Thursday, May 28, 2009

We Used To Be Friends

Happy Thursday, gumshoes! Yes, it's that time of year again: time to break out the VERONICA MARS season boxset of your choice and chug it like it's dad's good brandy and he ain't comin' home til late.

Let me chronicle for you my history with the show. Picture this scene: it's the start of sophomore year, you're living in a wacky trailer park called "the Mods." You've just caught the season premiere of GILMORE GIRLS, and directly following it is the new season of this show you vaguely remember as something more than one person has tried to get you to watch.

It's a mystery show, which you hadn't expected. How many mystery shows are on then? Other than the 6-episode RAINS, none. The flair and the humor immediately catch your attention, such as the realism captured when the two new roommates meet; or when the title character rips a necklace from the neck of a little girl, rolls up the window, and drives away. Within the first fifteen minutes, you know it: you're hooked.

Then, like RAINS, your other new favorite detective show, it gets canceled. But there's hope, season one and two. You spend a good few weeks of that summer searching for and devouring all the streaming sites that offer season one, and pick up some Chinese from the subtitles. By the time junior year starts, you're about halfway through season two, and the one conversation you ever had with the random third roommate was about how cool VM was.

You acquire the boxsets of season one and two, and watch them all with not only your roommates, but your mom as well. Season one over winter break, and season two crammed into spring break. You've seen the first two seasons three times over before your roommate gets season three for her birthday and brings it to school with her.

You never find the time to watch more than the first episode before you graduate. Five months later, when your mom finds out she forgot there was a third season she's never seen, that elusive boxset finds its way into your home no more than two days later. Now, you're two discs down, four to go, and then it'll be the end all over again.


It is, to this day, a show you count among your top three faves. It's one of those you've got the companion books for listed on your Amazon wishlist (Neptune Noir: Unauthorized Investigations into Veronica Mars - Priority: Highest). You've listened to the Dandy Wharhols' song "We Used To Be Friends" more than a hundred times, and included "a long time ago, we used to be friends" as a line in your latest movie. You sit through things like FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL or FANBOYS just because Kristen Bell is in them (but you couldn't stick MOONLIGHT out, sorry Jason). Your computer's name is Keith and the next external harddrive you get will be named Veronica.

In conclusion, VERONICA MARS is the sort of show that stays in your system like acid; the flashbacks are just as good as the original hit. Enough is never enough.

In other news, my sister's home from Paris. So I've had to hang out and do buddy stuff. Except today she ditched me for her real friends so I sat around and wrote a short. But actually, we've gone thrifting a couple times, and drove around and did whatever. We went to Blockbuster to pick out something fun to watch and everything she wanted to see I already owned, so that worked out well. I'm showing her CONSTANTINE later.

I guess other than hanging out with family and watching VM, I haven't really done much. Played with the cat. He's crazy. Those flowers I planted haven't become flowers yet, but the guy we transplanted/killed is growing new leaves, so yay. And there's mushrooms growing in the thing where he used to be, so that's randomly awesome.

It's been way cold, which I do not appreciate one bit. I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt and a jacket right now. WHAT. We've been over this. It. Is. Time. For. SUMMER.

I also got a Batman manga and Superman comic from the library. The first was weird and got better, and the second was pretty solid (Leob/Sale teamup, names you probably don't recognize from HEROES). I read the screenplay for THE BOONDOCK SAINTS, which goes along pretty like the movie. Then I started back at the original screenplay that won the Academy Award in 1933, ONE WAY PASSAGE. The next oldest they have is CITIZEN KANE, so I'm procrastinating on that one.

I am about to start a Rex Stout "Nero Wolfe" novel, because one can't have too much mystery in a single day.

Also, I'd like to make a correction from last week's note. I said I got 20k in Bejeweled Blitz, which is actually a pretty lame score. I can't cope with numbers, so I screwed that one up. I meant 200k.

I will leave you with this video of a cat jumping into a box.

Stay cool tuna fish.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Every Movie

Happy Thursday! It's supposed to be getting warmer, but it's doing it in a very roundabout way. Summer here is usually overcast in the morning and sorta kinda burns off the rest of the day, but so far it's like that but also a bit chilly if you're not right in the sun. I can has sun, plz?

OH Happy Blackjack Thursday! One of two this year, remember. I inadvertently celebrated it by watching OCEAN'S 13, which of course involves casinos=cards=blackjack. It was also the first blu-ray I bought and I never watched it until now. Such pretty colors in that movie.

Since I also started re-looking at my heist movie this week, I noticed that there were not a few similarities. I'm sure this was on purpose, since mine's a heist spoof-tribute, and I'd seen 13 sometime before beginning to write it. I just gotta hone down the exact allusion and how I want to use it so that it alludes but is also unique to my story. BUT if I write five pages a day (in "vomit draft" style -- just get it done), then I can be done in two weeks!

So far since figuring that equation, there's been one day were I wrote five pages, and another where I took out two. So. Progress.

I also watched HOT FUZZ today, oddly enough--if I had to tag my script, I would probably start by saying it's OCEAN'S 11 meets HOT FUZZ. That is, a heist movie that is to heist movies the way HOT FUZZ is to action/cop movies. I didn't exactly watch it, though, I listened to Pegg and Wright's commentary since I have the 3-disc collector's edition and I haven't gotten past disc one yet.

I was sorting, cataloging, and cutting what fabric I have for pillows. The Fuzz was on for environment/latent education. Before that, I watched THE LAST WORD, which I picked up solely on the basis of Wes Bentley's face on the cover. In case you haven't had the chance to see the winners trashes GHOST RIDER and/or P2 (or the win AMERICAN BEAUTY), Wes Bentley is a better-that-average actor who tends to choose the worst movies ever. BUT this one? Better-than-average. At times it was academic and the dialogue was simply uninspired, but it hit its stride and ended up meaningful and heartfelt.

Humm before that I went on a walk. So it was a good day. I ended up sewing the five pillows I cut out, but two of them are hack jobs (even though they match). Two shirt pillows and three skirt pillows. Want one?

Went thrifting with Carolyn a couple times already this week. Yesterday we really hit a jackpot for everyone else's costumes. We She's pretty much making the entire crew's costumes, but I'm trying to make mine on my own. Should be pretty easy, I've got most of what I need to get started. On Monday we thrifted in Oxnard, which included much map-interpretation and finding out that Google sometimes lies about the existence of some establishments.

We've also been going to BK regularly, and our crew now consists of Spock, Uhura, McCoy, Sulu, Sulu, the Enterprise, the Enterprise, the Jellyfish, a communicator and a Romulan Warbird. Now think back everybody, and tell me when you saw a Warbird in the movie. That's right! You didn't.

There's also a hilarious semi-review/comedy sketch by this guy I'm subscribed to on youtube. He also did the David After Dentist remix. Don't watch this if you haven't seen the movie yet, even though there is a spoiler alort.

ALSO the last few days have been my video lucks days, since I actually beat the Mewtwo stage in Pokemon Pinball (I've only had the game for what, ten years now?), got two high scores, and I got 20k points in Bejewled Blitz, which is a game that only lasts a minute. It was like I was cheating. I'll never be that awesome again. Shoot. I shoulda tried at Tetris. Or DDR.

Oh, looking back through my Facebook profile, I see that my second viewing of STAR TREK was last weekend. I took my folks! They had a lot of fun, because that movie is a lot of fun. I decided that the reboot of Star Trek felt like an odd thing to me because it's something that's never had an out-of-canon storyline before. It's always been continued, never restarted. Even though this is a common practice in other nerdery staples, comic books for one, Trek has never been touched by retooling. Realizing that, I think I like this reboot idea even less.

Actually, seeing the movie again, I realized how much I hate the plot, and the bad guy. The initial conflict is sooooo idiotic, so contrived, so unscientific, so inexplicable, so inconsistent.....and don't get me started on Eric Bana's performance. I don't know what part of me allows me to simultaneously hate a portion of a movie yet love the whole. Makes me think that the movie must be pretty good, if I love it in spite of the things I hate about it.

Like HSM.

So all my shows have officially entered their summer hiatuses, and I don't know what to do with myself evenings anymore. =[


Thursday, May 14, 2009

To Boldly Go

Happy Thursday! It's summertime again, which is always great. Driving home at night with the windows down, seeing all my favorite trees in bloom, thrifting for the rapidly-approaching AX.

So STAR TREK. I hope you've all seen it. Actually, I know some of you haven't, but I'll take you to see it real soon.

Honestly, I'm conflicted about it, but not greatly so. Okay, it's kinda like this: remember how I said that THE DARK KNIGHT ended up being a kind of movie that if it didn't have Batman in it, I wouldnta seen it? Meaning, TDK was a dark action crime thriller that happened to feature the Batman. And I like Batman. STAR TREK is a light sci-fi comedy action blockbuster that is sorta set in a Star Trek world, and I like Star Trek.

It's not a bad movie. It really isn't. It's not as solid as I would prefer in any movie, but they get away with thinish plot and character depth--well, for a lot of reasons. First off, if you're just going to see a fun start-of-summer movie, chances are you're neither looking for nor expecting a really honed and introspective "film." It's a "popcorn movie," and there's nothing wrong with taking that approach. And on the other side, they're appealing somewhat to the Star Trek fans, who already know these people and world, so they passed on detailed character backgrounds.

Actually, I would say the biggest problem is the line they attempted to strike between bowing to the current fans and reaching out to everyone else. I personally enjoyed most of the throw-back lines and allusions, which certainly would go over the heads of the layman viewer. I know, however, that there are a few out there who complain about this movie "stealing" from the other movies and the show. On the other hand, the Federation they portrayed wasn't quite the one I'm familiar problem to someone who's being introduced for the first time, but kind of unsettling for the seasoned viewer.

Actually, I lied. The single biggest thing that took me out of the movie was the odd slapstick nature of the comedy. I read that they took care to bring back the comedy of the original show (which I don't quite remember existing? sure it had it's comedic moments, but wasn't that just the 60s being ridiculous?), and evidently the manner in which they brought it back falls somewhere between confusing and campy. I mean, you've got someone with allergically enlarged hands, snow monsters tumbling down hills, and people being sucked through death tubes a la Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Hilarious, certainly. Tonally consistent? You decide.

All that being said, yes, I enjoyed the movie and look forward to seeing it again in the near future. Was it a great movie? Nah. Is it much more commercially successful than any other Trek movie? Absolutely. Are they going to make a sequel? Looks like, and I can't wait to buy my tickets for it.

Last note: my hands-down favorite thing of the movie is the casting. This was not unforeseen. Zachary Quinto, John Cho, Simon Pegg, these are people I'd watch in anything. Chris Pine and Karl Urban I don't obsess over, but I've been consistently impressed with their work. That Zoe Saldana I don't know at all, but I have no complaints. And little Anton Yelchin? His Chekov was literally my favorite part of the movie.

Okay, what else happened this week?! We've been to Burger King no less than three times, gathering the toys. We now have in our arsenal a Spock, Uhura, Bones, Sulu, and two Enterprises. Carolyn and I also have a collectors Spock glass apiece and she also obtained a Kirk. We're going to make-a the movie with our toys, once we have a fully formed bridge crew.

We also saw S. DARKO and FANBOYS, which came out this week on DVD. Do not bother with the former. It's like the FMA movie, or the Dead Like Me movie (and, to a much lesser extent, Serenity). You were better off imagining what happened after, instead of having all your hopes crushed with horrible writing. FANBOYS wasn't horrible, but wasn't a shining star, either. Oh well, Kristen Bell is cute in anything.

Mother's Day was pretty chill. We did some gardening and barbecuing. Those secretive flowers I planted have still yet to bloom. I transplanted this giant white plant out of the barrel it was consuming and into the backyard, where it's probably dying. Oh well. I should take an updated picture of my cactuar family. You'd be impressed.

Monday was opposite day. I went to Carolyn's house where I sat quietly and drew, while she was busy writing. It's finals week for some! I drew a dog which really did come to me in my dreams, as he is also a magician, and his name is Showtime. You can see him on Facebook.

Today we embarked on our continuing mission to seek out new thrift stores and new good bargains; to boldly thrift where no one has thrifted before. We made it all the way to Newbury Park! But we did find the best things there: I got a perfect shirt to edit into the top tank for the BSG outfit (which will sadly have to wait until next year's Comic-Con), a Shannara book, a video on old-time Batman, and a mug from Canada. I also bought the Mach 5 companion to my Mach 6 at the 99 cent store.

Then we watched an episode of DUE SOUTH (this season is slow going =[ ), played some wacky rounds of Halo, and watched a bunch of those Jeopardy sketches from SNL. Then I went home! Caught the last half of the OFFICE--wow. That was a beautiful bit of acting by the Krasinski at the the end, and Carell was doing fantastically throughout. 30 ROCK was highly entertaining, too.

HIMYM has one more next week, and I haven't gotten around to last night's LOST yet. I will remedy that soon. And when all the seasons are up, I'll rent the second season of UGLY BETTY, which I've been missing sorely.

That reminds me that I watched the entirety of SO noTORIous (8 episodes) and that was not really worth my time. The things I do to stoke my Quinto cravings.

Alright, yo. Time to find out what happened on the Island.


Thursday, May 07, 2009


HAPPY THURSDAY. I THOUGHT I'D SCARE YOU OFF WITH A MISUSE OF CAPITAL LETTERS. But I'm not actually tweaking out on what amounts to my fourth cup of coffee (I used the big mug). I'm just going to be awake for a loooong time. Hooray.

So I totally drink coffee now. A year and a half ago I woulda laughed in your face. But now I like it a lot. But I can't put sugar in it, or else it takes on his horrific spoiled flavor that makes me die a little inside. Very strange. I also eat nori, when in about the same period of time ago, it woulda made me sick. I wonder if I got abducted or experimented on a year and a half ago?

So the premiere was last Friday! (right, Friday?) And that was so much fun. INK-MAN 2 screened in a real-live theater to a real-live audience who had authentic reactions. They laughed! Some cackled. And it played extra-cheesey which totally worked for it even though at times it was accidental. shhhhh I did everything on purpose.

It was cool to see everyone and see their productions. Everything was of a quality of a higher level than I expected. Even the ones from the class the original INK-MAN came from were very good. I liked this whole batch much better than last year's. No offense to last year's, but in that case I thought there were some that people liked just because they were supposed to. You know how it is, Hollywood politics and that.

We got home at like two (sorry, mom&dad) and I was sleepy the whole next day. Went thrifting with Carolyn and bought no less than three pairs of pants: blue navy pants, blue grandpa pants, and white pants for AXing. I also bought a book about Christian Mounties, another about the Yakuza and Soviets, and a record of historical radio broadcasts. Then we stopped at Starbucks before work and I got a cafe americano. I was literally buzzing for the next two hours, which did not beneficially effect my work performance.

Sunday I worked but got out early. Just in time for a concert at the college! Chris Botti and his little band. He's very good, but some of his songs were a tad too abstract for me. We sat in the sun and I ruined my effort to even out my farmers tan. Then we went to dinner with my aunt and uncle at the harbor. We went to this Italian place that we'd never been to, and I had an excellent sandwich.

Monday and Tuesday I didn't work, so I don't know what I did. Probably started working out again since I've been slacking. I think I spent Tuesday at the library. I read about angels, crop circles, conspiracy theories, how to influence your dreams, etc. Two out of the four are screenplay research, haha. After narrowing down my field, I brought home a Batman graphic novel, a book on the invention of the laser, a book on California's water history, and a slightly more academic book on crop circles. To be honest, I've only read through the Batman book so far, but I've got another two weeks.

Yesterday I went in to work super early, increasing my week's work hours by fifty percent. It was a long day. Today I watched the LOST that I missed, and it did not disappoint! Season finale next week, and I hope they treat it as seriously as they've treated the rest of this season. I don't want to say too much in case there's somebody out there who hasn't seen it yet, but I especially liked all the craziness that happened between a certain group of three people who are particularly important. They are a trio who have pretty complex inter-relationships between themselves, and I look forward to seeing how that plays out.

What's hilarious is that I could be referring to two, maybe even three different groups of people. While the other is interesting enough, I think it's starting to get old. I mean, it's been THREE years. Moving on.

I meant to go on a walk today, like to train for maybe walking to the harbor again soon, but it was a little too warm. So I just went around the park, which is like a one-fourth of the harbor journey. But hey, I like the warm. It's my fave.

But mostly I stayed in and watched some anime. Went to BK with Carolyn and picked up some Star Trek toys. I got Zachary-style Spock, and she got Uhura which she traded for the Enterprise. We also both bought Spock cups, those collector glasses which they're selling. Pretty cool. I just bought us tickets to go see it tomorrow at 3:35, and no power in the 'verse can stop me.

Speaking of, how CRAZY was Alan Tudyk in DOLLHOUSE last week? Pretty dang crazy. I admire the skillz of that man.

Also! Sci-fi's having a Trek marathon (meaning ENTERPRISE and TNG and some TNG movies...I suppose that's all they have syndication rights for...because that's a pretty lame "Trek" marathon) so we watched a crazy TNG ep that had... wait for it... Mama Petrelli as a Klingon! She is literally EVERYONE'S Mama. And she was in the episode with Michael Dorn, who plays the President in HEROES, who had a scene with Sylar, played by Zachary Quinto who plays Spock in the new movie... and that's just the beginning of the crossovers.

Also this week I rediscovered Chicken Boo from Animaniacs. I drew him, which you can see on Facebook. I think that's the funniest premise ever. If you never saw Animaniacs, let me share it with you: people are talking about so-and-so, who is amazingly good at whatever he does. They all swap stories of his brilliance, after which one person says, "I heard he was a giant chicken." At this, this person is thrown out for being ridiculous. Then Chicken Boo comes in. And he is a giant chicken, in some meager disguise that prevents everyone from seeing that it's a chicken behind the mustache. He does whatever he does, and he IS great at it, but invariably he loses his disguise in the process. Horrified that he ACTUALLY IS a giant chicken, the people throw him out.

I LOVE IT. It's also very sad. These people are very racist towards chickens.

Worf is also racist towards Romulans.

Okay, okay, I think I'm going to try some writing now, since I'm typing like a fiend. It's gonna be great. I'll tell you all how STAR TREK is.


It's gonna be GREAT.