Thursday, June 28, 2007


Happy Thursday! Things are always imminent, but I think that some things should just have imminence. Like the AX. Which is, technically, in an hour. As of time of writing. I still need to pack!

Went to Carolyn's today, to help finish Steven's costume which is totally intense. It's not exactly *done,* but it's well on it's way. It's wearable. He's going to be a giant cat hand puppet. Poor kid doesn't know the horrors of summertime cosplay yet, so this will be quite an education for him.

Not too much else to mention, unfortunately. Bought some new brown clothes. Some polos. I think I'll get into polos.

It's just crazy that the AX is tomorrow. It's one of those things you wait for allll year (duh) but they always creep up on you and then suddenly you're AT the thing, and next you know, you have to wait a whoooole 'nother year. This year, I promise to actually recap next Thursday. I somehow forgot to last year. And the pre-AX Thursday was pretty lame 'cause I was so stressed out about getting time off from was a fiasco. Luckily (?) I don't have a job yet this time around, but I will soon after (?). Sigh.

Yeah, I need to wake up at five, so I'll see you all next week. Enjoy your normal lives!!


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