Thursday, May 13, 2010

Coming Soon....

Happy Thursday! Oh Thursday, what is there to say? It's been another week, another Inventory, another band recording session. We tried recording today but there were some technical difficulties and then some performance difficulties so we'll try again later.

But we went to Busy Bee, armed with like 8 quarters, and loaded up the jukebox with songs of our choosing. All Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry. A little Elvis for fun. Did you know how much food they have there!? I feel like I've never even looked at the menu before. And cute dinners that include food and coffee/tea/soft drink and a dessert for like $11!! I will be going there more.

Me and Beth had a lil photo sesh down at these rocks where our band hangs out. It was really windy and sad. But people had graffitied peace signs and love and happy faces all over the rocks, so we felt welcomed. And then a pterodactyl ate some dogs.

Can you believe I haven't seen Iron Man 2 yet? I cannot. I mean, I've only been waiting for that movie since the first one came out. But I guess I'm just off movies lately. I did finally see Legion, though, which, as low as my expectations were, still managed to disappoint. Even more disappointment than Twilight 2.

WE WATCHED SOME BRADY BUNCH THIS MORNING. There were lines, like jokes, that were sooooo .... scripted. And they sounded like examples given to me in writing school. Like, the proper way to structure a joke. It made me remember how old my professors were. They need to go out and watch something modern. Like Legion. Good jokes in that.

Not really.

Yalright we're off to write songs. You'll just have to wait for this one we have. I've photoshopped up an album cover (and back) so there's that to look forward to, as well.

I'm lobbying for us to sit down and just record some of the covers we know, just so there's something to post to the facebook page. But we'll see. We're a little loopy at this hour. Wish us luck.


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