Happy Thursday! Today has been pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. Let me tell you about it.
So I accidentally turned off my alarm in my sleep, so I got to sleep in twenty minutes but not be late to class. Showed the current edit of Ink-Man and got a good amount of laughs and stuff. Needs sound and voice over and music, most of which will take up my weekend. It'll be finished a week from now! But it'll be good. Just gotta keep workin on it.
Left class early to go to housing sign-ups--no off campus next semester. But we got in Crestview, 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, washer & dryer. Pretty intense, eh? Me and Beth and Brianna and Megan. Should be pretty neat.
Um and then me and Beth went and got blended coffee type drinks and Subway! And then I went back to the ER to make a copy of Ink-Man for her to put music to...but the ER was full up so I went to the secret computer in the studio. It's set up there for ADR, voice recording. So I was undisturbed until classtime, in which he told us war stories from Vietnam and showed us some pictures. Then we left!
So I went home to change my Thursday pants out for some regular type pants--sadly I think my current Thursday pants need to find an heir. But then I went to musicals class, and we just watched some clips and went home early, too. Haha, so I guess I got out of class early across the board today.
Then I came home and went out to dinner at the Hat with Beth and Brianna and Sam! Then we came back and played some orginal Katamari, which is way easy and fun, and then it was time for the OFFICE AND OMG GUYS IT'S TIME FOR CAPS. JIM. PAM. DUDE. MY HEART. LOVE THAT SHOW. GAH.
And now I'm writing this and Beth is playing Mario and Sam is playing FFV on his Gameboy. But now the Wii has been turned on and I'm being forced to stop this and engage in Mario Party. Which we've been playing allll week. That's literally all I did last weekend, which is why this note is only about today. The rest of the week has been Mario Party.
OH and I have my computer back! That's news! It's virus free and still as slow as anything. Got some mysterious food stains, though. Crazy IT guys.
Yeah, so everything is fine in school and stuff, and really all my projects are over except the movie. So this is kinda the first end=of-the semester where I haven't been just absolutely depressed about some assingment or class that has something awful due and I haven't started it yet. I mean, things are great. It's been a really good semester. And a great day. I listened to a lot of great music on my Zune whilst walking everywhere, and it was just a cool day. I hope all of yours were all the same.
Okay, I'm a cute squiddly squid, so I'mma go get some stars and candy on this crazy train.
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