Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thursday!  Or, as we like to say around these parts, Happy ThursgivingDay!  Ours was pretty low-key, just biking and then languidly prepping for dinner.  I made cranberry sauce and apple pie ice cream and cranberry-orange sherbet and pumpkin pie, and supervised the beans.

Other than that, I spent the day helping Beth get a start on learning German, which is ridiculous because I can hardly remember anything useful. 

When I was sick last weekend I watched about thirty episodes of Naruto, which really reminded me that what I really want is to learn Japanese. 

NaNo took a turn for the worse.  I finished the bulk of the fairytales I'd planned beforehand, and decided I'd give my novel a try.  But now I'm practically two days behind.  It's just that I left it off in an awkward place and even though I've sorted out what happens after, I still have to deal with what's going on right now.  But I'll give it my best shot to be done by December!

Na ja, ich gehe.


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