Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cold Irons Bound

Happy Thursday!

Today is just a regular, old Thursday.

Woke up. Got dressed. Looked at the fish. Did laundry. Poked around the internet. Later I'm going out to Ontario to meet an online friend.

And while I'm out there, I might as well stop in and see Bob Dylan.

and John Mellancamp but who's counting

Me and my dad are going to my very first concert ever! The only honest to goodness band I've ever seen live was Something Like Silas/Future of Forestry and that was at camp/a coffee shop my friend was playing at/the courtyard in front of my dorm.

Bob Dylan is like, 69 years old. That's not gonna stop him. I'll see if I can get a picture of him, but our seats are terrible. It's gonna be great.

I was gonna link ya my faves, but they're impossible to find these days. Someone musta made a youtube sweep.

Have this instead!!!!!!!!


I can't stop watching this. It's like...the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

Okay I gotta go get readys to go. I'll see you next week!!


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