Happy Thursday! In about three minutes I'm going to sleep.
This morning I passed the Security+. There were some "performance based" questions or whatever, which were about dragging boxes into the right order and manipulating drop down menus that initially threw me off guard. But they were all on things I actually knew, so that felt pretty good. Shocking, but the fact that I took the time to study the port and transport protocol for TFTP actually came in handy.
So, done with certs for the time being. I have a Server 2008 study guide to slosh through, but I'm going to take my sweet time with that beast.
Started work this week. Just like with starting school, I honestly don't think I'm really ever going to be aware that this is how I'm spending 40 hours a week. Well, part time after training. But oh man.
I have to get up at 6 because there's a mini commute, but yesterday and the day before I was in bed during the 8 o'clock hour. Today, too, if I quit typing. I thought the extra sleep would help, but so far I've been dead tired as soon as 10AM rolls around, and it doesn't get better until about 40 minutes after I wake up the next morning.
The work isn't actually going to be that hard, but there just is a ton of stuff to understand and know and be generally aware of that I need to ....do all of the above. After four days I think I have the basics, but it's going to be a while before I've got a handle on everything.
Onwards and upwards, that's what I always say. But right now, sleep.
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