Thursday, May 21, 2009

Every Movie

Happy Thursday! It's supposed to be getting warmer, but it's doing it in a very roundabout way. Summer here is usually overcast in the morning and sorta kinda burns off the rest of the day, but so far it's like that but also a bit chilly if you're not right in the sun. I can has sun, plz?

OH Happy Blackjack Thursday! One of two this year, remember. I inadvertently celebrated it by watching OCEAN'S 13, which of course involves casinos=cards=blackjack. It was also the first blu-ray I bought and I never watched it until now. Such pretty colors in that movie.

Since I also started re-looking at my heist movie this week, I noticed that there were not a few similarities. I'm sure this was on purpose, since mine's a heist spoof-tribute, and I'd seen 13 sometime before beginning to write it. I just gotta hone down the exact allusion and how I want to use it so that it alludes but is also unique to my story. BUT if I write five pages a day (in "vomit draft" style -- just get it done), then I can be done in two weeks!

So far since figuring that equation, there's been one day were I wrote five pages, and another where I took out two. So. Progress.

I also watched HOT FUZZ today, oddly enough--if I had to tag my script, I would probably start by saying it's OCEAN'S 11 meets HOT FUZZ. That is, a heist movie that is to heist movies the way HOT FUZZ is to action/cop movies. I didn't exactly watch it, though, I listened to Pegg and Wright's commentary since I have the 3-disc collector's edition and I haven't gotten past disc one yet.

I was sorting, cataloging, and cutting what fabric I have for pillows. The Fuzz was on for environment/latent education. Before that, I watched THE LAST WORD, which I picked up solely on the basis of Wes Bentley's face on the cover. In case you haven't had the chance to see the winners trashes GHOST RIDER and/or P2 (or the win AMERICAN BEAUTY), Wes Bentley is a better-that-average actor who tends to choose the worst movies ever. BUT this one? Better-than-average. At times it was academic and the dialogue was simply uninspired, but it hit its stride and ended up meaningful and heartfelt.

Humm before that I went on a walk. So it was a good day. I ended up sewing the five pillows I cut out, but two of them are hack jobs (even though they match). Two shirt pillows and three skirt pillows. Want one?

Went thrifting with Carolyn a couple times already this week. Yesterday we really hit a jackpot for everyone else's costumes. We She's pretty much making the entire crew's costumes, but I'm trying to make mine on my own. Should be pretty easy, I've got most of what I need to get started. On Monday we thrifted in Oxnard, which included much map-interpretation and finding out that Google sometimes lies about the existence of some establishments.

We've also been going to BK regularly, and our crew now consists of Spock, Uhura, McCoy, Sulu, Sulu, the Enterprise, the Enterprise, the Jellyfish, a communicator and a Romulan Warbird. Now think back everybody, and tell me when you saw a Warbird in the movie. That's right! You didn't.

There's also a hilarious semi-review/comedy sketch by this guy I'm subscribed to on youtube. He also did the David After Dentist remix. Don't watch this if you haven't seen the movie yet, even though there is a spoiler alort.

ALSO the last few days have been my video lucks days, since I actually beat the Mewtwo stage in Pokemon Pinball (I've only had the game for what, ten years now?), got two high scores, and I got 20k points in Bejewled Blitz, which is a game that only lasts a minute. It was like I was cheating. I'll never be that awesome again. Shoot. I shoulda tried at Tetris. Or DDR.

Oh, looking back through my Facebook profile, I see that my second viewing of STAR TREK was last weekend. I took my folks! They had a lot of fun, because that movie is a lot of fun. I decided that the reboot of Star Trek felt like an odd thing to me because it's something that's never had an out-of-canon storyline before. It's always been continued, never restarted. Even though this is a common practice in other nerdery staples, comic books for one, Trek has never been touched by retooling. Realizing that, I think I like this reboot idea even less.

Actually, seeing the movie again, I realized how much I hate the plot, and the bad guy. The initial conflict is sooooo idiotic, so contrived, so unscientific, so inexplicable, so inconsistent.....and don't get me started on Eric Bana's performance. I don't know what part of me allows me to simultaneously hate a portion of a movie yet love the whole. Makes me think that the movie must be pretty good, if I love it in spite of the things I hate about it.

Like HSM.

So all my shows have officially entered their summer hiatuses, and I don't know what to do with myself evenings anymore. =[


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