Happy Thursday! Dear Thursday, why are you so cold? Why do you make me sad? Boo, Thursday, go ruin someone else's....Thursday.
I was watching Nero Wolfe today, but it failed to hold my attention, which was a tragedy because that was all I had expected from it. But I know being in a bad mood is silly, 'cause if you really wanted, you could just stop being in a bad mood. You know, by just not being grumpy anymore. But then I went to work so that didn't happen.
Why is it all the negative people come in when you're feeling negative? :<
You know how introvert/extrovert doesn't necessarily mean that you're shy/outgoing? It's more about how you spend your energy. Like an extrovert gets charged by being with people and can get down and out by hisself, while an introvert gets tired by socializing and needs to be alone to recharge.
We took the test ourselves, in a writing class, and I scored one point higher for introvert. As in, just about as right-down-the-center as you can get (but slightly introverted).
So I feel like right now, I'm getting only the side effects of both sides, tired and dejected no matter what I do or who I see. Or how much I don't do or see.
There was one night this week were I went to sleep at 10:30! And then I got up at 7:30. It was pretty intense.
Luckily, I'm going to Colorado to visit my brother in about a week, and not too long after is the AX, so those both should be a nice change of pace to knock this.
The other day I put an epic tale about a three-legged rat to verse. My first story to song composition. And I have first-draft lyrics for a love/zombie song, and the first verse for an alien abduction song--me and Beth wrote that yesterday. And then she played me a bit she's been working on, and then I ruined it with lyric ideas that turned it also into a love song.
You know, to balance out the song about a clown with a clock for a face.
Which she painted, btw. I'll scan it or something. It's excellence.
Also yesterday we went to a fruit stand and the radio was going, and then the DJ was all "and Jason Mraz and so-and-so wrote that song back and forth in emails" and we were all "our technique has been validated!"
There were some good tangerines and strawberries to be had there, as well.
Gonna try to make my own peanut butter and nutella and pickles and mayo. I'll keep you posted.
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