Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hi thur, Summer!

Happy Thursday! On days like these it's hard to believe that there's ever a bad day. It's sunny and the AX is coming and there are beautiful tangerines at the fruit stand.

Yesterday I sat outside and painted my Speed Racer shirt. The inside of his collar and the cuffs of his shirt are white, while the rest is blue. SO I PAINTED IT. Earned me a right-arm sun burn (lefty gets driving sun and is a-ok) and mighty stiffness in the legs. Who knew sitting could be so strenuous??

I also managed to paint my white costume gloves yellow, so now I just need to acquire some sort of loafer and find my red scarf and detach and paint the new G on the shirt. Oh, and I guess buy a whole pack of red socks. And get a hair cut.

So, yes. Almost done. Clearly.

Today I supported local businesses, which felt nice. I went out to the fruit stand, (six tangerines for about a dollar) circled around downtown to Rocket Fizz (Dublin Dr Pepper and a Sprecher Cherry Cola) and then swung by Shamsi's Deli for a half curry chicken salad sandwich and a side of Greek salad ($5.95, if the "too pricey!" reviews scare you off).

This week I spent a couple solid days in Red Dead Redemption, which is like Oblivion only cooler. Except apparently it's not like Oblivion, it's Grand Theft Auto in the Wil' West. But there's not much incentive (for me) to do any grand theft...equine, so to me it's more like Oblivion in that I'm running around the world doing good for people and hunting animals.

It also has a stronger narrative than Oblivion, and a tidier side quests system. Although, to be fair, Oblivion has so many more side quest options that I have yet to properly engage in its narrative. As in Oblivion gave me the "further the story!" quest and so far I've ignored it. Whereas in Red Dead, skinning coyotes is only interesting for a while, and then you're seeking out the next story mission.

Although I did spend a couple of hours (in-game days) cleaning up at a poker table in Mexico. Highly satisfying.

AND after a significant turn in the plot, it gifted me with this song echoing out over the twilight desert trail south of the border: . Instead of spurring my horse on to my destination, I moseyed along as night set slowly around me and this haunting cowboy song whispered my predicament...."it's so far, so far away"...

A little while later, I threw a fire bomb onto a boat, and running back along the dock I missed the turn and fell into the river and insta-died. :<

I accidentally watched some romantic comedies, and had my disapproval of the genre reaffirmed. When in Rome and today Leap Year. The KBell was disappointing--the script quality fell far short of its comedic cast. They were predominately cult actors; people who do their thing and do it well, but perhaps this movie would have been improved by hiring no names and therefore minimizing audience expectations of it? As for Leap Year..............I knew in my soul it was a waste of time going into it...and yet still I was surprised at how right I was.

Next time you hear from me, I'll have been to Colorado and back. Try not to miss me.


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