Mokuyoubi Omedetou! Happy Thursday from the land of the rising sun! I really really like Japanese, and also learning Japanese. Wish I could just speak it and stuff. But learning is fun, too. Actually, it's probably just the review that's so fun, since I know it, and then I sound all smart and the teacher says, "oh, Sakura-chan knows a lot, too." ^^
Also today I found two pennies!! That's a feat, since APU students seem to keep a tight grip on their change (and who can blame them). One I had to dig out of the mud, but the other was just lightly coated in red dirt from the baseball field. And I would say that I was happy to find them in part to earn back what I lost at poker night last night, but everyone had "homework" so I didn't get the chance to either win or lose.
I'm sleepy and hungry, but sleeping is for nighttime and eating is for after I'm done with this. garrr...
Classes continue to be good. The weekend is plenty time to do all the reading for the week, so it turns out I don't actually have to *do* anything after class. There's like, no homework this time around. Well. For Japanese I have to write five sentences introducing myself, with one negative sentence. Here, I'll do it now:
Boku no namae wa Sakura desu. Kariforunia-shu Bentura kara kimashita. APU no gakusei desu. Yonensei ja arimasen. Senkou wa eiga desu.
My name is Sakura. I come from Ventura, California. I'm a student at APU. I'm not a senior. My major is film.
Fun stuff.
Clay class would probably be my second favorite class. 'Cause it's fun, and not *easy,* but I'm sorta starting to get a hang of it, and it'll be useful if I ever do. I'm probably gonna go in over the weekend, catch up on some projects and practice. My mug and first bowl are going to be fired soon, as soon as the shelf on which they were put is filled with enough stuff to fire all at once.
Once-a-week boring media class is...ok. This second week wasn't so bad because we were talking about real stuff as opposed to the syllabus. Also watched this funky documentary on this media theorist, which had fun music and made you go "?????????????!!" all the time. Like "Shhh. Keep your voice down in the library. It's not a hockey rink." Yeah, it's a good documentary.
Film & Lit is funnish. Reading, reading the Odyssey all the time. And about movies. So, can't go wrong.
Jesus class is equally as interesting. Moderate reading. Well, whole books of the Bible at once sort of reading. And he's great, he's totally crazy, in an intensely demure way. You can't help but pay attention.
What else? Is there one more? Oh, no. Hahah.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww....they're watching Princess Diaries 2.....Ew. And they seem adverse to my making fun of it. Sadday. But later I'll be going over to Megan's to watch the Office. So I don't miss it again. >< 'Cause I somehow managed to miss it two weeks straight. Did I say that last week? No, I don't think so, I don't think it had happened yet. But I caught up, thanks to the internet.
Raaaaaaaaaaa, now I'm totally hungry, so I'mma run away and eat.
Also, do you like the new layout? It's a new year, so what the heck. New slogan, too. It's all so much fun.
Happy Thursday! It is the last day of the week nowadays!
Are you going to make me a pottery bowl or some such for my birthday? That would be way cool.
You have until April 28th.
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