Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jammin' With Edward

Happy Thursday! There are actually no Edwards involved, that's just a title of a Cowboy Bebop episode, and when I think of "jamming," that's what my mind auto-completes with.

So I've had a bass for two weeks, and this is what I have to show for it. It's actually pretty bad and after I recorded it (this is like the tenth take) I still debated actually putting it up. But it'll be a benchmark for improvement, no?

And admittedly, the poor tone has a lot to do with it being un-amped, and I was concentrating more on being loud than being good. One of these days I'll get an amp.

Because guess what. I have a bass! A mine all mine bass! For cheap as free or just cheap! From my neighbor! I named her Reilly!

But it's not Reilly in the recording, no, she's a little too jangly "in person" so I used the loaner bass whose strings seem to be a lot tighter. The new one probably needs a good looking over by a professional, I think. But still. Way cool.

I'm also amused because I'm using the guitar strap from off the Rock Band guitar still, and I used the USB microphone to record today. It's like the olden days, or the wild kingdom, where play is really just secretive learning of life roles. I mean, Rock Band : pouncing on a litter mate :: Guitar : pouncing on a gazelle.

Rock Band is an enabler.

Me and Carolyn went and saw New Moon at the cheap theater, and I'd say it was hardly worth my three dollars. But considering I saw the first one cheap as free (twice, somehow), it helps if I look at it as one dollar per viewing. That's a little more cost effective. Whereas Twilight surprised me and surpassed my abysmal expectations for it, New Moon -- held to the self same abysmal expectations -- flamboyantly failed to even try to meet them. Dumb, dumb, dumb movie.

Then I went to Pasadena and jammed with Beth. More than jamming, though, we went to restaurants (Pita Pit is the most creepy location in the world, and Maui Wowie was no more) and looked in windows of places that were closed and got harangued by sports fans and got coffee and looked at every book and visited every city and hugged Sam. But then we jammed until like three in the morning, so it was good.

But then I did inventory til late a few days later, and then I got sick, so yeah. I'll sneeze on you. But other than that it was a pretty chillaxing day. Jamming with Reilly.


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