Thursday, September 21, 2006

Been a While

Happy Blackjack Thursday! First one of the year. I know there's one next month, but I almost totally forgot about this one. Hahah, oops, since it's way more obvious than October 5th. Perhaps I'll get my roomies to play a hand with me. Sigh, if only I could count in my head.

So, I've been of the opinion, for a long time now, that everything happens for a reason. Here's a good story.

The other day, I was on my way to the caf for dinner. There are two ways to get there from my little house, the common way and the faster way. Because it's the common way, I was headed toward that one. But it just so happens that a car is coming down the road, which makes me veer off towards the other way. But in the car is one of my roommates, Alex. We wave, and I continue off in my new direction.

This is like an alley, blocked off from cars, between the baseball field and a dorm. So, I'm walking, and I see in front of me a lady talking to a freshman, the latter of which shrugs and goes on. I'm just catching up, and as I pass, I catch the lady's eye, because I know she's looking for somewhere and that girl couldn't help her. She catches mine, and sure enough, says, "Do you know where the IMT modular is?" I sure do. So I nod, and reply, "Yeah. Do you want me to show you where it is?"

Long story short, I walk her over to IMT and we have a nice chat about the campus. She says they didn't give her very good directions, and I say they never do. IMT isn't exactly on the way to the caf, but the direction I was headed when I met up with her is the way to get to the way to IMT, so it was easy to escort her there. My directions probably would have been worse than the ones she got before, anyhow--it was easier to just take her there myself. She thanks me, saying she really wouldn't have found it on her own, and I encourage her to have a nice day.

What if I had left the mod thirty seconds earlier, and wasn't detoured by Alex? Then I never would have had the chance to help out. And the actually helping out itself? Pure after-effects of Vons training. I'm not joking you. When someone asks me where something is, my very very first response is to ask if they want me to help them find it. Plus, the friendly chat between strangers? Never woulda happened four months ago.

I believe everything happens for a reason. If the sole reason I got that stupid job was to be prepared to help this lady find IMT, then I'm willing to say that it was worth it. Because those moments of friendliness, of service, were definitely the highlight of my day. I think that there's nothing I like more than to be useful. ^^

In school news, we're about to start filming our first project for film production. Actually, I mean taping and television, respectively. It's a chase scene that doesn't have a lot of action. If it turns out well, I'll tell you about it. ^^
Screenwriting we've started from the very beginning--the other day we created character and conflict, today we worked on scene. The writers of scenes had to direct the other kids in performing the scene, and it was very enlightening as to how to write with acting in mind. I'm not sure what we're working on next, but Mike said he'd ask Dom what our homework was. ^^;;
Japanese, we're finishing up chapter one! Still learning how to read, really. And, you know, write. Apparently chapter two is verbs, which I'm really interested in. Verbs will really start to free me up in the language. After all, you can't do anything without verbs.
Church history...finally turned in an assignment today. I've been good, doing the readings so far. Actually, I've been excellent at keeping up in all my classes so far, even doing my homework when I get home instead of waiting til after dinner to start it. It's weird, but it seems to be working. XD The only thing I'm behind in is reading for Mass Comm, but I'm not sure how much it matters. That's my least favorite class...because it's not interesting. But it is the prof who thinks that essays are the answer for everything, but I guess not in this class, which is a relief.

And little-house life is great, over all. Discovered KDOC-TV the other day (channel 112 here, 0o) and it makes life a lot better. Oh! And Grey's Anatomy is on tonight! And Lost soon, and I think Scrubs, too, huh? ^^ I like how house-life turned into tv-life.

It's really hard to believe I've only been here for a few weeks.


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