Thursday, January 10, 2013

Back to Work

Happy Thursday!  Next Monday at 8 AM sharp I am reporting to work as a Helpdesk Support Specialist I.  It's the start of something new!

I don't really know what else to say.  I'm going to have to start getting up a half hour earlier.  This first week is 40 hours of training, but I'm going to be part time after that, until such a time as I can do it full time.  Next week was also supposed to be my last week of school, but now I'm going to have to postpone that, haha.  Gonna take Security+ soon.

Remember when I started school?  I said "The first couple of days I learned how to do stuff in DOS. So if you ever need to make a bootable floppy disk or, say, create a batch file, I can do that for you."  Haha, do I still remember how to do that?  NOPE.  But will I ever need to?  NOPE.  That's the secret of computers.

You really only need to know how to use them for how you want to.  The rest of this stuff is just for show.

So before school I had upgraded my motherboard and CPU.  Since then I have sourced and installed RAM in Carolyn's computer, installed and uninstalled a CPU upgrade, installed a new motherboard for the new CPU, uninstalled the cooling assembly and reinstalled a new one; troubleshot and installed new RAM in my mom's laptop; learned how to use Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2003, Server 2008; purchased a Windows 8 tablet; confirmed my WPM is 70~75; learned how to scan documents into .pdfs; defragged and updated computers for the school district; read 6 textbooks; obtained two CompTIA certifications and a third shortly; was a part of a student council; and got a entry-level job in an industry I knew nothing about 10 months ago that pays more than twice what I was earning in retail.

In that time I also read approximately 10 non-textbooks; wrote 50,077 words for fun; started writing and designing a card-based table-top RPG; started liking boba; started following esports; beat Borderlands 2 and watched a whole anime series; learned how to play the jaw harp; spoke in a fake Russian accent at least 50% of the time; and cleaned my room maybe thrice.

Yikes.  Goodnight.


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