Thursday, January 05, 2012

Wull Hullo There Thursday

Happy Thursday! 2012 started out as a heat wave, which, though unexpected, was not by any means unappreciated. I forgot I'd been calling it "Australian Christmas" all last week, compared to last years which was, like, flooding if I can recall correctly.

(Which, let's face it, is not one of my special talents.)

Already started my spring cleaning, an activity befitting of the weather if not the month. Mostly just getting rid of stuff that I haven't needed in quite a while, but now it's the time where I can let it go without freaking out about it. There were some things in my closet, shirts and stuff, that I'd stored there with the vague idea that if I needed them for costumes (like, for movies or whatever) they'd be available. But seriously, when was the last time I just sat around making a movie? Do I even know where my camera is? Yep, it's under the bed. Where it's been for at least two years. So it's time for those shirts to go.

Two of them are actually dresses, which for some reason my sister bequeathed to me (they're in my closet, after all) so I texted her saying "can I throw these out?" and she was all "no." And I'm like "the one still has the thrift store price tag on it." And I mean, I'm never in my life going to use them. She's not, either, she doesn't even live in this state. "no," she says. So if I ever get around to taking them back out of the give-away box, they're going in a pile in her closet. But not back in mine.

I even threw out--recycled--that old Build-A-Bear box/house I'd been saving for in case I needed a cardboard house. Now my closet has a big gaping hole in it.

Other than that I've been sulking around, put a computer together, got my bike tuned up, reading books, and watching Youtube and Doctor Who. A mixed start to the year, but it'll turn around.


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