Happy Thursday! I really didn't mean to leave that hanging from last week, I just forgot to finish it. So let's pretend like I did it on purpose (I'm referring to the "legendary").
I'm 22 now! As of Tuesday. There was a full moon that day, and as everyone knows the full moon depicts a rabbit grinding mochi. I was also born in the year of the rabbit, and in the spring the Easter Bunny makes an appearance. Here's another gem: A group of rabbits or hares is often called a fluffle in parts of Northern Canada.
I spent the majority of my birthday sleeping, a secondary amount photoshopping, and a third amount cooking. You've all seen my new Facebook picture, right? That took a while. Let me tell you about cooking!
I made some red beans-not-quite-paste the day before, and was making the mochi for them by the time my birthday started. That was not really a success, on the whole. The mochi is the right consistency but tastes hella strange, and the beans were not exactly cooked to perfection. Better luck next time.
For dinner I made the best curry I've ever made. I usually get the mild box, right? But last time I tried adding an apple to it, but that cut the flavor out almost entirely. So this time I got the medium hot box, and the apple cut it down to perfect flavor. And the potatoes! Never before have I cooked potatoes to such a fine consistency! Usually I cook them too long and when I'm stirring in the curry they mash up and make the whole thing a sludgy brick. But I cut them big this time and added them late, so I thought maybe they'd end up undercooked--but seriously, this curry was a birthday miracle.
Which is great, since I'm pretty certain Japanese curry is my favorite food.
I also made a batch of bao dough, but I misread the directions and neglected to add the half-cup of sugar that would have made it light and fluffy. It's still delicious, but about a third of the amount it should have made. Filled half of it with some red bean, and the other half with curry, haha! Multitasking my food. The threads of my plan come together.
My mom made me a strawberry cake, which you may have seen on Facebook. It's delicious. She also got me this fantastic costume (yes, the pants are as ridiculous as they look), but now I just gotta find a set of fatigues in my size and I'm basically set to crew the Galactica.
She also got me a Cylon toaster, whose handiwork you can also find in my Facebook birthday album. I named him Leoben, and he loves me.
Carolyn dropped by after school and had cake with us, and brought me a book on writing comics and the IN BRUGES soundtrack. Collection complete! (Movie, screenplay, soundtrack) It's a very beautiful soundtrack~
So thanks, everybody!
I also got a speakerphone call from the roomies at the very start of my birthday, which was unintelligibly hilarious. And a birthday song from Sam and Gareth, which I missed due to the party line nonsense. And then I called Beth at the second nighttime of my birthday, inquiring about the make of a vodka martini, and received appropriate instruction on that matter. Not very delicious, but much less disgusting than I'd expected.
So that was my birthday! I also listened to a bunch of podcasts. And took a walk to the store.
I spent most of today writing a story, with a nine hour sleep break in between. (Much like how my week starts midway through the contemporary week, my day starts at a comparable mid-point to the contemporary day.) It's sure to be epic! Or at least not-fail. I'll have to look at it again tomorrow. Then you all can see it!
With a few exceptions, everything I saw this week was better than average. Particular props to THE OFFICE and 30 ROCK today, and I enjoyed CHUCK a lot more than I'd expected to. BSG I don't remember (sad) and its second-to-last episode is tomorrow. Deep breath. HEROES was of course sub-par, although I have to say I thought the end was super adorable. In a slightly creepy way.
DOLLHOUSE? Don't remember. HIMYM? Plain. LOST? Not new this week? CASTLE? Eh. And KINGS is up and running this weekend. I'll let you know how that goes.
I also saw MOMENTO today, but it was ruined for me by conversation about it, so I'll discuss it no further.
I would also like to say that I have six Pokemon sitting on my desk watching me, and I feel no shame at all for it.
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