Thursday, November 16, 2006


木曜日お目出度う! Mokuyoubi Omedetou! Can it mean anything but: Happy Thursday!

I am a little tired, a little hungry, a little sick. But I don't have anything else to do today but eat, watch the office, write for my play (which is starting to come together) and sleep. The exchange is that my busy day is tomorrow, which comes with much planning for work over the weekend, and trying to figure out this cinematography thing. But I think the pieces are falling into place--not just for this immediate weekend, but for all the work that stalked me in the night and just so suddenly pounced.

Research paper:
Go by library on way to dinner, grab the book they have, ask when the ordered books will be in. (today)
Start reading. (weekend)
Go get books when they come in -- read. (next week)
Write paper over Thanksgiving Break >< (next week)

Term Paper:
Get magazine ads over Break. (next week)
Read Chapter 11. (anytime)
Write paper after research paper is done. (window between 28th and 1st)

Write at anytime. (also more so after papers are done)

Write tonight, for as long as possible.
Write at anytime. (also more so after papers are done)

Psalms Project:
Shoot tomorrow, FINISH.

News Package:
Keep camera for weekend.
Shoot on Saturday.
Edit on Sunday/next week.

So really all that's overlapping is shooting and reading, and I'll just have to keep writing whenever I can.....and it'll all get done. But really, worrying about all this without seeing how it's going to work is probably why I'm sick. Blah.

I'm really ready for the break. I wanna go home and cook and eat and hang out and get a hair cut. Too bad I have to write a paper --or start it AT LEAST. But then it's only two more weeks to the end of the semester, and I will do NOTHING school/stress related during that time. Nothing.

Oh, thanks Mom, for the lovelies. That's buying me my ticket to Pride and Prejudice (play) on Saturday. (I'm seeing it with my bud who I'm doing the shooting with that all works out) The Subway monies I'm going to save and use strategically, because I still have $80 of "dining dollars." So basically I have to spend $5 at the Qwikimart everyday til school is out. So I'm covered lunch and dinner during the week, and I still have some stores to use on weekends.

I think I'm becoming better at planning.

Ok, I'm going to go write, because I'm really hungry, but I shouldn't get up and leave the house without even starting, y'know? 'Cause I'll find other things to do when I get back, and that won't do at all.


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