Happy Thursday! I am going to tell you all about my super fun weekend in Azusa!
It started Friday night, when I packed up my green sixties suitcase and went to work. Then, after work at like 10PM, I drove across the freeway to Oxnard. Why?! Because my blinker was broken. Oh well. Then I drove to Azusa.
Once there I hung out with Megan in our bittersweet old room, looking at all the free promotional dvds she'd acquired from her hookup aka internship. We watched the secret, unlabeled disc, which spawned my new trademark slogan, "wanna bullet?" and trademark gangsta arm wave.
Then we locked the door to keep out the other roommate and former roommates (it was the unfortunate reunion of the former roommates night) and tried to go to sleep. Except for the aforementioned party having a half hour conversation with the neighbors on the deck right outside our window. Just like the good ol' days.
On Saturday I woke up just in time for Sam to come over. We went to Rolling Rice, which is one of the things they built to spite me when I left. He was in shows that day, and he alerted us to the existence of the matinee show at 2. We went to that. I sat next to Jake!
The show was "A Night of One Acts," and there were four little shows in it. The first one was ...a show, the second was Sam's and super cute, the third was well acted but contextless, and the fourth was racy. I liked it.
Then me and Megan and Beth drove to Barstow.
We were heading to "the desert" and Beth "knew where it was." Then we turned around and went to Victorville for dinner. Olive Garden! Did you know, children, that when they sing the birthday song there, an angel dies? True story! They fall straight out of heaven and smash into the restaurant. We heard it all night. I can only imagine that the roof of the Olive Garden is littered with angel bodies in various states of decay.
Saturday night we tried to go to sleep because the call time for Megan's shoot was at like six in the morning. It didn't work. I ended up having a frustrating dream (highlights include witnessing the new Godzilla show -- "this show is really unsafe. What if someone gets hit with a fireball?" -- arguing with my mom about the last time I visited the school -- "I went to the giant stapler YESTERDAY, mom!!" -- and trying to take a test with a fraying orange marker -- "I'm using a PEN!!") I got maybe like a half hour of sleep and was pretty happy when Megan's alarm went off at 5:30.
Shooting was fun, but also not fun. This is for the class I would have taken if they'd offered it last semester but they didn't so I had to do Ink-Man instead. It was cool to see people again, and to loiter behind a camera (and momentarily in front of it). It was also fun to schlep equipment back into the trailer. I was always good at that.
My all time favorite part of being on set? Free food. Tell your friends.
But the last few hours of the day were pretty, what, lingering. It was a 12-hour day, I reckon. And since I didn't actually have an assigned job, I spent a lot of time at the second location just sitting. We didn't get out of there when we thought we were going to, so there was no time for naps directly following. Oh, let me mention another fun story: a crew member wore a "got your tickets to the gun show?" shirt, with arrows pointing in the direction of his arms. For some reason, when it came up, he said that it was a funny joke--if he were a big guy wearing it, he'd be a tool. So that's where Megan got her trademark catchphrase, "I'm a tool!" and the accompanying gangsta shoulder pop (and lock and jam and break).
We didn't get naps because Sam was done with his daytime activities by the time we got home. So we caught each other up on youtube videos and went to get dinner. They went to Rolling Rice again, and I went to the Greek place.
We ended up back at our place (now gifted with Gareth's presence) and watched BLACKADDER II, which is a British period sitcom from '86. Wacky! I especially got a kick out of Queen Elizabeth I, who often and in lieu of an actual response, would just emit a brief, shrill yelp. We followed that up with some HIMYM, the episode "Slap Bet" which features Robin Sparkle's smash hit Let's Go To the Mall!
I probably watched that another two or three times before the night was up.
Monday morning was chapel, of course, and the hilarity usually associated with that. Then me and Sam hung out in Heritage and listened to Let's Go To The mall! seventeen times and had lunch. Then he went to class and I went to the ER to look at INK-MAN.
No news there. It's still not done.
Then I went to Megan's class for which the filming was occurring. Saw the assembly cut for the other film, too, which looked crazy. They had all night shoots, five to five. So I'm pretty glad I was on the one I was on.
Then Megan and I went home to watch some BSG (she's only on season THREE), but we only got in one episode and then it was nap time. It was still naptime when Beth got back from class at 6:30. Then we noodled around and did nothing, and then Brianna came home. SHE is only starting season TWO. And don't even get me started on Beth.
The plan was, I was going to stick around and watch HIMYM and HEROES at their place and then bug out. And that's mostly what happened. HIMYM was the new episode I'd already seen on the internet, and Megan "did not approve" of me watching HEROES. So me and Beth went out to get dinner while that was going on.
Rolling Rice just closed, so they had to get Panda. I went to the Greek place.
And then we made fun of HEROES until it was over and I went home.
Work's okay. Blockbuster's probably going to file bankruptcy, but they're going to try not to. Go rent a movie.
And today I doodled around with my HIMYM spec, and sorta helped my mom set up for her open house. Free dinner (for me).
I'll finish up with a brief Media Circus because there were one or two pretty exciting things.
Finally watched the second and third episodes and I don't hate it. I mean, I don't even think it's bad like most people do. It's certainly not at the level I naturally expect from a Whedon project, but it's not like each episode is worse than the last. It's just kinda slow getting to the punch. Tahmoh doesn't shine like he does in BSG, but I was literally surprised speechless at the Mark Sheppard scene. I think I knew he was on board, but I'd forgotten.
Fun game: six degrees to Joss Whedon. Gets easier by the day.
This show is starting to lose some of its sparkle. Chuck likes Sarah and Sarah knows and Sarah likes Chuck and Chuck knows and Casey is basically trying to set them up. This is not a situation that can continue indefinitely (although it's worked pretty well so far; so I could be wrong).
I watched it for reals on Tuesday. Zachary Quinto had a breathtaking moment, mixing hardcore Sylar face with a glint of repressed emotion at an act break. Don't remember what else happened other than Claire was forty five years old and Nathan loves Peter.
Now I'm caught up and I can give you weekly impressions. Not next ep, but two eps from now I call Barney coming clean. It's gonna be legen -- wait for it --
Whoa. What's going on. I think I'm in love with Daniel Faraday. Other than that, now the show can get moving. All this skipping around from time to time and character posse to character posse made the season so far feel like the prologue to the main event. As if only now is the story about to start. I hope it does.
Cute, cute episode. I knew something was different when I found that I'd been grinning foolishly at my tv for no less than the first ten minutes straight. Jim scaring people off by pretending to be Michael? And succeeding? Great! Everything else that happened! Great! Whaat! I luv it.
Solid. Not extraordinary. Funny. A little bit of thematic overkill. But I enjoyed it.
I'm sure that's not true, but it might be. I may look back at it and see it as a fine piece of narrative television, but not the ultimate--in the present time, however, and certainly within the duration of my initial viewing, it shocked and awed me. I don't know how many times you've literally been made speechless, you know, physically unable to speak due to whatever it is that you've just experienced, but it happened to me. Gives me chills just thinking about it.
Next week on Monday (too bad mine is already overbooked--hello internet ratings boost), some new shows are starting. ABC's CASTLE (Nathan Fillion ftw (what did I tell you about that Joss Whedon game?)) and ... something else I forget. Can't be KINGS, that's going to be on Sundays. I think I might mean HIMYM. So nm. Just CASTLE.
Me and Megan are going to record a rap/techno song that goes like this: "wanna bullet/ I'm a tool/ wanna bullet/ I'm a tool." We're going to lay our own beats, too. And it will end with a "whaat! I luv it."
We're going to be famous.
Later on,
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