Thursday, October 04, 2007

Computers are about trying to murder you in a lake

Happy Thursday! My head hurts a little, so this probably won't be crazy long. I've just been holding out for the wonders of Thursday prime time television, and soon I will be having the Office dreams.

TV update!

Forgot about Cavemen (which I hear is really dumb), and while trying to at least catch the end of it, I managed to tune in right on time for Carpool. I think I've heard of it maybe once way back sometime ago, but I really hadn't heard anything about it recently. But man, was that unexpectedly funny. The kind of crazy, unexpected, RANDOM things that you just don't see ever. Not so crazy about the actors, but Dougie was pretty good. Him and the black guy. And that other guy's son, who never wore any pants. When he was trying to think of the word "tie," he held the toast up to his neck and wiggled it around. That's just great. Gonna try to remember to watch that.

I also seem to accidentally be watching ER now. Oops. And this, children, is what we call a lead-in audience. My inability to turn off the tv or change the channel after the Office is what gives ER its great ratings. It's pretty nifty.

Hmm, and Moonlight. I actually turned down a party (what! Me! not go to a party!) to stay and watch this new LA-crime-fighting-vampire show. With Jason Dohring, of Veronica Mars fame (with which I spent my weekend--season two. mmm) as the oldest vampire in LA, Josef. Realized I'd never heard of it because I thought we didn't get channel 2 - CBS. And we almost don't. So between the colorless fuzz and the horrible acting, it's probably the cruddy writing that makes it not worth the while. Jason.....I'll wait for you to move on to something I can watch without wanting to die.

30 Rock premiered today! Many laughs. They certainly know the meaning of consistency. I'm sensing a future between Jack and Lemon, does anybody else? Not much else to say about it, 'cause it was pretty solid, but not outstanding. Wasn't really digging the Seinfeld, but the Seinfeld Vision bit was pretty classy.

Chuck! Chuck is very not living up to my standards. Biggest offense in this week's episode is hands down the portrayal of driving a helicopter. You CANNOT learn how to fly a helicopter from video games, because I don't know of any controllers that come with helicopter pedals in addition to the "stick" and "parking brake." But I suppose I'm just being hypocritical, since the thing is not taking itself seriously and fully intends for you to do the same. But still, the writing....not very smooth. And the acting just barely makes it palatable. Hope hope hope hope it gets better, and soon.

Missed Pushing Up Daisies, 'cause of class. It's been lauded as the best new show, but my prof said he fell asleep during it. And that his roommate fell asleep during it WHILE eating dinner. But I dunno. Maybe I'll make an effort to find it online. Don't really know.

I still need to see season one of Heroes, so I can watch season two with Kristen Bell. I also want to own all the seasons of Veronica Mars, for the same reason. Watching season two means I've finally finished the series, after introducing myself to it last year. Season two....met my needs, but it really doesn't stand up to season one. And three, being an entirely different animal, is allowed to be judged on a different scale. But I still wish there was more. Sadday.

Movie-wise, I finally saw Silence of the Lambs over the weekend. Hmmm. Overrated, in my opinion. Sure, Hopkins as Lecter is creepifying and brilliant, but he was grossly overshadowed by the hideous acting of Foster. She won an OSCAR for that $%^^@^$%#. I just didn't believe her character, the way she was all IMMEDIATELY open to Lecter, getting all emotional about her freaking boring past. Utterly unbelievable. Horrible. Bleck.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, was Hot Fuzz. I remember wanting to see it from the trailers (and it's actually pretty rare that a trailer really interests me), and let me tell you it was worth it. I've been asking around at people, if they've seen it, and the majority of them tell me that they "heard it sucked." Which is fairly shocking to me because I absolutely loved it. Every moment. It was so funny, and then had so many cute and then intense bits, and the climactic firefight sequence was just great fun. And don't even get me started on the cinematic/theoretical aspects of it. In my opinion, a definite Must See. I've been told Shaun of the Dead (made by the same people, a few years earlier) is actually better, and so I'll be seeing that soon enough. I want the crazy extended DVD so bad.

Hm. I guess that just about sums up my media intake for this week. Except for that we watched Scrubs in class this morning. AND I finished my paper on time. But that's not related to media. Unless you count the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid as media. Which, in all fairness, you can.

The other exciting schoolish news is our project for art, Computer Graphics, that is. We're photoshopping! I used to be really frustrated any time I wandered into the murky woods that is Photoshop, but now I'm only mildly frustrated on occasion. I'll be putting up the finished works on the internets when it's done. Gonna be a cute book of pictures. It's a lot of fun. I get to go to class, listen to my Zune and mess around on the computer for three hours. Sigh. My life is sooooo hard.

For Sitcom, the rewrites are finally starting to commence smoothly. So far we've just been talking about the new spins to put on the characters, to make them better and more interesting. And also to fix the plot, to make this pilot have something to be about. It was kind of ridiculous, the way it was originally. Tuesday after class, those of us who lingered about moved over to Heritage and hung out for ANOTHER hour and a half and knocked out some more details. That was fun, but it was a little awkward, just the three of us and Gilbert. XD He's a very interesting man. Today we had a table read with the actors, reading the "revised" teaser. Jack (Gilbert) typed it up yesterday based on our discussion, but it didn't end up so perfect. So there's work yet to be done. Hahaha. Sitcom Writing.

Oh, the Office. Was on tonight. Pam and Jim are great, but I'm actually pretty glad that their normal format is half an hour. These hour longs, while beautiful for giving me my fix, are really not this team's forte. Felt pretty bad for Dwight, thought Ryan was being silly, couldn't believe Creed (XD printer ink), and admitted that Michael looked pretty good with that lake-water hair.

Happy Birthday, Sputnik!

Yeah, I really want to sleep now? I'll see you around.


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