I have been home now...for a week? Forever? I can't even tell anymore.
It's been good, full of cooking, and watching tv, and playing tetris, and going to schools that I don't need to go to, and hanging out with cool people.
Today, y'know, I was sleeping, then checking out the usual online stuff, and then I went downstairs and watched Star Trek: TNG and made Jello. I put fruit in it! Hooray for mangy mangy mango!
And has anyone else noticed the increasing quality of commercials these days? They're so funny! Or just creeper/weird. The Geico ones are pretty good, and if you get the chance, check out the Red Stripe beer commercials. Probably the funniest ones I've seen in my life.
Oh, random, but can anyone take a look at the code of this page and figure out what's wrong with it? In the sample pages, the profile bar is adjacent to the bloginess, but as you can see, that's not the way it works in practice. Like in the old layout, it was down at the bottom. What's up with that? The template isn't written in a way where I can easily read and understand what's wrong. So. View Source, somebody!
"Of all the genetically-compatible women, I don't know why I've fallen in love with you." -courtesy of the guy on the tv just now. I think that that's a very deep statement. Star Trek is a deep show. And now it's time for Kim Possible!
What, don't call me a tv junkie. I'm clearly an internet junkie.
Oh, and happy birthday, Jacqi~! Thursday Birthday all around! Good luck with the rest of your school
Hmm, and now I'm hungry! I think that's a problem that should get all fixed. so. Happy Thursday and adventures!
hello this is destoryed go club-zack and i like the note about how u took all the go stuff. Also one of those go books is mine so yah what am i supposed to do now *cry *sniff *sniff
love zack
Oh, haha, that's why that one didn't look familiar. Well, I'll be dropping back sometime before school is out. I mean, so that you can get that back. It's the blue one, right?
i think it has like floating go pieces yah
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