Happy Thursday! Today was the fifth day I've had off in a row. The freedom! A mixed blessing, of course, in this economy, but I tried to make the best of it. It was actually going quite beautifully until these last few hours where my mystery headache set in and wiped me out. I coulda been a contenda.
Did we speak of Doctor Who last time? For your sake, I'll check.
Ah, I mentioned it quite in passing. For my sake, I'll elaborate.
WHY NO ONE MAKE ME WATCH THIS SOONER. TELL ME WHY. Although, everything in its right time. Who knows, maybe if I watched it years back I would have hated it? We did watch an episode in school, and just like BSG, I scoffed and refused to see what the big idea might be. What a silly human child.
ANYWAY it's terrific. Eccleston, as my first Doctor, will always be "THE Doctor," but Tennant is growing on me at an alarming rate. Some of the stories are dumb, some of the actors are crazy annoying, but it's funny as all get out and the heart is really there. Worth every cent of its cult classic status.
It also makes a lot of Torchwood things make a lot more sense, lol.
So when I wasn't do that this week, I was probably either applying to jobs or biking with Carolyn. We've been up to see Beth at work, and almost all the way to the harbor. While my bike was at the shop I practiced on the stationary one at home so actual biking wouldn't be too much of an impossibility. The last time I seriously biked was probably early high school. Now if there was anywhere else to go, or if Ventura was safe to bike around!
Okay pals, it's been fun, but I gotta go sleep this off. Hopefully.
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