Friday, December 28, 2012

Well. That just happened.

Happy Thursday??!??

Nope.  It's Friday.  For the first time in ... 7.5 years, a Thursday note didn't go out on a Thursday.

How much do I care?  Not so much!  It's been 8 years for crying out loud.  Ugh.

Blame it on video games, of course.  Steven got me Final Fantasy XIII-2, so that's what I've been doing for the past 5 hours.  It's 2 AM now.  I forgot how much I loved exploring maps and pressing X nonstop in order to gain points.  I'm hardwired for this activity.

Christmas was good!  I'm going to sleep now.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Public Domain

Happy Thursday!  I'm actually typing this on my Surface's surface, on the touchscreen.  Because I'm too lazy to fold out the keyboard.  As a touch typer, it's really not terrible, except for the lower keys you have to make an effort to tap them with your fingertip rather than your nail, and there does seem to be a form of autocorrect that doesn't like things like "typer."

School's out for the year, haha.  Only got two weeks left, after we get back.  Gonna get Security+ and get out! 

This week I spent my time in class reading all these public domain books I downloaded over the weekend, into my Kindle app.  Monday I read The Book of Tea, and Tuesday was A Christmas Carol.  Wednesday I started The Children of Odin: the book of northern myths.  We also read a selection from a Japanese fairy tales book.  Look up the one about the monkey, the crab, and the persimmons.

Oh I'm sorry, what was I saying?  I ended up on Wikipedia for like half an hour.  Next time you're there, look up folk etymology. 

Also this week did some chatting in Japanese.  Google translate and this kanji app I have, plus the Japanese keyboard input makes me sound almost fluent.  Technology is sort of the best.  コンピュータが大好き。

So, Christmas is coming.  YOU BETTER WATCH OUT SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN.  That's so threatening.

Good luck tomorrow, everyone.


Thursday, December 13, 2012


Happy Thursday!  My how it's gotten cold.  I remember last year we had a fairly hot Christmas, in true SoCal tradition.  This year it's quite chilly.  :<

So.  Of course the big news is that next year I start my new job!  It was literally two weeks to the day from the time I submitted my resume to the time I got my formal offer of employment letter.  How crazy is that??  The timing, and the process, and just plain everything about this situation seems to be divinely handled.  I don't talk about stuff like this much, but I do believe that there's a path laid out for me to follow, and everything that happened this last year--from the end of Blockbuster and so forth--was all leading up to put me in the right place and the right time.

So that's new!  Of course, The Man still has to sift through my history and make sure I'm not a foreign loyalist or something, but other than that I'm all set.  I even bought, like, a business-casual sweater.  It's a Christmas miracle.

How've your holiday season's been so far?  Festive?  Exciting?  Stressful?  You got this, bro. 

Oh man, I gotta get on my gifting situation.  Ugh.  TTYL.


Thursday, December 06, 2012

Hard Day's Night

Happy Thursday!  It's actually been a hard day's ... day.  And I'm all the tired, so excuse me.

We watched A Hard Day's Night y..e...sterday? before??  recently, for no good reason, which is the best reason.  It's a thing you can never regret doing.  I don't think I'd seen it on our HDTV before, either, so there was a ton of new stuff to pick out in the background.  If you haven't seen it, what is wrong with you.

Today I had my first official in-person interview as a future IT professional, and I think it went pretty well.  Usually I get sick nerves about things like this, but I was soooo fine all day long.  Except when I got really super flustered about an unforeseen parking issue, but that was sorted and it was the only crisis.  So, que sera sera.

Did I tell you we beat Borderlands 2?  We did.  Now we're in the DLC, and the hoverskiffs are pretty sweet.

Ain't no rest for the wicked.

Except me, I'm going to sleep immediately.
