Thursday, January 03, 2008

2008 Whut!

Happy Thursday! All I did this week was watch Veronica Mars with my mom and play video games at Carolyn's house. Srsly. That's it. Let me think and see if I did anything else.

Well, the end of the week was Mexico and coming home... Tijuana's not my favorite. Got some pictures, though. Still need to get them off the camera.

And I guess really since then I've been watching VM with my mom, shooting off to Carolyn's for Viva Pinata and Rock Band in the afternoon, and then coming back and watching more VM until the wee hours of the morning.

See, that's cold hard proof that Veronica Mars is a worthwhile show. My mom staying up till two AM? That's dedication. We started the thing on New Year's Eve, I guess? Finished it today. Three, four days to watch a 22 episode season? Honestly, it's a great show. One day I'll write an episode, for fun. It won't be half as good but I know it'll be fun.

Viva Pinata is different than I thought it would be. It's like, farming. Farming pinatas on a farm. You have this land, and you make it nice and wild pinatas come to visit, and if they like it, they stay and you get to name them and breed them and sell their offspring for cash. Or feed them to other pinatas. And you also plant seeds, like for trees and flowers and stuff. And as far as I can tell, that's it. XD I suppose the goal is to collect all the pinatas? Gotta catch 'em all? But that sounds crazy. I'd much rather have a nice little farm full of Pretztails, Mousemallows, Bunnycombs, and a Horstachio. Maybe Sparrowmints, too. They're cute.

And Rock Band! Way fun. And since I was never very good at Guitar Hero, this is good news for me, since I can play bass! Which is just like a simpler version of guitar. And I'm getting okay at drums, although it's super hard for me to separate the movements of both hands and a foot. Haven't tried singing, I'm shy.

Oh, I forgot about Tales of the Crystals. NOT a video game! A real, imagination game! My sister and our neighbor and I played it when we were littler; you listen to this tape and it tells you how to save Collingwood with these crystals and whatever. Then you run out into your backyard and play. It was great, until we lost the tape. But I found it on Ebay and got it for my sister for Christmas, so we played it again! Some of the charm is lost on us old people, but it's still just about how we remember it. We made a fort and everything, but mom made us take it down. Sadface. Oh, childhood.

Also this week I found the time to go to the dentist to get a crown on my stunty tooth. Unpleasant. I'm not a big fan of the dentist. (There were a lot of dental shops in TJ--coincidence???) but this new fake tooth is too short. But it's okay, it's not the finished version. Gotta come back at the end of the month. Too bad I couldn't get it in silver. I'd love a silver tooth. XD

I suppose the other momentous thing of the week is that me and Carolyn decided to go as ANBU to the AX this year. I was going to go as Yamato, and Carolyn was going to be Sai, but Jennifer was being first-season Temari, so we couldn't be Shippuuden style characters. I know that doesn't make any sense to you, but it's the truth. ANBU is a special division of ninja, equal to or higher than jounin level, and they go on special or more dangerous missions. They're like the ninja among ninja. And they all have these animal masks which we'll have to make. But other than that, it's pretty simple. And not flowing, and it should be too hot. So yeah! Hooray.

Okay, I'll let you go now. I'm going back to school this weekend, so I'll update you on my class schedule and rooming circumstances next week. Gah. I like watching tv and playing video games all day all week. ._.


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