Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fake Christmas Ahoy!

Happy Thursday! For some of you, Christmas is only a week away! For some of you, and by that I mean my family, Christmas is the day after tomorrow!!!11!1!!!

My sister flew into town today, and had a very exciting day including going to a museum. I did not get to go to a museum, because I had to work. Sadface. But later we're gonna get our drink on and play Beatles Rockband Yeah!

We went to this Mexican place that has a bakery in the back, so I'm just a little sugared out right now.

What I forgot to tell you about Sarah Chronnorcles is that I got to the end. And by forgot I mean I hadn't watched it yet and by end I mean that horrible season three set-up and then they were canceled. Seriously, I'm glad they were stopped; season three would have been a bucket of ridiculous. BUT. Season two was actually reasonably good. The high points were the stand-alone episodes that felt free to be artistic and play with storytelling and time management. It may have been because they had no pressure from the audience? And by that of course I mean that there was no audience.

But no. There became a new robot who did even more wonderfully robotty things, and that was a major plus. My least favorite ever character from BSG started being on it, and that was a major minus but at least I could skip over those scenes without too much guilt. So, all in all, it ended up being a pretty decent show. It just took them too long to warm up.

Hmm now I feel like I have run out of news. Got all my shopping done in time for Fake Christmas, but still gotta go out tomorrow to drive my sister to get her shop on. Then we're gonna bake and sing and dance and have a merry time. I made a chocolate roll, like a cake rolled up with whipped cream inside, and it was like the best thing I ever made. I'll make you one. For real Christmas. Or Hanukkah. Next year.

Have a good one, everybody!


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