Thursday, October 25, 2007

No Two People Are Not On Fire. Awww.

Happy Thursday! So we're all on fire! It's mostly very sad, but it makes the sun look really cool, like a neon pink sticker in the sky. It hasn't gotten to us here in A-town, and it seems as though they've started to get a handle on it, for the most part.

Another strangely busy week. Friday my mom came and hung out with me and took me on some driving adventures. Brought some proof from the bountiful garden I left behind. Did the dishes. You know, mom stuff. ^^

I think on the weekend I didn't get dressed. Right. I watched youtube all Saturday without my glasses and got my eye all bloodshot. That was actually rather uncomfortable. Oh, but I also started writing my movie! Which I thought up for fun, and now it looks like it's going to be my big project for Writing. So it's good that I've got at least 10 pages for a start.

Murnday....class got out early.....and then I went to Art....we're doing typography, and I finally started getting creative with my letters. I'll show them to you some day. OH. But that was the day I got back from class late (because I stayed and kept working, silly addictive art class) and tried to finish the ep of Heroes I had loaded, but then I got distracted by my sister so I ended up not sleeping until way late, and I had to wake up at 7 or 8 for to do my homework. So that wasn't very nice. But it turns out that I'd already done it, he just had moved around all the deadlines so I hadn't turned it in yet. Silly Thom.

But I was kind of dead the rest of the day, even in Sitcom. But then again, we just looked at the script for no good reason and got nothing done at all. I invented some little wiggly cartoony friends I named WOOBLS. Their names are Plu, Cham, Iz, and the outcast's name is Gree. He's got crazy eyes. But then I had a weird nap....and I've napped all the days since then.

Wednesday I did reading and writings and stuff like that, and then art again where I continued in my arts. Yup. (Yeah, if this is sounding weird today, it's because not sleeping well for a few days makes me weird and feuax-grouchy.) Wednesday's nap was brought about by my watching Chuck. It dropped again, to being just okay, and then my compy overheated so I decided to sleep instead of start it back up. I just finished it just now, and there was a pretty good bit at the end but overall it was a definite Eh.

Also, Wednesday's chapel had a really great speaker, because he was born without arms or legs. He was very charismatic. You can download it here:

Wednesday night we had a "mandatory meeting" for Sitcom, because suddenly the final version of the script was due today. But we didn't do anything useful on and Megan went over and combined scene A and B, and some of the others did things on their own, but then we had to compile it into the new-and-improved script. But we met, and no one of us actually had the program to format we complained amongst ourselves for a bit, said we'd say we did the best we could, and headed out......but then the one of us who did have the program (and was out of town) emailed saying we could email her the corrections and she'd format it and get it to the printers in time for class today. So we had to stick it out. It wasn't so bad, and by then it was just three of us, so we just slammed it out and asked questions later. But it was for sure one of those up-till-one writer's meetings our profs are always telling us about.

Today I had better sleep, and I didn't have to get up at 7. And we watched bits of Jurassic Park. And later talked about Dante's Inferno, which is pretty trippy. And in Sitcom, where we had actually met our deadline against all odds, we looked at the script (draft 19, that's our second official final draft. gosh.) and made notes of the corrections still needed to be made......but basically we're done with that rewrite. We're still "on call" to spot correct, but now we're going to pitch our own ideas and start developing our own sitcom. I don't see that getting very far, considering our group, but at least we don't have to work with dead Weston and his stupid Democratic Women's Rally Debates.

I have academic advising tomorrow morning, but at the moment my schedule is far from cohesive. Classes I need to take, to appease my general studies, major, and minor requirements, amount to ten. Ten different classes. That's 32 units, and I actually need 34 more to graduate. And there's like no more classes to take. There's only four left for my major, and two of those are a I and II class, so that's next year for sure. Another is Fall only, and I said I'd take it with Megan, so that's next year. For my minor, only one class out of the four is being offered, and that's actually okay, because I can put intermediate screenwriting into next year and advanced screenwriting and intro to film in the last semester, to fill up my unit quota both those semesters. The last two classes are those senior-only classes for GE and my major, so.

So right now, my next semester looks like this:
Typography. Intro to Astronomy. Communication Theory. Story and Character.

And I still need another one!!!! ARRG. And even though my art prof said that I should really look into typography, the catalog says ART 130 is a prereq...and I've certainly not taken that. So this is why I'm going to academic advising tomorrow. Because my schedule needs some advice.

So 30 Rock was pretty good. Didn't get to watch The Office OR Scrubs, because Megan decided that it would actually be worthwhile to watch Grey's today. Let me tell you, I think she was wrong. *pouts* Carpoolers this week was very very odd, and Marmaduke and Dougie are still holding a far lead as favorite characters. (Marmaduke for bartering, every kid's dream, and Dougie for asking a question I had actually just asked) I'm scouring the internets for Heroes, because now Kristen Bell is in the show, giving me an incentive to catch up.

Oh, and me and Beth also went on a night drive in which we found amazing lights on a road that does not in fact suddenly drop off, a park in the middle of noplace, and the home of wild firetrucks.



Unknown said...

Do you mean heroes as in Heroes because I love heroes. I watch heroes not on the actual TV, but online or Jason bought me the first season because they are like X-men and we all know how much I like X-men. I love X-men. I am procrastinating right now. Which is really not a good thing because I have a paper due in the morning, but I still have to write half of it. But that is only 1.5 pages an I can do that, but then I have part of a case study to do. Which I need to do. Shoot. I need to stop because soon this is going to be my Tuesday blog and I don't want to steal your spot light. Bye

Stephanie Anderson said...

I do mean Heroes. I've seen four eps...can I borrow your first season?? The X-Men are also heroes. The Wolverine movie is probably coming out May 2009.

I hope you finished your paper in time.