Happy Thursday! It's a Blackjack Thursday, but nowadays I find HoldEm has replaced Blackjack as the game of my heart. SO. I got some Hold Em in today, after seeing Ocean's 13 (in which, coincidentally, poker was never mentioned, while blackjack was a plot point).
Here's some cool things of the week:
My Psychic Moment.
I have deja vu often. I see the future in dreams, and then forget about it until it actually happens. At which time I announce that I'm having a deja vu, and proceed to tell you what is happening at the moment. I'm so advanced that I can tell you what's going to happen *next*, I just experience the moment as if I've seen it before (which I have). So it's more like I start going "OH we're all sitting here, and then I move my hand like this, and then I look over there."
I was sitting with my sister watching Colbert Report, and this commercial comes on, advertising both the Daily Show and the Report in a split screen. So I'm like "OH. Deja vu. We're sitting here, and there was that ad, and then for some reason there was no more * sound." I had my hands over my eyes to sort of remember what I "remembered," so I didn't see that at the * there, my sister grabbed the remote and muted the tv. Gah. In the dream it had been delivered in, I remember that the rest of the dream had been soundless, but to actually say "no more sound," and have the sound drop out as you say it, that was pretty cool.
My Senile Moment.
Earlier that day, we were watching Good Eats. (Imagine that, my two favorite shows in the same day...) And I was sitting waaay close to it (and this was the day I didn't do anything at all, keep this in mind) and I notice that Alton's glasses are similar to mine. "He's got the same glasses as me!" I exclaim. And then I try to take my glasses off to hold them up to the screen and compare. I'm grabbing at the space around my eyes, trying to grab my glasses and wondering why I can't get a hold of them. And then I realize and clap my hands to my face--"I'm not wearing my glasses!" Because I hadn't even put them on in the morning.
My Surreal Moment.
Went to bed late last night. It's almost 1:30. I hear rustlings outside, so I lean over my window to look--I've seen a possum and a raccoon on my neighbors' roof after such sounds. This time I don't see anything, but whoever it is is making a lot of racket in the tree that touches their roof. And then OUT OF NOWHERE this giant white owl swoops down and battles that noise maker. I don't know if he got it, but it was quiet after that. And then he flew right by me, not more than three feet away, right up onto the roof above my window. And so I stay there and watch for him to come back, but when he does, I flinch, badly, just because he's so quiet I didn't have any warning (and I startle easy anyhow). And he drifts away into the far neighbor's yard, and then I watch him drift around for a bit, until he finally disappears, absolutely soundless.
My Fan Moment.
In my dream I was at a school/work/place where you go everyday. Also who was there, was Jim Halpert. Yes. Jim Halpert. And he had this buddy, who was either someone I actually know, or just a dream person. And finally I worked up the nerve to hang out with them, and after a while I became really good friends with Jim Halpert. And I was soooooooo happy. Until later I woke up and remembered I had something to be happy about...and then remembered it was just a dream. So all my hopes were crushed.
In weekly news, we joined the YMCA. Again. It still smells the same. Been playing racquetball (or, "crazyinsaneracquetball, which may not actually resemble racquetball), some weight machines. I've been using the treadmills, 'cause the other week I walked round the park, and my weak hip joints started giving out about 2/3 the way through. I want to be a better walker. One day I will walk around the worldz.
AX friends started dropping in. Jacqi and Jennifer school up northwise, and have just came back down for the first time in a long time. So Jacqi helped us sew, and we finished!! Except for patches from ebay, which shooooooooooooooooould come in "soon." Which is good, since the AX is next Friday. Gasp. Jennifer managed to shift out of allll sewing, by finally getting here just today. Happy Thursday, you!
Here's Jacqi as Haruhi:
Oh, and I almost forgot, we replanted the garden, in half wine barrels. Sooo cute.
Here's my Bountiful Garden.
And my Cactuar Family.
This is one of my favorite blogs yet. I liked it.
My Blonde Moment...
I needed to do laundry and my aunt showed me how to use her washers. She told me that I didn't need to dry the clothes very long because her washer got them really dry.
So later that day, I washed my clothes. After about an hour and went and took them out of the drier and exclaimed to my uncle (who isn't really my uncle but it is easier to call him that because nobody quite knows what he is)"WOW, this machine really does get the clothes dry, I barely need to dry them!" and start to throw them in the drier. He comes over and say, "They aren't wet, they haven't been washed!" and gives me a look.
I have become hooked on "Charmed" Have you ever watched it I have now watched 3.5 seasons in 6 days thats pretty good i didnt use any puncutation
I've been getting that. I think this was better 'cause I wrote about interesting things that happened.........but interesting things like being psychic and owls don't happen to me every week. Sigh.
Like I said, silly you.
I think that "" might be punctuation, actually. ;p
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