Thursday, January 31, 2008


HAPPY THURSDAY! LOST WAS BACK ON. IT WAS ALRIGHT BUT I WANT TO SEE MOAR. Me and Brianna had a Lost party, and I ate waaaay too much popcorn.

Gosh, my computer is acting up like crazy. So crazy. I worry about getting a connection when I'm done with this. Grar. And I don't have time to take it to the help peoples. Not tomorrow, not the weekend, Monday I'll be editing all day, and then it's class all week again. Errrrrr.

I'll be editing because Saturday me and Kelly shot our first Motion Picture product. It went really well! I THINK. We magically got Kory to be in it, as the menacing mob boss--we caught him by the trolley like two days before the shoot, and if he couldn't make it, we woulda had nobody. XD Hooray, planning! The other two characters Kelly wrangled from her life, but even so we were short one guy so she had to be IN the show. Hahaha, it was fun.

The class/professor had some ideas/constructive criticism about making it better, but we have neither the time or energy (or ability! the actors, they disperse so fast XD) to make all these massive changes. So we're gonna do the best we can, and then I'm going to go help on the last day of the Reclamation shoot! (I think.)

Okay, so now let me tell you about my trip to the dentist. I went home Sunday, because at 11 AM Monday I had an appointment with the lovely doctor. No one could drive me, so Carolyn was my best bud and last-minute transportation. I asked them how long it would be, and they said 40 minutes, so she hung around.

He gave me the option of numbing me up, but I don't like that sort of thing, so I said we could try without. So he starts yanking on the temporary cap, and shoot do I need some drugs. So I get shot up. And then the temporary still won't come off, so he has to drill it ("You wouldn't have let me do that if you hadn't been numb!" he says cheerfully). So they clean the stub and dry it and whatever, and then he spends like 20 minutes trying to jam the permanent crown onto it. Long story short, it won't go.

Crown doesn't fit. Made wrong. Have to make a new one; I need a new temporary; I need to come in again on March 3rd and repeat the experience.

So, I hate the dentist. Poor Carolyn waited like an hour and a half. But then we went to her house and played Beautiful Katamari! I rolled up the universe!

Then I went to my mom's classroom and got asked cute questions by the kids. "What's your favorite movie?!" Casablanca. "WHAT's THAT?" and "Who's your favorite actor?!" Geoffrey Rush. "WHO?" They're so young, they've got a lot to learn.

And then school started again. And the class liked our footage (so do I, but Kory's wearing black against a black booth...I'm a little worried about that XD -- I do think the bluescreen will work out if I plan it good) But again, Prof. Smith had a lot of suggestions that we just can't do. Well, we could, but it's not realistic. Well, I suppose it would be if we had the full two days of the weekend, but Saturday is pre-used by both of us, and Sunday is the Super Bowl, so who's gonna wanna be at a film shoot??

Also, Motion Picture is fun now (because we learn neat stuff) but also we get out of class early and then we go and have lunch together. It's way cute.

Had a test today in Mass Comm, I think I did pretty good. And then we watched The Pirate in Musical class, and that was random. Some parts were ridiculously amazing, and some were ridiculously stupid. But Gene Kelly was amazing, and I need to hunt down everything he's been in. Gosh. Also, many wardrobe inspirations for my Spanish pirate Dante. Oh, Dante. He's gonna be a dancer.

I think I'm going to need to use the rest of today in trying to post this successfully, so I'm going to start to make sure it happens. Hope your Thursdays were as fun!


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