Remember this one Thursday last year, when I posted pictures from my hall of the Christmas Chaos on the lawn below? Well it happened again!! So, it's Christmas time again.
Today was my early/long day, and I'm pretty tired. Stayed up late last night doing homework for the class I've only messed up one assignment for (too bad it was a pretty important paper.... -_-). And this morning in film lab I had to direct a stupid live news show. Not my thing at all. But it's overwith, forever.
It was super cold today. Except for like right at 2:30, it was sorta hot. But then it got cold again. Right now I'm wearing my sweatshirt over my snazzy jacket. But our heater works, and we been using it well.
I keep being distracted while writing this. Right now it's Gray's, but I'm a little sad I live in a mod of girls, because I'd rather not have just missed the season premier of Scrubs. But it was funny, what I saw. Also wish I could watch 30 Rock. I should probably just buy one of them little black & white tvs. Hooray tv.
In some interesting for me news, I've been writing short stories about Ryan. And Ryan-related people. It's a lot of fun. Should be writing for my screenplay/play, though. I'll get around to 'em. But the semester's almost over, and that's exciting.
I've decided that I want to watch more shows with techno in the background. That'd be great. A whole show with original scored techno. Yeaaah, that sounds like a good idea.
Try this: when out and about, randomly point and shout: "Look at that (random thing) I'm hallucenating!!" I promise it's really fun.
Um, what else, what else. Happy Thursday! If I didn't say that yet. Oops, I'm reminded I was gonna do laundry today. Oh, it's fine, i'll do it tomorrow morning. no morning class, the other lab is doing news shoots. Don't have to go to chapel, either, 'cause I've got 5 absences left and only four chapels to miss. It's fun.
Ok, I'm leaving now. Hahahah.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy ThursgivingDay!
Because I know all of you are making sure to set aside time today to check this. So I took time out just for you!
Today I played my harmonica and helped cook and ate foods and baked a pie and now I'm watching Power Rangers Light Speed Rescue with the sound off.
And I'm at home!
It's colder here, and that's nice. But my sister is not here, stuck away at her farfar away school, and that's a little weird. But no complaints about how gross meat is. ;) My bed is great and humongous and close to the ground. My cactuses look like they could be doing better (except for Vicious, who's just fine, the jerk), and it's sad to not have Simba around. Oh, and I got a hair cut. Finally.
I am not thankful for Deal or No Deal Thanksgiving Update. I would much rather have the Office. Bah.
So now we're just sittin around, waiting for the pie to cool. Pumpkin. The only other sort of pie I've made besides apple. So, I'm branching out. What next!!? The possibilities are endless?!!!!
Started my screenplay last weekend, and I've about 10 good pages. It's a start. The play...well. Right now I really gotta worry more about the research paper that I should be...researching for. Eeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnng.
Yeah, I don't really have anything else to say. Power Rangers is pretty fun with the sound off. Just now, they got keypads! And Ryan escaped to ancient Egypt and met a snake monster. XD Hahahah, the keypads can shoot lazers, too.
Happy Thursday!
Today I played my harmonica and helped cook and ate foods and baked a pie and now I'm watching Power Rangers Light Speed Rescue with the sound off.
And I'm at home!
It's colder here, and that's nice. But my sister is not here, stuck away at her farfar away school, and that's a little weird. But no complaints about how gross meat is. ;) My bed is great and humongous and close to the ground. My cactuses look like they could be doing better (except for Vicious, who's just fine, the jerk), and it's sad to not have Simba around. Oh, and I got a hair cut. Finally.
I am not thankful for Deal or No Deal Thanksgiving Update. I would much rather have the Office. Bah.
So now we're just sittin around, waiting for the pie to cool. Pumpkin. The only other sort of pie I've made besides apple. So, I'm branching out. What next!!? The possibilities are endless?!!!!
Started my screenplay last weekend, and I've about 10 good pages. It's a start. The play...well. Right now I really gotta worry more about the research paper that I should be...researching for. Eeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnng.
Yeah, I don't really have anything else to say. Power Rangers is pretty fun with the sound off. Just now, they got keypads! And Ryan escaped to ancient Egypt and met a snake monster. XD Hahahah, the keypads can shoot lazers, too.
Happy Thursday!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
木曜日お目出度う! Mokuyoubi Omedetou! Can it mean anything but: Happy Thursday!
I am a little tired, a little hungry, a little sick. But I don't have anything else to do today but eat, watch the office, write for my play (which is starting to come together) and sleep. The exchange is that my busy day is tomorrow, which comes with much planning for work over the weekend, and trying to figure out this cinematography thing. But I think the pieces are falling into place--not just for this immediate weekend, but for all the work that stalked me in the night and just so suddenly pounced.
Research paper:
Go by library on way to dinner, grab the book they have, ask when the ordered books will be in. (today)
Start reading. (weekend)
Go get books when they come in -- read. (next week)
Write paper over Thanksgiving Break >< (next week)
Term Paper:
Get magazine ads over Break. (next week)
Read Chapter 11. (anytime)
Write paper after research paper is done. (window between 28th and 1st)
Write at anytime. (also more so after papers are done)
Write tonight, for as long as possible.
Write at anytime. (also more so after papers are done)
Psalms Project:
Shoot tomorrow, FINISH.
News Package:
Keep camera for weekend.
Shoot on Saturday.
Edit on Sunday/next week.
So really all that's overlapping is shooting and reading, and I'll just have to keep writing whenever I can.....and it'll all get done. But really, worrying about all this without seeing how it's going to work is probably why I'm sick. Blah.
I'm really ready for the break. I wanna go home and cook and eat and hang out and get a hair cut. Too bad I have to write a paper --or start it AT LEAST. But then it's only two more weeks to the end of the semester, and I will do NOTHING school/stress related during that time. Nothing.
Oh, thanks Mom, for the lovelies. That's buying me my ticket to Pride and Prejudice (play) on Saturday. (I'm seeing it with my bud who I'm doing the shooting with that all works out) The Subway monies I'm going to save and use strategically, because I still have $80 of "dining dollars." So basically I have to spend $5 at the Qwikimart everyday til school is out. So I'm covered lunch and dinner during the week, and I still have some stores to use on weekends.
I think I'm becoming better at planning.
Ok, I'm going to go write, because I'm really hungry, but I shouldn't get up and leave the house without even starting, y'know? 'Cause I'll find other things to do when I get back, and that won't do at all.
I am a little tired, a little hungry, a little sick. But I don't have anything else to do today but eat, watch the office, write for my play (which is starting to come together) and sleep. The exchange is that my busy day is tomorrow, which comes with much planning for work over the weekend, and trying to figure out this cinematography thing. But I think the pieces are falling into place--not just for this immediate weekend, but for all the work that stalked me in the night and just so suddenly pounced.
Research paper:
Go by library on way to dinner, grab the book they have, ask when the ordered books will be in. (today)
Start reading. (weekend)
Go get books when they come in -- read. (next week)
Write paper over Thanksgiving Break >< (next week)
Term Paper:
Get magazine ads over Break. (next week)
Read Chapter 11. (anytime)
Write paper after research paper is done. (window between 28th and 1st)
Write at anytime. (also more so after papers are done)
Write tonight, for as long as possible.
Write at anytime. (also more so after papers are done)
Psalms Project:
Shoot tomorrow, FINISH.
News Package:
Keep camera for weekend.
Shoot on Saturday.
Edit on Sunday/next week.
So really all that's overlapping is shooting and reading, and I'll just have to keep writing whenever I can.....and it'll all get done. But really, worrying about all this without seeing how it's going to work is probably why I'm sick. Blah.
I'm really ready for the break. I wanna go home and cook and eat and hang out and get a hair cut. Too bad I have to write a paper --or start it AT LEAST. But then it's only two more weeks to the end of the semester, and I will do NOTHING school/stress related during that time. Nothing.
Oh, thanks Mom, for the lovelies. That's buying me my ticket to Pride and Prejudice (play) on Saturday. (I'm seeing it with my bud who I'm doing the shooting with that all works out) The Subway monies I'm going to save and use strategically, because I still have $80 of "dining dollars." So basically I have to spend $5 at the Qwikimart everyday til school is out. So I'm covered lunch and dinner during the week, and I still have some stores to use on weekends.
I think I'm becoming better at planning.
Ok, I'm going to go write, because I'm really hungry, but I shouldn't get up and leave the house without even starting, y'know? 'Cause I'll find other things to do when I get back, and that won't do at all.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
That Thursday Thing Again
Yawn! I get outta class and it's practically night already!
Well, not quite, I got out of class at 4.
But it was certainly already evening.
But when I'm inside without easy access to a window, I loose track of time.
But Happy Thursday to you all! I trust it was a good one.
After this next project finishes, filming class will be about news production the rest of the semester. So in lab we've been running demos of what it's like to produce a "live" news show. That is, the graphics and sound and stuff are fed live with the anchors--not that it's being broadcast.
It's fun. It's probably the funnest thing we've done *in* class so far. It's like the Batman one of last week, but less "radio." Yesterday and today, me and Matt were the anchors (me! an anchor!!) and we had to read this horrible script over and over and over as everyone else got a chance to do sound/graphics/direct. But it was still fun. This morning I did sound and directing.....I really like sound, and I sorta really hate directing. I also ran the teleprompter, which was not as fun as it sounds. But at least we were doing something interesting, instead of listening to him ramble on about his grammatically-poor power points.
Got another grade sheet in Church History, and I was quite pleased to see all As down the list. ^^ AND. This mini-paper from a week or so ago, totally came back marked "Excellent analysis 40/40." THAT was a surprise. Now all I gotta do is read the books for the research paper, and study for the final (on top of my normal keeping-up-with-the-work activities) and I'll be good.
Really, I think I've been doing rather well in all the classes--with a few exceptions. But I haven't missed a class or assignment I could be looking at my first all-A semester since like 5th grade. I just need to write a movie and a play for writing class, and all will be well. ^^;;
(I only had a 10 minute conference about it with him today, instead of class)
And Japanese is going really well--I'm still picking it up crazy easy, even the stuff that's completely new (which isn't a lot). Tuesday's quiz came back 13/13, and I was able to answer inu wa doko ni imasuka? really quickly (mado no soto ni imasu) where others had to look up both the noun and the preposition they wanted. And I think my penmanship is improving, but only randomly. I mean, 4 outta 5 あ are sorta cruddy, but every once in a while there's one that's perfect.
(the other class is mass comm, and we did a great presentation on the Oprah magazine AND we've done extra credit AND my 12:30-in-the-library-paper definitely got an A)
And now it's night! I'm hungry, but this toothpick I'm chewing on doesn't really help much. Complaining about being hungry reminds me of Jennifer, who I've been talking to a lot lately because she went away to college and discovered the internet, and that reminds me of Planism which I have been discussing a lot recently all of a sudden. We've got a Facebook group for it, and someone the other day posted a link to a "CONVINCING CASE FOR SOCIALISM!" which was convicing up until the democratic part. And then right after, a vague acquaintance of mine joined up, so I've been having to explain myself to the both of them, so it's been up in my mind a lot.
I really like Planism, guys, and that's why I spent all last Thursday talking about it. And, when I was grabbing my Thursday clothes last night, I definitely called my shirt my "Planism shirt" on accident, because I meant "Thursday shirt." I think the national day of Planism should be Thursday. AND, if ever Thursday and Planism become inexplicably mixed, then you will all know that this was the start of that movement.
Happy Thursday!
Well, not quite, I got out of class at 4.
But it was certainly already evening.
But when I'm inside without easy access to a window, I loose track of time.
But Happy Thursday to you all! I trust it was a good one.
After this next project finishes, filming class will be about news production the rest of the semester. So in lab we've been running demos of what it's like to produce a "live" news show. That is, the graphics and sound and stuff are fed live with the anchors--not that it's being broadcast.
It's fun. It's probably the funnest thing we've done *in* class so far. It's like the Batman one of last week, but less "radio." Yesterday and today, me and Matt were the anchors (me! an anchor!!) and we had to read this horrible script over and over and over as everyone else got a chance to do sound/graphics/direct. But it was still fun. This morning I did sound and directing.....I really like sound, and I sorta really hate directing. I also ran the teleprompter, which was not as fun as it sounds. But at least we were doing something interesting, instead of listening to him ramble on about his grammatically-poor power points.
Got another grade sheet in Church History, and I was quite pleased to see all As down the list. ^^ AND. This mini-paper from a week or so ago, totally came back marked "Excellent analysis 40/40." THAT was a surprise. Now all I gotta do is read the books for the research paper, and study for the final (on top of my normal keeping-up-with-the-work activities) and I'll be good.
Really, I think I've been doing rather well in all the classes--with a few exceptions. But I haven't missed a class or assignment I could be looking at my first all-A semester since like 5th grade. I just need to write a movie and a play for writing class, and all will be well. ^^;;
(I only had a 10 minute conference about it with him today, instead of class)
And Japanese is going really well--I'm still picking it up crazy easy, even the stuff that's completely new (which isn't a lot). Tuesday's quiz came back 13/13, and I was able to answer inu wa doko ni imasuka? really quickly (mado no soto ni imasu) where others had to look up both the noun and the preposition they wanted. And I think my penmanship is improving, but only randomly. I mean, 4 outta 5 あ are sorta cruddy, but every once in a while there's one that's perfect.
(the other class is mass comm, and we did a great presentation on the Oprah magazine AND we've done extra credit AND my 12:30-in-the-library-paper definitely got an A)
And now it's night! I'm hungry, but this toothpick I'm chewing on doesn't really help much. Complaining about being hungry reminds me of Jennifer, who I've been talking to a lot lately because she went away to college and discovered the internet, and that reminds me of Planism which I have been discussing a lot recently all of a sudden. We've got a Facebook group for it, and someone the other day posted a link to a "CONVINCING CASE FOR SOCIALISM!" which was convicing up until the democratic part. And then right after, a vague acquaintance of mine joined up, so I've been having to explain myself to the both of them, so it's been up in my mind a lot.
I really like Planism, guys, and that's why I spent all last Thursday talking about it. And, when I was grabbing my Thursday clothes last night, I definitely called my shirt my "Planism shirt" on accident, because I meant "Thursday shirt." I think the national day of Planism should be Thursday. AND, if ever Thursday and Planism become inexplicably mixed, then you will all know that this was the start of that movement.
Happy Thursday!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Happy Planist Thursday!
It's the second of the month, and it occurs to me that even while 2 is my favorite number, it does not have a specific significance within the realm of Thursday. Coincidentally, today is the planned unveiling of the new Planism logo. Planism, Thursday, and 2, three of my favorite things. So: Happy Planist Thursday! Here's to many more~
You all know the old red-blue-and-yellow star-in-a-box symbol from the good ol' days, right? I have it on my computer and my laptop bag and my cdplayer and my phone. And I've drawn in on other things I want to mark as mine. Maybe I drew it on you once. In any case, this is what it looks like:
Here's what it means: The red border to represent the framework of communist thought surrounds the blue liberty. And the yellow star of Planism holds it all together. The star itself is a tribute to communism as well as a slight on America (whose stars are white). And together, the primary colors represent the basics that work.
And while Planism hasn't changed (although in theory is should be growing), it's time for that symbol to change. To become better. Thus, through thought and inspiration, I have come to this. Behold! The new face of Planism!

How do you like? The colors have the same meanings, but the shapes mean more. The most important part is the change from star to triangle as the basic shape of Planism. Why triangle? Well, my first response is Why star? The star was just an homage to communism, which is kinda redundant with the red border. But the triangle is the most solid shape, in terms of structure and physics and stuff. It's also my favorite shape!
Also, consider this. Fact: the human hand has three triangles. Fact: yellow is invisible. Therefore, if the triangles are yellow, then that's why you can't see them.
trapezoids are my second favorite shape, since I wrote that haiku about them. Since then, my fondness for them has grown because I realized they were just squares who were striving to become more triangle-like. That's a noble goal, let me tell you. So the shape of the logo's border has changed from square to trapezoid, to represent the transformation of communism towards Planism. Also, it's a break in convention, which we all appreciate, if you consider that our logo is supposed to also be what we display on flags. I've never seen a trapezoidal flag, have you? The square was a step in that direction, but now we've gone a step farther. Also, there was this minor inconvenience where the US army uses a star inside a bordered box as their logo. Now, all confusion has been cleared.
Talking about use, in the commune these will be worn as badges. As of now, they're just stickers, you know. Work is still being done on advanced designs, to designate rank. So far, they're taller and the triangles are snazzier, but instead of perfecting them, I decided to do homework.
So, in real-world news, I should be looking up stuff about Oprah and finishing the website for our presentation. Ew. I also need to scan some stuff from her magazine. Then I need to write a write-up about our last filming project.
OH. This morning in lab we messed around with "live" production--switching video and audio while the action is running, like a news show. But it was just Batman telling Robin not to fall for Poison Ivy, and then she tries to break into the BatCave. I ran the switcher, following the director's....directions....bringing which camera or graphic up onto the screen which in practice would go to tape or to air. Then I ran the audio board, bringing in the talents' mics when needed, and fading in and down and up and out the music when needed. And then I taught my friends how to do it! It was actually one of the better labs in a while, because we got to do something. When we first walked into the secret control room, all the equipment and monitors and wires and buttons and dials and sliders and lights looked incredibly daunting, but it was a good introduction.
Well, I'd best be off to working, and probably also eating. Lost next week had better be better than this week, and I'm still looking forward to the Office. Yayayayayayan.
It's the second of the month, and it occurs to me that even while 2 is my favorite number, it does not have a specific significance within the realm of Thursday. Coincidentally, today is the planned unveiling of the new Planism logo. Planism, Thursday, and 2, three of my favorite things. So: Happy Planist Thursday! Here's to many more~
You all know the old red-blue-and-yellow star-in-a-box symbol from the good ol' days, right? I have it on my computer and my laptop bag and my cdplayer and my phone. And I've drawn in on other things I want to mark as mine. Maybe I drew it on you once. In any case, this is what it looks like:

Here's what it means: The red border to represent the framework of communist thought surrounds the blue liberty. And the yellow star of Planism holds it all together. The star itself is a tribute to communism as well as a slight on America (whose stars are white). And together, the primary colors represent the basics that work.
And while Planism hasn't changed (although in theory is should be growing), it's time for that symbol to change. To become better. Thus, through thought and inspiration, I have come to this. Behold! The new face of Planism!

How do you like? The colors have the same meanings, but the shapes mean more. The most important part is the change from star to triangle as the basic shape of Planism. Why triangle? Well, my first response is Why star? The star was just an homage to communism, which is kinda redundant with the red border. But the triangle is the most solid shape, in terms of structure and physics and stuff. It's also my favorite shape!
Also, consider this. Fact: the human hand has three triangles. Fact: yellow is invisible. Therefore, if the triangles are yellow, then that's why you can't see them.
trapezoids are my second favorite shape, since I wrote that haiku about them. Since then, my fondness for them has grown because I realized they were just squares who were striving to become more triangle-like. That's a noble goal, let me tell you. So the shape of the logo's border has changed from square to trapezoid, to represent the transformation of communism towards Planism. Also, it's a break in convention, which we all appreciate, if you consider that our logo is supposed to also be what we display on flags. I've never seen a trapezoidal flag, have you? The square was a step in that direction, but now we've gone a step farther. Also, there was this minor inconvenience where the US army uses a star inside a bordered box as their logo. Now, all confusion has been cleared.
Talking about use, in the commune these will be worn as badges. As of now, they're just stickers, you know. Work is still being done on advanced designs, to designate rank. So far, they're taller and the triangles are snazzier, but instead of perfecting them, I decided to do homework.
So, in real-world news, I should be looking up stuff about Oprah and finishing the website for our presentation. Ew. I also need to scan some stuff from her magazine. Then I need to write a write-up about our last filming project.
OH. This morning in lab we messed around with "live" production--switching video and audio while the action is running, like a news show. But it was just Batman telling Robin not to fall for Poison Ivy, and then she tries to break into the BatCave. I ran the switcher, following the director's....directions....bringing which camera or graphic up onto the screen which in practice would go to tape or to air. Then I ran the audio board, bringing in the talents' mics when needed, and fading in and down and up and out the music when needed. And then I taught my friends how to do it! It was actually one of the better labs in a while, because we got to do something. When we first walked into the secret control room, all the equipment and monitors and wires and buttons and dials and sliders and lights looked incredibly daunting, but it was a good introduction.
Well, I'd best be off to working, and probably also eating. Lost next week had better be better than this week, and I'm still looking forward to the Office. Yayayayayayan.
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