Happy Thursday! Don't make coffee frozen yogurt with day-old coffee and honey flavored yogurt. :<
On one of the last days Steven was here, we went to this Indian restaurant on Main street I always drive by and want to go to but never do. We just missed the lunch buffet, but we had some pretty delicious stuff. The garlic naan!!! The korma I had!!! Best any sort of food I ever had. You guys, we gotta go there again.
So then I tried to make my own korma, but it came out as a bland curry, really nothing like the korma I expected, which was too bad. Tried some naan, too, but the dough seemed too dry. Looking back, it's probably because I used Greek yogurt, which is way thicker than the yogurt we normally get here. Baked it was alright, but after it cooled it sorta picked up this funny flavor.
Indian food, why you no cooperate?
But you can get frozen naan at Trader Joe's and stick it in the oven for a few minutes, and that's almost as good as you find in a restaurant. They just put in a Trader Joe's up the street, and if it wasn't so crowded with hippies all the time I'd definitely go there and stock up on naan and stuff. But Indian food would be something I'd like to know how to make at home.
Oh, but I did make some pedas, which I had never heard of, but this site taught me how to make a quick version. I don't know how they're supposed to taste, but these are pretty good. Very sweet. I might have over cooked them a tad.
This week I had two days off at the start, and then the full work week to follow....but halfway through Tuesday they called and said the other store needed a shift covered, did I want to do it? 4 til close, 11 PM. Sheeeeeesh. So I did it. What a busy store! What crazy customers. But I survived. Hoorah.
Oh that's what I was doing on Tuesday. So remember several months ago, when AMC showed their miniseries The Prisoner? Remember how I was all "Seriously, when I get it for my birthday, we are all sitting down and watching it." Well I didn't get it for my birthday, but I did get it for Christmas. And just this last week we watched it for the second time.
It was actually worth the wait, because some details were fuzzed, and there's nothing like watching something again for the first time. Especially something really good that had super strange things and mysteries around every corner. So let's watch that again!
Oh, speaking of, I've got to go catch 30 Rock. The shows are new again this week! How do you feel about Will Ferrell on the Office? I don't think he'll last, personally. I don't think he's meant to, I think he's just a gag filler until they finish this arc and get someone permanent. That's just the vibe I got from the episode, I haven't been reading the trades. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.
Be seeing you.
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