Thursday, January 29, 2009


Happy Thursday! I had a whole opening paragraph already thought out, but I forgot it. I think it went something like this: You know when you have those really cool dreams that you know will make terrific stories, but when you wake up you're all, "wow, I musta been on the good crack?" I had one of those, but the more I think about it in my waking hours, the more and more I think it could be a really good disaster/horror movie. Huh!

I've been having these really solid dreams this week, full of narrative value. Not like the weird dreams I had last year where the characters were very detailed, these ones are plot-heavy. Some parts, I dream dually in images and prose. Like this one, I remember very clearly:

Setting: somewhere on the Battlestar Galactica. They need to find a new planet to live on. Starbuck, for some reason, is heading the charge. She, and a few nameless others (and Apollo, who is named) have gathered near a locked door leading to a room full of secret nav charts or some such clues. The hierarchy would have them leave it, but Starbuck is persevering. She makes an impassioned argument for bucking authority and getting in that room. The group, not entirely loyal to one side or the other, is silent.

Suddenly, the security person who my mind labels as Racetrack but my intellect tells me is no such person, drops the keys to the door on the deck. "I've got you halfway there," she says, referring to the keys. The other half is deciding whether or not to use them.

Apollo leaps up (they're all sitting on these ephemeral stairwells built into the surrounding hallway) and snatches the keys before anyone else can. "Let's think about this," he says, "Before we start thinking about new planets, we have to remember New Caprica. (and this part happened visually and also in text, so I know this is actually what he said:) Before it went to s*** six ways from Sunday, we had some good times down there," he said, and didn't look at her [Starbuck]. And then it went back to movie town and there was a shot of Starbuck regarding him thoughtfully. What good times were had, and why didn't he look at Starbuck?? You just have to watch season three.

Later, it turned militaristic, and nonsense happened. A spearman was trying to train these native...creatures into an army, but they were divided into three ranks. The highest ones were most competent, and they worked for "vetnies" which were very expensive. The middle ones wanted "vinties," and the third group wanted "vetties." Don't ask me what those are, they were just very specific about it.

Lastly, there was a part where Sylar himself showed up and offered his services to the people in charge. He was all, "I know people think I'm evil, but I can really help you guys out." He was also late season-one Sylar, in the cool hoodie jacket combo and good hair. It was nice to see some NBC-Universal solidarity to the dream saga, as well.

Speaking of, both the OFFICE and 30 ROCK were old tonight, for no apparent reason. Disappointment! But everything starts back up next week, so I'll just have to wait. [Side note. Last night I chatted with Zachary Levi about things we have in common--Blockbuster, my brother. Who knew? He's very polite and a swell speller. I'm totally also tagging him in this as soon as it gets imported to Facebook.] Have to work tomorrow night, so I'll have to catch BSG Saturday online. Also next week.

So today was mostly an ABC day, since I rented season two of UGLY BETTY and me and my mom started that today. And since I worked last night, I still have to catch up on LOST.

Well so this turned into a tv Thursday. That's fine by me. I wish I had had more tv instruction included in my film education. These days, the idea of sitting down and watching a movie for an hour and a half seems so unwieldy. Yet, I'll go right ahead and watch disc after disc of whatever show I have on hand. I think I mentally psyche myself out for the journey of meeting characters, investing in characters, and saying goodbye to them in a typical movie setting. In television, if you're lucky, you don't have to say goodbye for a long long time. And that's why television is the place for me.

btw, UGLY BETTY is very worthwhile. There's been more than a couple jokes that have had me laughing through the entirety of the following scene. It also suckerpunches you in the gut when it comes to unexpected emotional impact. Season one finale anyone? I give it a thumbs up (but not a fake one).

Okay, sorry for blathering about tv this whole time. And crazy dream ramblings! Gosh, what was that all about. Just trying to keep things interesting.

Who wants tags?? Megan, Brianna, Beth, Sam, Carolyn, Jake! Michelle. Cathy? Jennifer! And Jacqi. Ummm and other Zack.


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