Thursday, July 26, 2007
I know, I know, I'm late again
I hope today wasn't too traumatic for you all. Without warning and such.
Today I read a whole book. The Painted Word, by Tom Wolfe. He described the progression of Modern Art, and I thought it was interesting enough. His tone and attitude towards the subject was rather "irreverent" (as pointed out in the cover review), and his style was what made it worth it. Real funny, at times.
Then I went to Carolyn's house! And we played Starcraft, because Starcraft is fun, and we haven't played in forever. And then we went to the park and played some croquet. She did a speech on it in her class, so now she's all pro at it. I, however, am not. We played with Steven and his buddy. We also used the swings and the general store and the fire dept and tried not to fall in the lava.
Hey, I never told you about her picnic thing LAST week, where we played on the train what goes to Suremik, and also met Paco. Paco had some really sweet Pokemon cards, and we played a rendition of the game that consisted of him handing us some cards, and us slapping them down on the floor of the play equipment, and him shouting, "I win!" and taking all the cards back. It was real fun. We also made up a whooooole story about the volleyball players, who (according to us) are a local gang running all the small businesses, and also doing cloning experiments. It was great fun.
Did I tell you I saw Die Hard and/or Transformers? I have. Die Hard was better. Like, way better. Transformers wasn't just wasn't good. Die Hard, on the other hand, was actually a movie. With Mac. Whose name was Matt. Huh. And, as I pointed out to my parents in a pseudo-intellectual way, the inclusion of bumbling geeky hacker boy as a crucial back-up to brawny everymans hero McClane is a sign of the changing concept of strength and ability to prevail over evil. Whereas McClane has had no trouble previously in shooting things up and generally beating his way to victory, the new generation demands not only subtlety but technological know-how in order to put the villain in his place.
Been writing some, lately. Kinda started a thing called Radio Silence, one of those massively thought-out epic stories that I'll never write. The other thing is that I'm gradually anthropomorphizing the Solar System. Setting up the characters as based on the planets' relation in space, and then giving them personalities, histories, and conflicts inspired by their mythological counterparts. So far I'm just doing Pluto and Charon, who are suddenly beset by Nix and Hydra moving in with them. In space, Pluto and Charon are dwarf planets that share a barycenter outside of either mass (Charon is not Pluto's moon because it does not revolve around Pluto; they revolve together around a separate point), and Nix and Hydra do revolve around both of them. In mythology, Pluto (Hades) is lord of the Underworld, Charon ferrys the dead across the river Acheron, Nyx is his mother and embodiment of darkness, and Hydra is the multi-headed lizard creature what guards the Underworld. As you can see, Wikipedia is making me a crazy person. But it's so much fun to write.
I get this from the Griffith Observatory, which recently reopened. We visited it ....last...Saturday. I was woken and told I needed to be ready to leave within the hour, and then I was stole away to Hollywood. It was really neat, I want to go back and absorb more. I've always liked space (Thanks, Star Trek), and especially Pluto. I share a bond with Pluto since I invented Ryan Toronto, who, as an outlaw, lurks around my own futuristic Pluto. BUT, at the Observatory, the Pluto display kept calling Charon Pluto's "companion," and that's what got the whole creative work rolling. There was also a movie hosted by Leonard Nimoy in the Leonard Nimoy Event Horizon Theater, in which his wife says that this new theater is better for necking in than the planetarium theater.
I hope you enjoyed today's letter, despite the Awfulness that surrounded everything today. I'd been getting complaints about how sparse I've been writing these lately, and so perhaps I won't get so much flak about this one. I'll try not to put it off to the last minute...anymore. ^^? We'll see, anyhow.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wishes do come true!
Saturday my aunt and uncle from Goleta came down for a barbeque, which was nice. They're those relatives you actually don't have anything against, yet still manage to never see even though they live in the same state. They brought one of their dogs, Bentley, a reddish miniature poodle. They cut him to look like a dog instead of modern art, so he's very cute. And well behaved. We took a walk around the park and they took a visit to the fenced off dog area. There was a very beautiful husky type dog in there.
And then the next day, my neighbor got married. They moved in next door when I, and I still remember the first time I saw her in their front yard. She was all of nine years old, and now she's married. It was a great event! The ceremony was on the beach, by those rocks with the squirrels, and the dress code was "hawaiian-esque." The reception was up in the...whatever it is, what used to be the Holiday Inn, up in that room that used to spin. I don't think I've ever been in there before. There was food and music and dancing and it was all very magical. I'm real happy for her.
The title of my post refers to the fact that we got a kitten, and I attribute it to the fact that I "wished hard enough." I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but there's this new little cat that's been around for a month or so, looks like Simba reincarnated. We used to see him with mice and stuff, and he's very scrawny and wary of people. But I fed him the other day, and since then he's stuck around, who'da thunk.
When I first saw him, I called him Ghost of Simba. Later that changed to Fake Simba. Combined, he was often known as Gfimba. But now that he was MINE, I thought he deserved a real name. Also, I'm pretty sure it's a girl cat, but I'm also pretty sure that cats don't care what pronoun you use at them. We tried Bagheera, Paris, Tybalt...he was Tybalt for the longest, but my sister didn't buy it. I'm not exactly sure where Donnie came from, but I do know he's named after Donnie Darko, for his crazy eyes. (my sister tells me she was just throwing out names, and probably, then I just decided it was for Donnie Darko.)
He comes when you call him! Probably because he thinks "Dooonnnnie!" means "I have foooooooooood for youuuuuuu!" And he's pretty much the perfect cat because he doesn't want you to pet him, and he doesn't rub on you, or drool. He pretty much only loves me because of my foods I give him.
And then he spontaneously and unfathomably got himself stuck on the roof. Overnight, 'cause we couldn't get him down at all. The humane society didn't help at all, and then we called our tree trimmer friend, who sent his kid up there. The kid just grabbed him and scooted on down, and crisis averted.
Um! That's pretty much all that happened to me. Played Kingdom Hearts II and got to level 99, just gotta beat it now. I'll stop writing now, because my sister wants me to go on some sort of adventure.
I hope the cute picture makes up for it.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
"Definitely" was one of those words that I could never remember how to spell. But I looked at it one day and figured it out. It's the word "finite." With a de- and a -ly. And that's all there is to it.
Here's a similar story. In sixth grade, our language arts and reading teacher, Mr. Dilbeck, gave a simple way to remember how to write there, their, and they're. See, they all start with the-, which is important. And...well, I guess I don't remember how else he specifically "taught" it, but since then I remembered what the differences are. Like "they're" is a contraction of They Are, so clearly it's the one with the apostrophe. And "their" is just weird, with that "i", but since they all start with the-, it must be after the e.... just stuff like that, I remember.
The next ones I'm going to sit down and learn how to spell are the believes, conceived, nieces, etc. those, I just have to let my fingers do it and see if it looks right. I know there's that I Before E crud, but that's just never been useful to me. Especially since there's all those exceptions no one ever tells you about.
Speaking of, I learned "special" because for some reason one day I decided that the "c" was giving the "i to the "a" as a present, and that's why they go in that order.
A special present.
Last weekend was the Visalia trip. I had to wear one of those...I think they call them "dresses" to the funeral. That was not very fun. Not that it should have been, but. It was nice seeing the aunts/uncles/cousins/cousins' kids, though. And the weather was real nice, 107. I miss it.
Today I just hung out with Carolyn (and Steven), as well as Monday and Tomorrow because she had a birthday and now she's an old man. And that's why this is so late 'cause I was over there and we were watching the best shows NBC has to offer until real late and now I'm out of time and it's stressing me out, although I'm really excited for NBCs fall lineup.
Stay classy, San Diego
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Anime Expo, 2007
This is the Long Beach Performing Arts Center. It is not really the Convention Center, but they're somehow connected. As in, you go in to the Exhibit Hall on the North side, in the Convention Center, and you somehow come out on the South side of the theater (which is this). It took a while to figure that out.
THIS is the Convention Center. We've been to AXes here before, before they moved to Anaheim. But it's real different from what I remember. For instance, I thought the Queen Mary was right to the north of this....but it's definitely restaurants there.
One of the problems of this AX was how spread out everything was. The theater and the convention center are like blocks apart (makes the exhibit hall too big) so everyone is spread apart. There wasn't a definite alley or hallway where you could regularly find all the cosplayers. And for me, cosplay is way more important than the exhibit hall. I mean, it took us two full days to get through the exhibit hall once. In other years we're in, we're out, and then we're sitting and enjoying the cosplay. So, for me, this year was a little reversed, and that was too bad.
But this is our hotel! The WESTIN. The morning we went, I told everyone to go to the Hyatt, but I must have been crazy, because we definitely booked the Westin. Silly me.
The foreground is the fountains area in front of the theater, so that's how close we were. Also in the foreground is the remains of a really dumb Host Club gathering, where all the Host Club cosplayers (like us) showed up to take pictures.......but they didn't know what they were doing.
This is our amazing room! We waited forever to check in (actually made it through the badge line waaaaay fast, thanks to pioneering Greg). But it's a niiice room. Lot more floor space than we expected, which was good because three people were sleeping on the floor. Shhhh.
Our beautiful view of beautiful Long Beach, California.
THIS is the Hyatt, which was mysteriously connected to the Convention Center on the west side. This is us journeying to the more restaurants near the water. "Us" in this sense is me, Carolyn, Steven, and Steven's little friends.
This is US as in Carolyn, Me, Steven, Jennifer, Jacqi, and Greg. Marie took the picture.
See how Steven's is intense?
And Jacqi made Greg's allll on her own. They took a bus down to the AX from Santa Cruz the night before. Poor kids.
And here they are in their own set of costumes, cosplaying from Pokemon. Jacqi is Ash, and Greg is Dawn. We almost didn't recognize them when they came into the hotel.
Here we are enjoying our free Kodomono Nomimono (Kid's Drink). It says apple cider soda, and non-alcoholic...the Americanized bottle I brought home says Party Pop! It was like reaaaally watered down wine, or weak appley beer. But it was free!
Most of the time, me and Carolyn wandered the Exhibit Hall, just trying to find things to buy because there was too much of the same useless stuff. Sometimes we had Steven as Beelzenef, and I had to guide him through the crowds. But he got us lots of pictures because of how intense he was.
The rest of the time, we hung out in the hotel, or ventured over to the restaurants. The others kept journeying to the Vons in the ghetto bit of town hidden behind the hotels. But the touristy part of Long Beach was really nice. Once we walked along the harbor past the aquarium. There's a little peninsula with a light house on it and everything. It's very cute.
Watched a lot of Man Vs. Wild, lions and snakes documentaries, small people documentaries....Fantastic Four. Scrubs, Futurama. Some news.
Went swimming once. It's good to get my yearly swim in.
I've never really gone to any of the activities planned for AX goers, but the others made valiant efforts. There were concerts, panels, movies, all kinds of things. I ended up going to see Tokyo Godfathers the first or second night, and it's one of the greatest movies ever made. I need to buy it. I really really do. Other than that, I joined everyone in sitting in the auction on the last day when we'd already checked out and just wanted to sit someplace. They were selling signed sketches and posters and box sets of things for like thousands of dollars apiece. The caller also wasn't very good, but it was interesting enough to watch. And we sat through the beginning of the ending ceremonies (a first!) but then we had to leave. Awwww.
Here's just some random pictures.
Awww, they're sitting on the cute benches! I think Carolyn was also taking a picture, and Steven was off with his little friends like he did a lot.
Swirly lights from the arena during the auction.
Says the face in the theater.
Hitmonchan; Pokemon.
Maruchan Instant Lunch cups.
Mokona; Magic Knight Rayearth and Tsubasa Chronicles (the latter of which we cosplayed last year)
A Go board. You all remember the Go club?
Kanmuri, Azuma, Yoshino, and Kirisaki; Yakitate!! Japan.
aka, the Bread Show I always talk about.
A Spartan, I assume. He was just cool because he was wearing that shiny cardboard face on the side of his real face...and that's just cool.
Hawkeye; FMA (don't you all remember those uniforms?)
Riku, I imagine; Kingdom Hearts II
These are Steven's little friends Karen and Hannah. They're pretty cool.
Mello, Matt, and Near; DeathNote. Not my favorite characters, but they were a cute little group.
Balthier and someone-I-don't-know; Final Fantasy XII
Balthier is my favefavefavorite from FFXII, and this guy just ROCKED as him. That other guy....I don't think he's from FFXII 'cause I just do not know him. But maybe I'm just not there yet. *shrug*
Axel; Kingdom Hearts II
She was pretty good. There were a lot of lame Axel's, just 'cause he's so popular.
Shuuichi from Gravitation.
Gravi is soo oldschool, but there's always a Concert!Shuuichi like this one.
This is blurry 'cause I was zoomed up, but.
Mikami (we guess) from DeathNote.
You see, in DeathNote, there is an item called a Death Note, and "the human whose name is written in the Death Note shall die." So this guy? He was looking out through the registration line, jotting down names.
HARDCORE costume roleplay.
Florist-Aya; Weiss Kreuz.
Ah, Aya. If you know me online, you'll know the name Aya. Clearly, someone other than me loves him, too.
Zabimaru; Bleach.
In Bleach, the fighters have these swords, and the swords have different levels of strength, right? When you release the sword to it's second level (bankai), it sometimes stops looking like a sword. This is Renji's Bankai, a crazy sectioned snake thing. And some people cosplaying it.
Stealth shot of Cloud and Tifa from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
Yeah, it's still popular. It's hard to find non-Advent Children versions anymore.
Inside the convention center, second floor, looking out. Awww, what cute little anime fans.
One of the things I truly love about the AX is that it's a different sort of stranger. I mean, when you're walking down the street in a crowd at any other time of the year, the people around you are just strangers, and you don't have any idea about who they are. But at the AX, when the Convention Center as well as the surrounding streets are filled with anime's like you already know them. You can just walk by and say, "I like your shirt!" and he'll say, "thanks!" and you'll continue on. If they're cosplaying, it's even easier, 'cause you know automatically one of their favorite shows and can assume several others. And then you can talk about it. Or calmly take pictures of people you'll never see again. I was wearing my Naruto shirt, not even cosplaying, and I smiled at this Itachi crossing the street, and he knew why I was smiling; because we had Naruto in common. You can't just smile at strangers on the street, they'll think you're weird.
At the Anime Expo, you already know everyone else is weird.
You can walk up to someone dressed the same as you, invite her to a gathering of the show you're all wearing as, and then still be friends with her two years later. We caught Andrea only for a moment, and I was silly and didn't even take any pictures of her in her Tenchu cosplay, but that's the sort of bonds forged in an Anime Expo.
And here's us in the arena, between the auction and the closing ceremonies. Our group in the back (Carolyn, Jacqi, Marie, Jennifer, Greg), Steven's group in the front (Steven, Karen, Hannah, Maddie, and Sta..cey).
It was fun times, it really was. Till next year!
Also what happened over the weekend was that my Grandpa died. So now I have to go finish my laundry and pack again, 'cause we're leaving for Visalia at 3-ish. Funeral's tomorrow. So. I'll catch you next week.