Happy Thursday! For the next while I'm the house chef! Or, housewife practice, as some would put it.
Let's see, this week for lunch we had tuna sandwiches, modified cobb salad, salmon sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches, tomorrow is peanut butter and jelly. Also salads and little carrots and celery with peanut butter and fruit cups and cookies and asparagus and broccolis.
For dinner we had um, was it meatloaf from the freezer, then leftovers, then ..leftovers again? And then something else from the freezer and then ?? Hm. Dinners I will need to work on.
But the general idea is vegetables, vegetables, also fruits, and then something with protein. I spent sooo much money on vegetables this week. It's pretty fun. I've dropped like a pound.
How was your valentine's day? I watched the Grammys the night before and the folk music performances inspired me to pick up the guitar again. Wrote a song! But it took until today for my hand to heal enough to play it well enough to record. Kids, if you're learning the guitar, don't take breaks! The guitar will not forgive you.
Last... Friday? Saturday? We went over to Jacqi's house and made Korean food. I mostly watched. It was rather good! I think my favorite was the tofu, which was fried in like soy sauce/sesame seed oil/garlic/green onion. I think it must have been Saturday.
And yesterday? Was it only yesterday? No it must have been Tuesday, Carolyn and I saw Harry Potter at the cheap theater. Gonna go see Tron there tomorrow, maybe.
Today I watched Alfie (sorta, after 30 seconds I realized I had in fact seen it all the way through before, so the rest of it was at 10x speed) and The Fountain. My favorite Aronofsky work to date (but that's because I did't like Pi and Requiem for a Dream was well made but sosososooooso dark).
Oh, speaking of the Grammys, check out this band. Can't stop listening.
In Minecraft news, my computer restarted itself the other night and made the server sad. So half my park is destroyed and all of Carolyn's water trap is gone, and my box of treasures is alll disappeared. :< But the church is done, and the graveyard, so people who die in the game can go over there and record it for all time. Or until the server decides to go crazy and move mountains into other people's houses again.
Ok, I got to be packing lunches! Like a boss. I mean, a mom.
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