Thursday, April 24, 2008


Happy Thursday! It's still sort of chilly here, warm in the sun and all but not really hot. Which is weird because it's Azusa and usually it's as hot as the sun about now. But generally springtime in Azusa is wonderful, because the winter ends early and there's a great long time of wonderful not-cold not-hot weather before summer really kicks in. Guess summer's just a bit late this year.

WEATHER-WISE, BUT NOT ACADEMICALLY! I have two more class meetings left this semester. WHUT. Like I said last time, this end of the year has really snuck up on me, because there wasn't any of the nasty dready stress that has traditionally accompanied it. But there has been paperwork, and how much. I actually made a check list for things I needed to do! There was that much. All that's left now is Art Paper and Shut off Gas and Water. And not on the list, there's study for finals. But other than that I'm really done.

Finished the movie at 10, 11ish last night, which is way early. XD Usually when films are due, the whole class is in there pulling an all-nighter. And by usually, you know I mean, "like that last time which was also the first time." Turned it in this morning! I want to do a bonus DVD, which outtakes and commentaries, so it's not like it's really done. But the important part of it (itself) is done, and turned in, and it's screening tomorrow!

Today I have review for Comm, and then the first half of Hammy's class. But I'll have to leave early to go to the APU Film Premiere night, which cost ten dollars and is in Pasadena, it's so special. The first movie I helped on this semester is showing, among others that I was complete unrelated to. So I'm gonna miss the Office and Lost, but that's okay. I have the internet.

And tomorrow, after Last Chapel, I'm gonna write my art paper, and then my parents will be here! They're coming for our Motion Picture I premiere, which is at 7, in case you didn't hear about it and want to come. Then at 8 there's a reception, and at 9 the Route 66 Flix sort of premiere is happening, in the big parkinglot on a blow-up screen. That's where the rest (more or less) of the films are going to be shown. One of the others I helped on (haha, and was in, as a matter of fact) is showing there. I'm kinda excited to see it. It should be a good couple of days, movie-wise.

There are two things I like best about my movie. One is the acting, which I had nothing to do with. The other is the sound in a particular scene--sound effects so good you don't even hear them. Look forward to it.

But seriously, doing sound design was probably my favorite part of the whole thing. Do I have a secret future in editing??? Who knows. Oh, I sort of sent my resume to the local TV station in Ventura, 'cause they said they needed temp help on some summer video camps? I'm not at all sure what I'm getting into, but I hope I get into it.

But I couldn't leave writing. Yesterday in Story and Character we all brought in magazines and cut them up, casting our movies. I bet you couldn't guess how hard it is to find a young Hispanic male in a national magazine. I had to settle for Javier Bardem. Not quite right for the part, I'm going to say now. The movie I presented was Caper! my heist tribute. I think the fact that alligators were sporadically in the movie was the selling point. I really need to get back to writing it. Well, that's what the summer's for, right?

Gotta finish Caper!, gotta write Gray or Ink-Man 2, gotta write something else to submit to be made by next year's MPPII class, gotta keep working on Dreamers. That's one a month, right? Sounds good. 12 weeks? If I wrote 10 pages a week, say a page a day, I could have a feature written this summer. Let's do it.

You want a brief highlights of my week? You want to be tagged? Okay, let me think...

Jenn and Beth finished Veronica Mars, or at least season 2. They're about to have epileptic spasms if they don't get season 3. But, alas, I am without it. Maybe one day.

I'm trying to think of what I did over the weekend, but it's not working. Thursday we watched the Office, and I know I wrote about that....Friday I had my last art field trip and probably Mario Partyed it up. Saturday me and Sam had a voice over recording session, which was fun. Kid's got a voice. You'll hear it. Sunday I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything at all. Monday I primarily did nothing, and then I went and edited sound. Went back and did more sound Tuesday afternoon, and finished it all yesterday. There was also Mario Party scattered throughout this. And we watched Hairspray somewhere in there. And the last half of Rent was on when I got back yesterday.

So it was a movie week.


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