Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Guests in my House are Plants

'Cause they are. Megan's giving them back to whoever they belong to tomorrow.

Happy Blackjack Thursday! Second of the year, and I'm not sure if there are any more. I'll have to check.

Last night I had a crazy dream which involved me being a Meredith Grey-esque doctor, who instantaneously became a Buffy-esque demon fighter when Spike (from Buffy) showed up with crazy spikes (huh) out of his back and a tail, and then tried to kill me and my random dream friend. It was one of those ..disturbing dreams that you realize are not fun and wake yourself up from, and then try to stay awake for a while so you don't go back there. The worst part was that this happened at 6:11 AM, and my alarm was going to go off at 7:00. I guess I did fall back asleep, because I woke up again 30 seconds before my alarm, so that's alright.

I'm sorta sad that Thursday is my long day. But the fact that the second half is my favorite classes kinda makes up for that. Today we "learned" how to set up lights and get the right kind of light ratio in production class. Then, I went and doodled in my Church class. Then lunch--I bought a crazy frozen thai food thing from the Qwikimart, and did my homework for the next class. Which was Screenwriting, and he stealthily taught us about good characters/characterization without us realizing it. Then Japanese, where my hall-mate Suko from last year was randomly assisting in, and where I actually learned some stuff. I think it was the best/most productive class so far.

From there I walked back over to West, to meet up with a buddy from production class to do some stupid homework which involves ignoring a 20-year-old cd-rom and taking common-sense quizzes. But the only two computers in the entire school which have this program were occupied, so we sat there next to them and hung out. They were occupied by people from our class, by the way. Then we went to the food place and went back, and I was able to skip the ignoring part and just do the quizzes, so now it looks like I completed everything. ^^ And, I did like enough Japanese homework to last a week.

Also, it seems that I have no homework (as of now) for tomorrow, and only one class! There's extra credit for the other one, but I dun wanna go and listen to a lecture about directing actors. Production class has made me realize how much I do not want to be in that side of film production. I'd much rather sit at home and write a movie, and send it off and be completely uninvolved in making it. Screenwriting has shown me how much I want to write for TV. As has LOST.

*incoherent gurgles*

What a show. What a show.

Also, today I wore my sweatshirt all day long. Because it was cold enough to need it! The sign on the way to class this morning said it was 53 degrees. To me, we've definitely hit fall. And it's real nice. I'm thinking of doing a Fall Update photoshoot, which includes the route out to Japanese class, which is located in a shopping alcove across the street from the real campus.

What else.....finished that movie. Ended up being called Toward and Away, but that was literally something thrown out there at the *last* second. It's not the best movie ever, no, but it's alright. Just, I can't sit through it anymore, because that footage and that song make me sick. Got a copy of it today, so I can show it off if you come in contact with me and a DVD player.

Welp, that looks like that's all I've got to say this week. I'll leave you with this: if you haven't seen Arrested Development, you NEED to go rent it. NOW.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow... I want to see the Meredith/Buffy crossover! Except the whole medical thing isn't weird enough. You'd have to add in an anime or something.

So I know this isn't my blog, but i have to post that the other day I was playing WoW (no surprise, really) and we were using Ventrilo for raid chat. Every time we killed a BWL boss, somebody chimed in with the old FF 2/4J victory music -- and it cracked me up every single time...

SO back to your blog... Yes, post pictures! The VC Fair is getting old. ;) And can you shrink up your movie and send it to my gmail? Or Trillian it over to me sometime? I'd like to see it even if you say it isn't 'great' =)

love ya,
