Thursday, April 20, 2006

Jazzy Spring Thursday

Happy Jazzy Thursday and Happy Spring Thursday! Today is so special that I'm wearing my Thursday tie AND my brand new Thursday shorts! Because that's just the kind of Thursday this is.

Jazzy because when we were eating lunch outside, the jazz band was randomly playing along the walkway, and that was very exciting. Jazz = love. Also, I was randomly downloading music from Cowboy Bebop the other day, and I came across a few gems of jazz pieces that were entirely new to me, and they make me happy.

We were sitting outside to eat because it is undeniably spring now. It's seriously as hot as Ventura gets in the middle of summer. Which is just lovely. So, it was a perfect chance to debut the Thursday shorts. (Also because I discovered the Thursday pants were dirty) They're brown (of course) and from the Gap, which in my mind is an over-priced rival to Old Navy (where the other Thursday clothes come from), but it's ok because Gap Inc. owns Old Navy. So they're more like cousins that don't speak to each other.

So, Chem lecture didn't start until 12:30 today, which made for some good extra sleeping and time for lunch before class. Then, lab which usually starts at one ended up starting after 1:30, with us waiting around outside the room for twenty minutes while she ran some stuff off. Waiting around on the third story balcony in the sun! For twenty minutes! And it was our last lab ever, so it was extraordinarily exciting. We titrated. But it didn't work the first time, so we were the last group in there. But, still, it's over now!

And then I hung out in a friends' room for a loooooong time and now I'm writing this, and now they want to go eat, so I'm off, too! Hope you had a great day, too!!



Anonymous said...

I thought you were attending a CHRISTIAN didn't tell me they TITRATED there!

Anonymous said...

speaking of chem mrs lucas has been attacked by the schools ninjas and well Obviously she slaghtered them all, with great cut scenes filled action of her whole life story, however she has used up too much chakra and is not going to teach for the rest of the year. i... sadly have not Recruited any go peons and am still the only go person in the go club.... yah umm stuff.. hey why do u have to start watching all the anime i like when ur gone. Naruto Yakitate.... very disheartining. well i have come down with the poison oak hurts... i have had it for soo long i think i have developed a symbiotic relationship with it... thats bio not chem... ok have a awsome weekend and




zack and moku

Stephanie Anderson said...

Wow, Zack, I think that's the most I've heard from you at one time ever. ^^

I'm very sorry to hear about the ninja incident, but I'm glad Mrs. Lucas fought well. We trained her well in the ways of Go.
But the less said about Go the better.
I know, if only I had discovered the wonders of Naruto early, then I would have known what you were going on and on about! Have you been able to keep up with it, through the filler? That's too bad.'s so good it hurts as bad as the poison oak.
Thanks for dropping a note!