Thursday, November 08, 2012


Happy Thursday!

So that's coming along.  So far I've finished The Stone Gardener and Atop the Dragon's Spine.  King Crow and Brother Turkey is wrapping up.  I'll probably do What the Rock Saw next, because that will be short and sweet.

Have you ever tried writing folk stories and fairy tales?  It's pretty simple!  They're short and not literary and people never have deep conversations and you get to put strange adjectives alongside weird nouns.  I promise I'll finish Epoch but right now I'm having too much fun.

Some of them can be moral good vs. evil stories, some can be adventures, some can be "and that's why we have thunderstorms."  I have some of each!  Let me share some of my favorite bits:

Luckily for King Crow, the problems of the bird kingdom were as simple as its citizens and sorted easily enough. If two sparrows fought over a seed, King Crow told them to split the seed. If two hens fought over a twig, King Crow told them to split the twig. If two hawks fought over a hunting field, King Crow told them to split the field. The quarreling birds would leave Sky Nest and do as King Crow had said, and were happy.


Caerdyth came here from the stars, tracking his eternal prey, Aberwyth the heavenly dragon.  For all of time the great hunter had followed Aberwyth across the skies, tossing out his spectral lance to flash and spark against the black.  He sat astride the noble Doonhamer, a monstrous steed who snorted fire and stamped across the constellations, kicking up a trail of stardust with his thirteen legs.

Now of course the UnderKing knew of no greater warrior than himself, and he was angered by this story.  “Nonsense!” he shouted, and a great wave carried his voice across every ocean.  “Show me this warrior, and I will show you a corpse!”
Of course in addition to this fun stuff I got a good chunk into the time Bentley got lost in the Ivywoods as a kid and got saved by the WhisperSon.  And I slammed out this whole four pages about Bentley and Huxley's first proper meeting which isn't literature but you get the idea.  So it's coming along.  Eight days in and it's no where near over.

Meanwhile, I haven't been home yet today, but I logged 18k words and am currently typing up this blog.  HOW AM I MANAGING THIS WONDER you ask.  Well, dear children, I am this week a proud(?) owner of a Microsoft Surface, which is a Windows 8 tablet that comes with a cover that is a keyboard and it also has a desktop like a proper computer so I am unstoppable.

I'm at Starbucks right now watching Beth do her thing, listening to jazz and Mumford & Sons and indie classic rock covers and who knows what other madness they're pumping into the air supply here.  I helped fix some computers at school today and watched a 10 year old Canadian cartoon about bats with Carolyn.  And in a half hour I'm going to sleep.  Sometimes life is pretty simple.

I apologize for this line down here, it came over from my word document, and I regret putting it in at all because now it's just popping up all over and I can't get rid of it.  I hope you enjoy it.


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