Thursday, March 15, 2012

laugh laugh laugh

Happy Thursday! Looks like it's finally going to rain this weekend, my phone says lightning. My phone doesn't know much about weather, though, so we'll have to wait and see.

Today I got up at 7:45 IN THE MORNING. In my dream I met a cat and I lived in a dorm. I often have "moving into the dorms" dreams but I think this one was because I had a 9 o'clock meeting at a school. LOOKS LIKE I may be re-enrolling. Computer systems. Networking. All that cool geek stuff.

In my previous dream, I'd asked them about the final exam, and they showed me a slideshow on camp activities like rafting and zip-lining. I said "I don't want to do that. Can I bring a doctor's note?" And they said that would be fine, so I think I have this final exam all wrapped up.

So we'll see how that goes. Gotta put some paperwork through and sit in on a class to see if I'm sure, but it's a way forward that isn't a) being unemployed or b) living the rest of my life in retail.

SPEAKING OF. One week left at the 'buster. FINALLY. UGH. Shoot me now.

OH, lol, that's right, I just had a birthday! Want to hear about that? (I just had a piece of cake can you tell??) Did you see the pictures of my masterpiece? Let me tell you about it.

I used Betty Crocker's recipe for like a nice family dinner cake, in that the recipe ends up being a single-layer cake. Remember tea time tea cake, for example. The first one, though, I dumped in (not quite enough) strawberry extract and the perfect amount of red. Second I did as directed, vanilla. Third I left out a touch of flower and tossed in a quarter cup of cocoa powder.

Between strawberry and vanilla was a strawberry frosting, between vanilla and chocolate there was a vanilla frosting, and on top of the chocolate and all over the damn thing was a big mess of dark chocolate ganache that was quite hilarious to apply. My goal was to hide the fact of the neapolitan interior within the guise of plain chocolate. It worked? Also, I dreamed of it.

In THAT dream, I'd entered a cake in the fair, but it was a box mix and can frosting, and the judges were highly unimpressed. You should have made THIS cake, they said, pointing to the neapolitan one. I woke up. Challenge accepted.

Yeah and we went to a museum and out to teppan dinner and stuff, too. I got a Dalek.


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