Thursday, February 18, 2010

Infiltration Thursday

Happy Thursday! Welcome back to the APU computer lab! That's how many Thursdays beamed from here? Two at least since I've graduated. And probably a bunch from when I lived in here when my laptop died. Those were the days, eh?

Bass is coming along well. Got a tape (yes, a tape) from the library; Bass Basics 2. Dunno what's on volume one. But so far this second installment is just at my level. We're learning rhythms! And I printed out some more tabs to increase my "songs I can play with" playlist. So now it includes "Girl," "Hey Jude," "Honey Pie," "Little Boxes," "I Want to Marry a Lighthouse Keeper," and I'm learning "And I Love Her" and "Like a Rolling Stone."

Okay what does it mean when individual fingers on your hand start twitching back and forth without you doing it? When I had my laptop, my pointer finger would do it occasionally, and I thought it was from using the track pad. But just now my right thumb did it, and then my pinkie. :<

Oh hey, let's change subjects!!! I have a shiny new niece!! Born on Valentine's Day!!! Cassidy Joy Miner!!! So that's wonderful and lovely. A great middle name, too.

So I am at APU today biding my time until I can drive out to San Bernardino to see Sam in a play, Legend of the Arrowhead. It's a musical about the history of that same city. I believe. It's going to be the best show ever and I can't wait to see it. And then tell you all about it.

Then tomorrow I will hang out with Beth and maybe Sam and jam and do all sorts of fun things that one can do on a day off. Listen to more Bob Dylan! Having heard less than 30 songs of his, I have a ways to go, but here's my faves so far: Don't Think Twice, It's Alright; Masters of War; Summer Days. And If Not For You, which George Harrison also recorded and here they are dueting in a most perfect duet.

Here are my fave Dylan lyrics, because the major attraction of his music is the stories he presents:

From "Ballad of a Thin Man"

You raise up your head
And you ask, "Is this where it is?"
And somebody points to you and says
"It's his"
And you say, "What's mine?"
And somebody else says, "Where what is?"
And you say, "Oh my God
Am I here all alone?"

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

From "Summer Days"

She's looking into my eyes, she's holding my hand
She's looking into my eyes, she's holding my hand
She says, "You can't repeat the past." I say, "You can't? What do you mean, you can't? Of course you can."

Haha just the tone of how he says it. Reminds me of the Conchords, a bit.

From "Absolutely Sweet Marie"
Well, I got the fever down in my pockets
The Persian drunkard, he follows me
Yes, I can take him to your house but I can't unlock it
You see, you forgot to leave me with the key
Oh, where are you tonight, sweet Marie?

If you know any cool songs I should try to learn, plz to be letting me know!

Furthermore, if you know any cool songs I should just plain listen to, send 'em my way! I <3 teh music.

Lol, my playlist is a mix of Dylan and Buddy Holly, which makes for comic transitions. I'm starting in the '60s and working outwards from there, it seems.

Okay Thursday pals, I'm outta ideas and or ramblings about old music, so I'll drift away. Keep being the cool folks you are.


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