Thursday, July 26, 2012


Happy Thursday!  Today I pushed a cat over, it was the best.  Then he untied my shoe.

I mean, I also took my last test supplied by my current curriculum, so the next six months are study study pass the exams get a job.  I'm getting there.

Earlier I was thinking about what I was going to say today and I'm sure I had more than that.  I'm...almost.....sure of it....

It's times like this when I feel there are more productive things I could be doing other than this blog.  Like learning Russian!  Still working on that, guys. 

Oh up me and Carolyn saw Spiderman.  It was pretty good.

Ugh what is this even about.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Walking In The Rain

Happy Thursday!  Yesterday we went on a rain walk, which always reminds me of the song Endless Rain by X Japan, which goes like this: 
"I'm walking in the rain
行くあてもなく 傷ついた身体濡らし"
 What a classic.  Takes me back to my early days of music piracy, downloading gads of poorly labeled files off of WinMX.  Such treasures there were to be found!  That's how I built my collection of Final Fantasy techno remixes.  This was always my favorite.

So after the rain we had an amazing sunset.  And then this morning before 7 it seemed to be raining again.  I looked out and the sky was dark, dark rain clouds, and the earth was bright bright daytime.  Welcome to the hottest day of summer.  More plz.

Had an eye exam today, he said my prescription hadn't changed at all, so I get to keep these bad boys for another two years huzzah.  He also was pretty amazed at how healthy my eyes evidently are.  While I was out there I took a walk around the mall for health, because who doesn't love shopping while exercising?

Speaking of Youtube, I spent this week catching up with Marble Hornets, which is an alternate reality horror mystery "show" or "game" where some kids are filming/being chased down by this terrifying... thing.  It's so intense!  "Scary" movies or things aren't really scary to me, but I AM spectacularly jumpy, and this thing is like, a jump scare every three seconds.  Or in episodes where there isn't anything spooky, but you're just waiting, waiting, so you're just sitting there terrified for two minutes and all you saw was a guy rummaging around in the woods and/or an abandoned house.  Magnificent.

Other than that...sleep.  School.  Went to the zoo with Carolyn on Saturday.  Got my car fixed.



Thursday, July 12, 2012


Happy Thursday!  This morning we had a freak rain shower for like three minutes.  It was the best.

Guys how's school!  Mine's pretty good, I'm sort of winning it.  This week I became my class rep to the student body council!  Whatever that means, in practice.  Our old one graduated, so my professor said to me "we usually send someone who has good attendance and is on schedule with their program," meaning it had to be me.  lawl adult ed.

I took a test today, on networking two machines running Windows Server 2003.  This was "the hardest section" and it took me an hour and a half, and a third of that was just installing the OS.  Soooo simple.  Next up is Windows 7 to Windows 7, so I'm expecting to conquer that within the week.

After the test I spent the day listening to Linkin Park's library, in reverse album order.  They got sooo young sounding by the end!!  Minutes to Midnight is my least favorite still; on the other hand, A Thousand Suns was still so strong I couldn't concentrate on reading even slightly, I just had to listen to every song.  And I've been listening to that fool at least weekly for over a year now.  ugh it's so good.

I mean, I learned about network security...yep.

I'm looking forward to going to sleep on time today.  It's been too long.  Been taking hobo naps in my car all week. 

And Carolyn had a birthday this week, so congrats!  Now you're old, too.  :3

And that's about it.  School, naps, Sherlock, bitta League, Linkin Park.  Made soup today.  Yep.  Good week.


oh haha I almost forgot:  "sbyeay" is when you expect your phone to autocorrect it to "anyway," but instead your phone decides that "sbyeay" is a perfectly valid word.  In other news, Samsung Galaxy S III or HTC One X?

Thursday, July 05, 2012


Happy Thursday!

Back from AX.  It was good.  Didn't cosplay too much, which was alright because the amount of time and money that went into it wasn't exorbitant.  Carolyn was a little gimpy the whole time and I had a huge headache the first day or so, and the XGames had taken over the world so we had some other things to deal with as well.

We watched the AMVs and the Masquerade and episodes 1-4 of a ridiculous anime and scouted out food courts and stayed up late watching Adult Swim and played card games and walked and sat and came up with catch phrases like "cook the happy, starve the poor."  So when it comes to a mini-vacation with friends, it worked out pretty darn good.

And then me and Carolyn saw Abraham Lincoln, which was pretty shoddy.

And then my sister came over and we watched fireworks and they were huge and loud.  Then I got my whole family hooked on Sherlock BWAHAHAHA.

We made fish (and chickpea) tacos and potato salad and all that jazz.  Today Ainsley came over and we played murder. 

All this week I've been annoying heck out of everyone with this fake Russian accent I am using to type this.  It comes with personality and is funny person to be around.  I show you sometime.  Then I looked up Russian videos on youtube and will learn some words to make sound more official.  Is good time.

Pictures of AX on Facebook, if you're interested.
