Thursday, April 13, 2006

Spring Break is like summer, only short

Happy Thursday!

I bought Thursday shorts today, in anticipation of coming summer. Now all I need are some cute Thursday shoes. We looked, but there was just too many small children throwing balls around. It was incomprehensible. Shopping takes a lot out of ya.

So this week I'm at home! No work! Sleeping and baking!

Oh, so on Tuesday I tried making the rice maker Japan #2, right? I totally broke the rice maker. Yep, it's dead. So. I'm going to have to hold of on recommending the recipe, unless you know what you're doing. At least that day I made some rolls, and those were pretty good. Didn't taste like much, but at least they looked like a bread product.

And the funny story involving sleeping is from last night/this morning, where I was Sydney Bristow. Yeah. And I was thieving. In my dorm's laundry room. And then Lauren whatsherface comes up, and suspects me, 'cause really, I'm not being a very good thief. It was pretty weird. Especially since I haven't seen Alias in like half a year. No idea where that came from.

So on Easter I'm going to eat twelve chocolate bunnies, I swear it. I'm really looking forward to it. Because, you know, that's when Lent is over. It's a good day, for a lot of other reasons, though. ^^

Oh, oh, I've been meaning to include the word of the day, as provided by, but I forgot and already deleted that mail this morning. Because it's 5:30 now, and it's as bright as noon time. It's absolutely crazy, this time change. And it's all hot and nice today, when the internet said that it would be raining and cloudy this week. Take that, Internet! Real life, 1, Internet, 0!!

No, I'm sorry, Internet, I was only joking. You know I love you.

Anywho, it's seriously time for my nap. Or, for my dose of Kingdom Hearts 2. Because I got it now! And it's totally rocking. Thanks Mom and Dad! And, in my very own style of playing KH, I've got the PS2 plugged in through the VCR, so I can record gameplay at will. So the opening, I got that. Cool cut scenes, I got those. 2 hours of just the Roxas opening part, I got that, too. Although, I don't got that part where Pooh Bear stops in time and then freaks out. That part scared me in it's awesome sudden blueness, and I'm sad I wasn't recording. (What also scared me every time were those statue Heartless that busted out of nowhere. I jumped. Every time.) I also want to recommend KH as a new exercise, 'cause some of those timed battles really get the heart rate up. No joke. Overall, I say go get the first game if you haven't, and, if you have, definitely get this one. But, if you've played the first, then you don't need my encouragement.

Huh. I just looked over and my laundry bag/holder thing is all broken. Well. I never liked that thing, anyway.

Hahah, guys, I'm in my own room, and I'm using my desk! Can you imagine that? My laptop, on my desk! That like, never happens. It's because I haven't been here, and my desk is pretty much empty. Just so you know.

Nyaa, I'm off, now. I'll stop rambling. I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stephanie -

It was nice having you home for the week.

Good luck in your LAST 2 WEEKS AS A FRESHMAN!!