Thursday, December 06, 2012

Hard Day's Night

Happy Thursday!  It's actually been a hard day's ... day.  And I'm all the tired, so excuse me.

We watched A Hard Day's Night y..e...sterday? before??  recently, for no good reason, which is the best reason.  It's a thing you can never regret doing.  I don't think I'd seen it on our HDTV before, either, so there was a ton of new stuff to pick out in the background.  If you haven't seen it, what is wrong with you.

Today I had my first official in-person interview as a future IT professional, and I think it went pretty well.  Usually I get sick nerves about things like this, but I was soooo fine all day long.  Except when I got really super flustered about an unforeseen parking issue, but that was sorted and it was the only crisis.  So, que sera sera.

Did I tell you we beat Borderlands 2?  We did.  Now we're in the DLC, and the hoverskiffs are pretty sweet.

Ain't no rest for the wicked.

Except me, I'm going to sleep immediately.


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