Thursday, September 17, 2009


Happy Thursday! I'm so tired but it's great. I got up at 9! Oh my gosh, early, haha. It's still been great and warm, so I'm a happy kitten. My irregular cat Donnie was staring at the sky meowing at the crows today. He's so irregular.

Um, last night Megan drove up and spent the night. We fangirled over BSG and other things, and I showed her the first episode of DUE SOUTH, which I think she liked (who wouldn't?!), and we stayed up late hanging out.

Today we had a Ventura tour, hung out downtown and at the boardwalk and discussed television and our futures within it. We are now going to write a show called FIREBALL, the space western I may or may not have mentioned. We have so many great characters in need of names!

Developing a television show is hard work. Even if you have an idea you're toying with, you have to explain it to someone else. And then, if that person is going to help you, they have to come up with ideas of your own and then you all have to figure out what everyone is talking about. It's sort of exhausting. But super fun. I look forward to the dynamic of a writer's room where everybody throws ideas off everybody else, and the best ones make it in. That way your first and maybe not so good ideas get swapped out for something better, and then you stay in business.

Also, please do not to be confused with the Sci Fi channel original movie of the same name. :<

My last gold fish died. So I got new babies lol! Four neon tetras by the names of Freddie, Mercury, Figaro and Galileo. Toronto doesn't care that they're there, and Holland likes to sit next to them and harass them. The Bohemians school together and dart around in a nervous pack. Maybe tomorrow they'll feel more at home.

It was actually pretty cool to hang out with all my aunts and uncles over the weekend. They're a rather eclectic bunch. I sorted through grandma's fabric with a couple of my aunts, and now I have a jackpot of things to sew. Look out for those pictures.

Sorry about last week's crazed message. Didn't want it to be the unluckiest week. DID YOU KNOW that next week's will be the 200th blog post? That's because I've been emailing for four and a half years, and maybe three or so of those are documented at this blog. Well actually according to math it has to be 3.8 years, so there you go.

Michelle flew away to Seattle on Monday so we had an exciting airport excursion. The only cool place to go is the international terminal, so we hung out there for a bit before she had to go. How are you up there?!

Mm okay now I'm going to go research names and/or read a Batman comic. Good night all!


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