Thursday, June 11, 2009


Happy Thursday! Want to see something ridiculous and ancient? Here:

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephanie Anderson []
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: Happy Thursday!
Importance: High

Just starting things off right. It's really weird not seeing groups of
people to say Happy Thursday to! Well, I hope that you all had a great
last day of school, minus those in this eclectic list who have already
finished. Speaking of, if you know anybody who wanted to be in this
list but isn't, have 'em drop me a line. Y'all know my addy now. And,
of course, if you absolutely hate Thursdays, write me and I'll take you
But yeah, I hope you all HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

-The Graduate

Guess what that is? I'll tell you. It's the very first Thursday e-mail I sent out, the afternoon I graduated from high school. Not quite for years ago "today," but since the high schools just let out today, I'm counting it as the four-year anniversary.

Four years worth of Thursdays (minus this last Thanks--Thursgiving Day) I've touched a computer. Ohh the modern world, how I love you.

Also did you know that before I even left high school I'd said enough "Happy Thursdays" on Thursdays to count for every Thursday I'd ever lived? It's probably a multiple of that by now.

So anyway, congrats to all my friends who graduated today! Like Steven! (Who also sang the graduation song with his little band--great job, guys!) And Daniel, whose house has parties; and Ben, who has a Batman sticker on his car; and Austin, who has a shirt very similar to Carolyn's; and Heidi, who writes cool poetry; and Staci and Diana and Karen and John and Tommy and Maddie and Nash and everyone else who's going to the AX with us this summer.

And congrats to Brianna and Jason, who got married over the weekend! I hope that where ever you are now, it's awesome. I also hope that the video turned out okay and I'm sorry for missing the middle of the Best Man's toast. -_-

Yep, I drove all the way to a little town in the mountains called Angels Camp, about an hour due east of Stockton. AND I made it back, alive. That's the first time I've driven so far/on freeways for so long/alone/to a place I've never been to. Getting gas twice in a day sucks a lot. But it was a lot of fun, and a beautiful wedding and hahaha Brianna just signed onto AIM.

I don't think I'll bug her just yet. ^^

And my sister went home to Seattle. Or Oregon, I'm not sure.

I've only done two other things this week: Sam sent me this link which is a collection of all the "literal" music videos, like the one for a-ha's Take On Me I must have advertised some time ago. This video put me on to Billy Idol and since then I've downloaded every one of his songs and listened to them.

The other thing was catch up in this manga Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. We cosplayed from that a couple years ago, the one when we also did Bleach, I imagine. (Because Evan was Sakura and Isane, so yes) It comes out in 15 page chapters often, but I'd bought the American translated and licenced books when they came out, which have like probably 20 chapters in them. And then I'd stopped, and hadn't read any for like maybe a year and a half. But now I'm caught up, and I'm reading the other one from the same creators which sorta overlaps sometimes. So I'm all comicced out.

ESPECIALLY BECAUSE the library told me Watchmen was finally in, so I have that waiting downstairs with a Superman collection "Emperor Joker." (I also tried playing the Iron Man game this week and we watched SUPERMAN DOOMSDAY at Carolyn's, so it was also a fairly superheroy week)

Oh yeah, we also watched BOLT today. Cute. Hilarious in a Disney way (ie, suitable for all ages, unlike the comedy in a Dreamworks animated feature). John Travolta didn't irk me the way I expected him to, but Miley Cyrus sure did! Good thing she wasn't in it very much.

Yokay, back to reading, I suppose! Happy Thursday!


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