title's just what the car commercial said, as I was thinking of what title to put. Yes, it's very deep.

Break ends so soon! Any day now I'm gonna find myself in ceramics. How weird is that gonna be. And then the next day it'll be summer, and I'll be half way done with college, dude.

Colorado was pretty awesome, as was Christmastime, which I forgot to mention, and the planes didn't kill me. Happy 2007, everyone! So far it looks pretty good.

Been spending the week with Carolyn watching anime and stuff. Finished off Serial Experiments: Lain, which was too weird even for us. And today we watched Loveless in its entirety, and we liked it more, but it still wasn't the greatest thing ever.

I'm supposed to mention the battle-race we had today. This morning (well, afternoonish, you know how mornings are) I went up to my mom's school to help her type up a database type thing, and that's where Carolyn picked me up from. We ended up back there later, and I took the stairs while Carolyn ran up through the bushes, and then we almost collided in front of the door in a big fiery explosion. It was quite thrilling. Also, I was holding a sandwich named Roxas. It would have been a better sandwich, if only the guy had taken "the works" to mean more than just "lettuce and tomatoes."

My nieces are so cute. You can see the pictures my sister-in-law takes of them here: . Along with all the other great shots she captures like pokemon.

There's some sort of terrifying musical happening in the other room.....and it sounds black and white. You know what I mean? Like how sound can be grainy? Or, pixelly, in regards to older video game music? And I think it must also be old, because people don't make musicals anymore.

The Promise. The Chinese movie, not the one that was on TV the other day. Well. It was alright. Nic Tse, who I've had a crush on for years, had a great character and played him amazingly, but wasn't in it enough. And the story didn't make, like, any sense. But if time ever goes backwards, and people rise from the dead, and snow falls in the spring, you just need to run away, really fast.

Actually, at any time during the day, I'm not in the Driver's Seat, because I'm not driving 'cause I'm away at school. Ew, driving.
