Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wishes do come true!

Happy Thursday! This has been a pretty fun and laid back/busy week. And magical. Let me tell you.

Saturday my aunt and uncle from Goleta came down for a barbeque, which was nice. They're those relatives you actually don't have anything against, yet still manage to never see even though they live in the same state. They brought one of their dogs, Bentley, a reddish miniature poodle. They cut him to look like a dog instead of modern art, so he's very cute. And well behaved. We took a walk around the park and they took a visit to the fenced off dog area. There was a very beautiful husky type dog in there.

And then the next day, my neighbor got married. They moved in next door when I, and I still remember the first time I saw her in their front yard. She was all of nine years old, and now she's married. It was a great event! The ceremony was on the beach, by those rocks with the squirrels, and the dress code was "hawaiian-esque." The reception was up in the...whatever it is, what used to be the Holiday Inn, up in that room that used to spin. I don't think I've ever been in there before. There was food and music and dancing and it was all very magical. I'm real happy for her.

The title of my post refers to the fact that we got a kitten, and I attribute it to the fact that I "wished hard enough." I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but there's this new little cat that's been around for a month or so, looks like Simba reincarnated. We used to see him with mice and stuff, and he's very scrawny and wary of people. But I fed him the other day, and since then he's stuck around, who'da thunk.

When I first saw him, I called him Ghost of Simba. Later that changed to Fake Simba. Combined, he was often known as Gfimba. But now that he was MINE, I thought he deserved a real name. Also, I'm pretty sure it's a girl cat, but I'm also pretty sure that cats don't care what pronoun you use at them. We tried Bagheera, Paris, Tybalt...he was Tybalt for the longest, but my sister didn't buy it. I'm not exactly sure where Donnie came from, but I do know he's named after Donnie Darko, for his crazy eyes. (my sister tells me she was just throwing out names, and probably, then I just decided it was for Donnie Darko.)

He comes when you call him! Probably because he thinks "Dooonnnnie!" means "I have foooooooooood for youuuuuuu!" And he's pretty much the perfect cat because he doesn't want you to pet him, and he doesn't rub on you, or drool. He pretty much only loves me because of my foods I give him.

And then he spontaneously and unfathomably got himself stuck on the roof. Overnight, 'cause we couldn't get him down at all. The humane society didn't help at all, and then we called our tree trimmer friend, who sent his kid up there. The kid just grabbed him and scooted on down, and crisis averted.

Um! That's pretty much all that happened to me. Played Kingdom Hearts II and got to level 99, just gotta beat it now. I'll stop writing now, because my sister wants me to go on some sort of adventure.

I hope the cute picture makes up for it.



Unknown said...

Guess what I am watching right now? Serenity. and Kaylee is inlove with Simon and it made me happy and then I thought of you. And now the revers are attacking and it is making me excited. and I thought that you would want to know. Its such a great show.

Stephanie Anderson said...

I"M in love with Simon. I'm glad you're excited, and also that you love this show. Good for you. Have you not seen Serenity yet?

It's funny since I just just started making my sister watch the show. We've only seen the first two, I think she finds it...tolerable. But she also was not paying close attention, silly thing. You should convince her to pay attention.

Unknown said...

Tell her I say that she should so pay close attention. It is a great show and I had seen the movie before, but I just resaw it and it has been like two years since and it just reminded me.

Unknown said...

I like your new cat and I really miss you. I am glad that I get to read your blogs and I was kind of mad that this weeks was a little short. How did your cat get stuck on the roof and why couldn't you guys get on the roof? Don't you have a ladder or something or is that not something city people do and only wierd country people like me do?

And apparently that their and wierd thing would help for me because I can't figure out where the letters go in the word weird. Oh there we go.

Stephanie Anderson said...

We don't know how he got stuck on the roof. He was outside crying, so I went to the store to get him some cats food, and when I came back, he was on the roof, crying to get down. It was like, "I was only gone for FIFTEEN MINUTES!!"

The ladder went up to the front side of the roof, where it comes down to the top of the first story, but he wouldn't come down the front 'cause it was too steep, and only stayed on the freaking very top, and the back, which only came down to the top of the second story. Um, that's a realllly long sentence. But yes. My mom and dad were both all, nobody goes on the roof! Roof wil break! But that kid proved them wrong.

I'm glad I could help.