Thursday, January 31, 2008


HAPPY THURSDAY! LOST WAS BACK ON. IT WAS ALRIGHT BUT I WANT TO SEE MOAR. Me and Brianna had a Lost party, and I ate waaaay too much popcorn.

Gosh, my computer is acting up like crazy. So crazy. I worry about getting a connection when I'm done with this. Grar. And I don't have time to take it to the help peoples. Not tomorrow, not the weekend, Monday I'll be editing all day, and then it's class all week again. Errrrrr.

I'll be editing because Saturday me and Kelly shot our first Motion Picture product. It went really well! I THINK. We magically got Kory to be in it, as the menacing mob boss--we caught him by the trolley like two days before the shoot, and if he couldn't make it, we woulda had nobody. XD Hooray, planning! The other two characters Kelly wrangled from her life, but even so we were short one guy so she had to be IN the show. Hahaha, it was fun.

The class/professor had some ideas/constructive criticism about making it better, but we have neither the time or energy (or ability! the actors, they disperse so fast XD) to make all these massive changes. So we're gonna do the best we can, and then I'm going to go help on the last day of the Reclamation shoot! (I think.)

Okay, so now let me tell you about my trip to the dentist. I went home Sunday, because at 11 AM Monday I had an appointment with the lovely doctor. No one could drive me, so Carolyn was my best bud and last-minute transportation. I asked them how long it would be, and they said 40 minutes, so she hung around.

He gave me the option of numbing me up, but I don't like that sort of thing, so I said we could try without. So he starts yanking on the temporary cap, and shoot do I need some drugs. So I get shot up. And then the temporary still won't come off, so he has to drill it ("You wouldn't have let me do that if you hadn't been numb!" he says cheerfully). So they clean the stub and dry it and whatever, and then he spends like 20 minutes trying to jam the permanent crown onto it. Long story short, it won't go.

Crown doesn't fit. Made wrong. Have to make a new one; I need a new temporary; I need to come in again on March 3rd and repeat the experience.

So, I hate the dentist. Poor Carolyn waited like an hour and a half. But then we went to her house and played Beautiful Katamari! I rolled up the universe!

Then I went to my mom's classroom and got asked cute questions by the kids. "What's your favorite movie?!" Casablanca. "WHAT's THAT?" and "Who's your favorite actor?!" Geoffrey Rush. "WHO?" They're so young, they've got a lot to learn.

And then school started again. And the class liked our footage (so do I, but Kory's wearing black against a black booth...I'm a little worried about that XD -- I do think the bluescreen will work out if I plan it good) But again, Prof. Smith had a lot of suggestions that we just can't do. Well, we could, but it's not realistic. Well, I suppose it would be if we had the full two days of the weekend, but Saturday is pre-used by both of us, and Sunday is the Super Bowl, so who's gonna wanna be at a film shoot??

Also, Motion Picture is fun now (because we learn neat stuff) but also we get out of class early and then we go and have lunch together. It's way cute.

Had a test today in Mass Comm, I think I did pretty good. And then we watched The Pirate in Musical class, and that was random. Some parts were ridiculously amazing, and some were ridiculously stupid. But Gene Kelly was amazing, and I need to hunt down everything he's been in. Gosh. Also, many wardrobe inspirations for my Spanish pirate Dante. Oh, Dante. He's gonna be a dancer.

I think I'm going to need to use the rest of today in trying to post this successfully, so I'm going to start to make sure it happens. Hope your Thursdays were as fun!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rainyface Thursday

Happy Thursday! For the title, I was going to go with Sadface Thursday, but I thought that might give off the wrong impression. Besides, it's hard to be simultaneously sad and Happy, even for a Thursday.

Last Friday was my first field trip for Art, and that was crazy. Like the exhibit was called "Bees and Meat," and it was a collection of things she had come up with after "Not a Cornfield," a previous art thing where she turned abandoned track lines in downtown LA into a cornfield. She's crazy. This has pictures and stuff of the artz.

My favorite was the room of corn, titled Corn Crypt. It was majestically, magically beautiful. While I was standing there, I felt moved to write some poems. Whut! And in the effort to digitize my experience, I started typing out an intro to them. It goes like this:

I saw this today, January 18, 2008. Kinda creepy. I wrote some poems whilst in the corn room, because I guess it spoke to me. It was called the Corn Crypt, and there was a cement walkway going from the doorway, taking a turn halfway in, and ending in the middle of all the corn. It must have been a good two+ feet deep, filling up the whole room, pressing against the windows and stacking up in the corners, spilling (controlled, artfully) onto the walkway, too.

Standing on the edge
Of a sea of corn kernels
I want to dive in

Walking to the end of the path was dramatic, because suddenly it’s like you’re stuck in the middle of all of it, no where to go. With my toes practically to the corn itself, it was easy to pretend there was no walkway, and the only choice was to step out into this white/orange sea. It was an urge I carefully restrained.

It was so quiet in there, too, at the far end of a hallway at the far end of the exhibit. It was just me and corn and my imagination. The walls were blank and white, the corn was pebbly and unbelievably everywhere.

Hills of corn as if
wind blown, desert-like
roll serenely, funereally
to the horizon
A landscape of golden silence

And I'm happy I wrote that because it's definitely now the first half of my paper I'm turning in for that trip. I hope my poetic outbursts impress (or at least don't irritate) him. My thoughts on the Bee Box have yet to be recorded. You know what in the Bee Box?


Saturday I took Brianna and Jenn to see Joe. Again, when I get that DVD, I am going to show it to you. That is both a promise and a threat.

Sunday and Monday were collectively the best filmic adventure I've ever been on. When I took my video production class, I learned that out of all things, I did not want to be involved in the production process. But being production assistant on a shoot where everyone else has already made all the decisions and knows exactly what they are doing, and all I have to do is help carry stuff and then watch the movie magic--that was really my sort of thing. I have all sorts of fun stories about it, but I've already told most of you. If anyone else is interested, I'll tell ya!

And there's only been three days since then, and it's like so much has happened but really nothing at all has happened. I've been busy with class and homework and setting up my own shoot for this weekend. Gosh, have I told you that I don't really like production? It's going to be the most disorganized thing you've ever seen. But Motion Picture is really helping, because he's very knowledgeable and I feel at least adequately prepared to be Cinematographer on my first semi-official film. And even Producing last semester gave us some good practice, although it came too late to get decent grades on anything. The shoot this last weekend was also HIGHLY educational, and I feel all kinds of prepared just from the stuff I saw there.

But production pretty much has all my time for many many weeks. This weekend is the start of our shoot, but then I have to go home and get my crown finished. And then by the time I get back, my block of classes has already started, and the next weekend is the second and last chance to shoot. And there needs to be a fully-edited film by that Tuesday. Then that weekend is friends-time/pickup shooting, and the two weekends after that I think I'll be PAing on another student film. It's so intense. And during all this I have to do all my other homework and get my own script ready and then suddenly it's going to be my turn to direct.

Grar. Wish me luck.

Also, it's rainy and cold, and that makes me sad. I wish it was summertime. Or even spring. Or just sunny again.

Well, I'm going back to that Art paper, and then probably shoot details. Oh, our movie. It's a short (less than five and a half minutes) silent film about a bossy pizza chef and the little guy who saves the day. Also, mobsters. It should be cheesy and lame. That's what I'm shooting for. Gosh, I hope you guys don't even notice the puns in those sentences. I really didn't mean them.


Thursday, January 17, 2008


Happy Thursday! It's crazy cold outside, I'm so sad. Gosh, you know how this is the introductionary paragraph? I'm sick of it, I want to jump right in.

This week had a pair of culinary adventures as well as a pair of high culture events. And by culinary, I mean, Japanese food related, and by high culture I mean school theater.

Friday me and Beth trucked out to Pasadena for some reason, where we discovered new parking and also Noodle World. We've walked by that place plenty of times, but there's so many other good Japanese places in that area, that we'd never had the chance to try it. It looks fast-foody from the outside, but it's like a real restaurant once you get past the gelato bar.

The menu? Noodles. Noodles by genre. Thai soup noodles? Chinese soup noodles? Pan fried noodles? Noodles from everywhere, and if you think all noodles are the same, then you haven't had very many noodles, my friend. And, on the back, rice dishes. I literally want to try fifty things there. I settled on curry noodles, since we did have to pass up Hurry Curry for Noodle World. I was surprised that it wasn't Japanese-style curry, but I don't really know why I expected it to be. It was yellow and light, and noodles aren't really a good receptor for curry. XD But the chicken was very good; well, the whole thing was good, but a little overwhelming for one sitting. Go back there with me sometime, yeah?

Then, Monday I guess, Beth stole me away and drove me to Covina where there's this giant Japanese grocery store, Marukai. And I'm not talking Mama-ya-style deli, here. It's a full-fledged Vons. With separate Hawaiian and Japanese fast food outlets and a movie rental alcove. I bought so much stuff (among this, curry. duh) Candy I've been looking for for years. Apple flavored tea! Pretty cheap, too, if only I didn't buy all of it at once. Next time I stock up, it's coming all from there.

Nikki's really new to Japanese things, so I keep having to explain everything I do to her. Haha. So when I make curry, it'll be a family dinner sort of thing. Also new to her, matzo ball soup. Which I made for Beth 'cause she got sick. I'm finishing it right now, and I'm very happy with it. I made them bite-sized this time, and it cut down on the cooking time soooooo much. I'll make it for you some time, too. (Nikki also is freaked out by mochi. Sadday)
(haha, she just ate my last matzo ball)

Speaking of roommates, Jenn broke three of her fingers on Friday! A subwoofer attacked them at work. Setting up for chapel. Apparently she finally got splints today, but I haven't seen her yet. Wonder where she is, actually. XD Kid can play a mean Mario Kart with a sling, though. Sure gave me a run for my money. It's great, we basically have Tetris time, where we all just break down from whatever we're doing and play Tetris for like hours. We're so awesome.

So, back to the story! Saturday me and Beth (hmmmm, she seems to be following me) went to Joe: the Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man, the current main stage play. It was like, amazing. Written and directed by the Theater guy, and I'm impressed. It was written for the traveling Drama Ministry group like years ago, and he brought it back. Two casts, different on Thursday/Friday and Saturday. Ordered the DVD, which was of the Saturday cast. I will show it to you all. I'm dragging some people to see the matinee, I think, too. I still need to ask around.

APU theater is the one exciting thing at this school that I have not taken good enough advantage of until this year. Now I want to go to everything, and I think I've got Megan to thank for that. And Sitcom, for putting me in the theater for even just those few days. It's like the movies but more once-in-a-lifetime. It's pretty magical. Hahahah, took me long enough to figure that out, eh?

So in the TFT department, there's this thing called Capstone where seniors do a crazy project relating to what they want to do in their life. Like for me, I'd write a screenplay. Lots of people write/produce student films. For Theater kids, it's Capstone Theater, which is student produced (written, directed, acted) shows. I don't remember if I mentioned seeing Lucky Stiff last semester (I probably did), but that was a Capstone production. This week is Reflections, a musical review of songs from animated films. It was really cute. I saw the little flyer for it in my Joe program, and I dragged Beth, Brianna, and Nikki to it (Jenn was feeling not-well enough, sadday). The little theater is tiny, and we sat in the front, and at times I coulda punched those kids in the face, they were singing so close to us. I saw the one kid today, and I told him "good show!" and he was startled and then said "...oh, thanks!" It was cute.

If you're able, you should come to a show. I know all the dates. Main stage shows are Thursday, Friday, Saturdays, and the Capstones I think are Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays.

Speaking of Capstones, this weekend I'm going to PA for one. Student film. I really know nothing about it. XD But a few of my friends/acquaintances are leading it, and they needed PA volunteers, so I offered. Should be fun/hard. I really don't know? I'll let you into the student PA world after it's all over.

I won't be helping them next weekend, though, because that's when my own film is starting production. WHAT. Kelly wrote it, and it's pretty awesome, but we still need to cast, find locations, and, like, learn how to use cameras and stuff. It's a pretty tight schedule, and it'll probably be a disaster. XD We only have two weekends to shoot, but she can't do Sundays because of prior and standing commitments, and this first weekend I'm going home anyway to get my crown finished.

Gah. When you add to this the fact that I've been in class all day, you can see how this is so very jampacked.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Academia Strikes Again

Happy Thursday! Thursdays are very long now. -_-

Where to start? Classes? New roommates? The fact that there are new episodes of tv on tonight? (so yes, this will be one of those awful distracted blogs. hooray)

I actually have one class left to taste. DID YOU KNOW that I have FOUR three hour classes?? And one of those meets twice a week. What was I thinking?? Oh well, it seems to be okay, I'll tell you why!

Monday is nothing. Weird. Tuesday is Motion Picture Production for three hours in the morning. We're gonna be making two five-minute movies, in groups of two. Like, Kelly's probably going to be writing and directing this first one, and I'll shoot and edit. Then we'll switch. Been learning all about production things that somehow I haven't learned yet. Like, about forms and stuff. XD But no, it's been really interesting.

Then there's Communication Theory, which for sure sounded so boring. But the prof is very hip for his age (although laptops and Wikipedia are still the devil), you should have seen him not only make an Avril Lavigne reference and then give the title of the song. Another highlight: the use of the phrase "dirt nap" in relation to old people. Oh, and Kelly's in that class, too, so it's like a crazy day.

Wednesday is probaby going to be my favorite day, 'cause I've got Story and Character for three hours and that's it. It's like the sitcom writing staff together again, but only the three of us and Jack. I'm really looking forward to what he's gonna be teaching us.

TODAY, though, I have the first two, and RIGHT AFTER Comm Theory is three hours with Hammy in American Film Musical. Saw Singin in the Rain today! (which is also what he showed on the first day of Film History) I wish I could dance. Shoot. So I'm betting this class'll be alright, too, just a couple of papers on the reading. So I guess I'll have to read. But, plus side: movies.

Tomorrow is Contemporary Art Trends right after chapel, but that's it. No idea at all what that'll be like. But guys, next semester I need to take 19 units and that's it. I only need three more classes to graduate, but I'll need some fluff to get those units. Graaahhrhrh.

Roommates! Jenn and Nikki! I'mma talk about them behind their backs. Haha. They're fun. Makes the apartment completely different, but it's fun. Like, we have a coffee table now. And a pretty tripped out gaming/audio/visual system. And it's like, clean in here. XD It's amazing. DUDE ther'es a Lost preview on.... .. ....Oh, whoa. Whoa.......crazy. Sawyer!! I miss you!!! HAHAH Jack's awful fake beard. Can not wait.

Grey's is back on but I thought it was over. And Jenn is back 'cause she thought it was over, too. XD Oh, my George. Oh, have I told you that I dig the Demps now? It's all Enchanted's fault. So now I watch Grey's again. Except it's really just today because this was the last ep they made before the strike closed everything down. 30 Rock was pretty trippy; loved the end. Can't wait for the strike to be over. They're slowly starting to make deals individually with production companies, and that feels to me like it's the beginning of the end.

Guys, so when TV comes back on, this day will be super long. XD

Okay, it's off to play video games! See you later!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

2008 Whut!

Happy Thursday! All I did this week was watch Veronica Mars with my mom and play video games at Carolyn's house. Srsly. That's it. Let me think and see if I did anything else.

Well, the end of the week was Mexico and coming home... Tijuana's not my favorite. Got some pictures, though. Still need to get them off the camera.

And I guess really since then I've been watching VM with my mom, shooting off to Carolyn's for Viva Pinata and Rock Band in the afternoon, and then coming back and watching more VM until the wee hours of the morning.

See, that's cold hard proof that Veronica Mars is a worthwhile show. My mom staying up till two AM? That's dedication. We started the thing on New Year's Eve, I guess? Finished it today. Three, four days to watch a 22 episode season? Honestly, it's a great show. One day I'll write an episode, for fun. It won't be half as good but I know it'll be fun.

Viva Pinata is different than I thought it would be. It's like, farming. Farming pinatas on a farm. You have this land, and you make it nice and wild pinatas come to visit, and if they like it, they stay and you get to name them and breed them and sell their offspring for cash. Or feed them to other pinatas. And you also plant seeds, like for trees and flowers and stuff. And as far as I can tell, that's it. XD I suppose the goal is to collect all the pinatas? Gotta catch 'em all? But that sounds crazy. I'd much rather have a nice little farm full of Pretztails, Mousemallows, Bunnycombs, and a Horstachio. Maybe Sparrowmints, too. They're cute.

And Rock Band! Way fun. And since I was never very good at Guitar Hero, this is good news for me, since I can play bass! Which is just like a simpler version of guitar. And I'm getting okay at drums, although it's super hard for me to separate the movements of both hands and a foot. Haven't tried singing, I'm shy.

Oh, I forgot about Tales of the Crystals. NOT a video game! A real, imagination game! My sister and our neighbor and I played it when we were littler; you listen to this tape and it tells you how to save Collingwood with these crystals and whatever. Then you run out into your backyard and play. It was great, until we lost the tape. But I found it on Ebay and got it for my sister for Christmas, so we played it again! Some of the charm is lost on us old people, but it's still just about how we remember it. We made a fort and everything, but mom made us take it down. Sadface. Oh, childhood.

Also this week I found the time to go to the dentist to get a crown on my stunty tooth. Unpleasant. I'm not a big fan of the dentist. (There were a lot of dental shops in TJ--coincidence???) but this new fake tooth is too short. But it's okay, it's not the finished version. Gotta come back at the end of the month. Too bad I couldn't get it in silver. I'd love a silver tooth. XD

I suppose the other momentous thing of the week is that me and Carolyn decided to go as ANBU to the AX this year. I was going to go as Yamato, and Carolyn was going to be Sai, but Jennifer was being first-season Temari, so we couldn't be Shippuuden style characters. I know that doesn't make any sense to you, but it's the truth. ANBU is a special division of ninja, equal to or higher than jounin level, and they go on special or more dangerous missions. They're like the ninja among ninja. And they all have these animal masks which we'll have to make. But other than that, it's pretty simple. And not flowing, and it should be too hot. So yeah! Hooray.

Okay, I'll let you go now. I'm going back to school this weekend, so I'll update you on my class schedule and rooming circumstances next week. Gah. I like watching tv and playing video games all day all week. ._.
