HT e1!
I am so hungry. BRB going to the caf.
Hmm... not a great selection today... here, look.
More pictures? Ok.
My Thursday Truck! He's sooooo cute. I saw him twice today, and both time I laughed giddily. Kinda like everytime I see Pellaffle, the alien donut penguin I drew.
The new walk added onto the normal walk--all the way to that light and back down the other side, to get to....
Yeah. That's where my Japanese class is at. Room 208. There was like no one there today, I answered pretty much everything. It was fun.
So I forgot to do my laundry, so I just did it all today, so earlier I was not wearing my Thursday clothes, but now I am! This week was pretty weird. But now that it's over, it's pretty good. I mean, tomorrow is a "study day" to prepare for next week's midterms. I already had one, and thanks to him curving it a crazy lot, I got an A!
My mom's coming to visit tomorrow, and that should be exciting. Hafta clean the little house, so it looks like it's always clean. LOL.
Brianna's playing the Rent soundtrack (on shuffle between the old and new versions @@) and it makes me want to see it real bad.
OH. Lucky # Slevin is EXCELLENT. The Departed is alright, coulda been better. Fulltime Killer is going in my list of favorite movies ever. Primal Fear was hyped too much to me, but it had its merits. All these movies had actors I really love (except for Fulltime Killer, but now I really love Andy Lau), and I'd say the acting is the strong point of all of these. Maybe in Slevin the story one-ups the acting, but then, everything about it is good.
Our most recent filming project is to tape a "dialogue scene" that was given to us. It's a horrible, horrible script, the acting is only as good as our classmates, and most recently, the filming is only as good as myself.
Remember when we spent five hours taping it on Sunday? Well, tonight we have to do it allllllllllllllll over again.
Why? Because the lighting was awful, and the other camera person pretty much got the entire soundstage on tape.
It's projected that we'll be there till 2 in the morning, because we can't meet until 9. Sigh. I miss sleep.
Speaking of, I might just nap after getting my clothes outta the dryer. 7-8:30 nap, that sounds good. 8:30 is Office!!!!!!! It holds my attention better than Lost does, sad to say. OK. gtg. ttyl. cya.
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