Thursday, September 14, 2006

Swing of Things

Happy Thursday! This one is very different from last week--cloudy and cold, and I actually was able to wear my jacket almost all day. 67 degrees at the beginning of the afternoon. I kept hearing last year how it was unusually warm for so maybe this is what it's really like, and it gets cold right away? Never can tell--I bet it'll be 90 again at least sometime next week.

Friend of ours rented Lost season 2, and she and Brianna have been watching it straight as often as they can, and of course I'm eager to join them. Do you guys know how great of a show that is?! I wish I'd started it at the beginning...or maybe I don't, 'cause I don't know what the weekly wait would have done to me. And I thought Alias cliffhangers were bad. Shoot.

Thursday is my longest day, right? Where I hafta wake up at 7 to go to the film production lab. XP And thanks to Lost I got to bed at a charming 1 AM...but it was alright. I need to shake up my sleep schedule so I don't build up a tolerance to 8 hours. Actually, though, I just got up from my nap, because my head started hurting halfway through Japanese.

Which is a great class. Sure, the ONLY new things I've learned so far are the words for pond, chair, salt, and station...but it's still fun to be in school for something you love. Because, I guess, school's never been like that before. Oh! And, the teacher gave us all Japanese names to use in class, and I'm Sakura. ^^ Which is like *the* most over-used anime name ever, but it feels so special ^^. I'm sure, though, it's because I was the first on the list, and the first girl's name that starts with S to come to mind is definitely Sakura. The other Stephanie is Yumiko (she changed her given one), and the other other one already had a Japanese name, Kiyoko.

It's actually pretty thrilling to say, "Hajimemashite, Sakura desu. Dozo yoroshiku."

And my reading ability is way far ahead of everyone else's. ^^ They're sounding things out, and I'm reading them. Thing is, we're starting out in hiragana only, which actually throws me off, because some things I can read in their kanji...she holds up き and I know it's "ki", but then she asks what it means, and I say, nothing. Becuase 木 is pronounced "ki", and that's what I think of when I think of the word "tree" in Japanese. Wow, did that make sense? No. Ok. Moving on.

Similarly, my screenplay class with Esselstrom is going veeeeeerrrrry well. So inpsiring and exciting. Already read a whole book for that class, and it hasn't been assigned yet. Today, we brought in a description of a character and a situation for him, and we acted it out. First, though, we gave him just the name of our characters, and he made up a description and conflict out of his shiny head, and it was pretty amazing. I acted (!!, I know) as a creepy old lady who HAD to check for change in ALL the parking meters, including the one where the guy with the car is just standing. It was pretty funny.

Also, right now, I'm sharing the couch with a guy named Alex, whom my roomie Alex introduced to us all, and he comes over like every day. And, right now, he's attempting to write a Thursday/Brown song. In search of the one chord which will make brown actually emit from the guitar. Because he's accidently wearing brown out of fate today, and I gave him a high five.

We have fun times in college, we really do. Later tonight Sophomores get free pizza and prizes or something. And, my homework is all online, so I only need my compy to do it. And, we're gonna go to bed early today!

Lookin' forward to the Blackjack Thursday coming up? I know I am.


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